Chapter 2

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Ashlyn followed Amy to where the bunks were. Amy pointed out the last two bunks. "Those are ours since were the only girls here. This one is yours," she said pointing to the one on the left. Ashlyn smiled.

"That was my dad's bunk when he worked here!" she said excited.

"Really? That's cool. By the way, wear shorts at night. Just trust me on that. Anyways, I have a question for you. What made you want to become a paramedic?" Amy asked in all seriousness.

"Well, I know that twenty years ago, my mom came here with the same reason as me. She wanted to help people and show others that she can go the distance. She did. I guess I wanted to do the same," Ashlyn said with a smile.

"I think you'll be able to go the distance," Amy smiled.

"Station 51. Plane crash..."

"Here we go again," Amy laughed and ran with Ashlyn to the trucks.
"Sir, can you hear me?" Ashlyn asked once they got to the plane.

" leg hurts. Please help my grandson," he said in almost a whisper.

"Okay. We're going to help you and your grandson. How are you feeling?"

"Awful. My chest hurts," he said rubbing his chest. Ashlyn looked over at Nathan with worry. Nathan saw her worried face and came to help get him out.

"Okay, sir, you're going to be in just a little pain, but we're going to get you out. Okay? Ready. 1...2...3," Ashlyn said lifting the man up onto the backboard. Once they moved him out, they went straight to work.

"Ashlyn, he's gone into v-fib. Get the defibrillator!" Nathan yelled as Ashlyn hurried to the squad. Once she got back, she put the paddles where they were supposed to go, squirted the gel on the paddles, then zapped him twice with no conversion. Ashlyn started CPR until the man was in sinus rhythm. Taking a deep breath, Ashlyn relaxed for a second then went to help the boy.
"Don't you sit there and tell me that she has too much pride or that she can't do her job. She just did ten minutes of straight CPR without a break. Then, when she gets a break, she just takes a breath and moves on to the boy. That's pretty big for a boot if you ask me," Nathan said once they got back and was alone with Adam in his office.

"Nathan, I know you two have a little bit of history, but I still don't know about her. I'm sure another station would be happy to accept her," Adam started.

"No! She wanted to work here just like her parents! Finally, she reaches that dream and you want to throw it out because you want your girlfriend to be the only girl here!" Nathan yelled starting to get ticked. Adam slammed his hand down on his desk.

"Now, listen here! I'm the captain! I know what's best! If I say she's not good, she's not good! Life isn't always fair!" Adam screamed back. Nathan's eyes widened and pointed at the door where Ashlyn stood. Tears were running down her cheeks. "Ashlyn!" Adam gasped.

"I'll show you what I can do. I know I can go the distance. All I want to do is help people. That's it," Ashlyn said then turned and ran to the bunks crying. She laid on her bed and cried for awhile then finally calmed down. After awhile, Amy came in to check on her.

"Ashlyn, I heard everything. I honestly didn't know," she said sitting down on her own bunk. Her face was full of worry.

"It's okay. By the end of this week, he'll regret saying it. They all will," Ashlyn said balling her fist up.

"I do have to say, Nathan must have taken a big liking to you if he's stood up for you like that," Amy laughed causing Ashlyn to laugh. Ashlyn dried her eyes as the tones went off for the squad. She ran to the squad and got in and sat down. It was going to be a long night.
"Adam, why did you say stuff like that about Ashlyn? I personally think she could be one of the top firefighters. She did finish top in her class," Amy said after the squad left.

"Oh not you too. Look, I'll give her a week. If she changes my mind in that time frame, I'll drop the whole subject. If not, she's going to 10s. That's the end of it. I already got the lecture from Nathan," he said sitting on the couch.

"That's just it! Nathan stood up for her. How many times do you see him do that except if he knows the person can do it?" Amy asked trying to keep the subject going so Adam would change his mind.

"Amy, let's drop it for now and eat some chow," he said picking up a plate.

"Grouchy," Amy said under her breath then grabbed a plate for herself. The squad returned a few minutes later. "That was a quick run. What happened?"

"Two kids thinking it would be funny to prank us," Ashlyn said taking off her jacket.

"That explains why you're faces are covered in pie," Amy said laughing with everyone else joining her. Ashlyn chuckled then grabbed a paper towel and wiped her face off then sat at the table.
"Wait! You mean to tell me that your dad was the Galloping Greyhound?" Michael asked laughing along with everyone else.

"Yeah, but don't call him that because he'll get mad. Trust me. I know," Ashlyn chuckled.

"You must of had a lot of fun around here when you were younger," Nathan said still laughing.

"I did. I remember when Captain Stanley gave me a Station 51 helmet. I never had that thing out of my sight. He gave it to me because ever since I was born, they would all call me Little Boot," Ashlyn chuckled.

"Do you still have it?" Amy asked with curiosity. Ashlyn nodded.

"It's out in my truck. Let me go get it," she said heading out to the back. She grabbed the helmet and brought it in showing everyone.

"I guess you took the term 'born to be' to a whole new level," Travis said laughing. All of a sudden, the tones went off and all of the men and women were headed out again.

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