Chapter 11

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Nathan took Ashlyn and Daisy by their house. He had to think of some excuse so he could have Ashlyn to stay with him until five o'clock. Then it came to him. "Hey, Daisy. I was wondering if you would like for me and Ashlyn to go to the store to get stuff for the party tomorrow," he said.

"That would be great if you could. I'll go on in and clean the house," Daisy said cheerfully. Once they reached the house, Nathan let Daisy out then headed to the store.

"Thanks for covering for me back there," Ashlyn said. Nathan smiled.

"You're welcome." Five o'clock came around quickly. Ashlyn got out of the comfort of Nathan's car and walked to the alley. Nathan stayed in the car and kept Ashlyn in his view. Ashlyn stood in the alley alone for a few minutes before a car showed up.

"I see you made it," a guy said, getting out of the car.

"Yeah. Now, what's your name, and what do you want with me?" Ashlyn asked with her demanding voice. The man just laughed.

"Always so demanding. You've been that way since high school. Well, since you're all to excited to find out who I am. My name is Mason Long. The son of Jason Long," Mason said.

"Okay, Mason. What do you want?" Ashlyn pressed.

"I want you," he said, grabbing Ashlyn, "Kiss me."

"Didn't you learn from your father when he tried this on my mom?" Ashlyn said smart alecy. Mason grabbed Ashlyn's throat and started to choke her.

"You will be disciplined for your actions," he said as squeezed her neck really hard and slammed his lips against hers. Ashlyn tried to scream but couldn't because he was blocking her airway. Ashlyn's sight was going dark until she felt the pressure release. She fell to the ground coughing. She looked back to see Nathan wrestling with Mason on the ground. Mason had a knife in his hand and was trying to stab Nathan. Ashlyn tried to pull Mason off of Nathan but was pushed back.

The owner of the general store heard the commotion and called the police. The police showed up in a matter of minutes from the call. Jennifer jumped out of the driver side of the patrol car and ran to Ashlyn. Her partner broke up the fight. Jennifer pulled Ashlyn off to the side and questioned her. "What happened?" Ashlyn explained then showed her the bruises from where Mason choked her. "Okay. Let me go talk to your friend."

Nathan explained everything he saw to Jennifer. Jennifer nodded then went to talk to her partner. "What are their stories?" her partner asked. Jennifer told him everything Ashlyn told her. "Funny. He said that the girl demanded the kiss and choked him."

"Bring him over here to Ashlyn," Jennifer commanded. Her partner did as he was told and escorted Mason. "Look at his neck. No bruises or marks. Look at Ashlyn's neck. She has several bruises and hand marks. Who do you think is telling the truth?" Jennifer asked her rookie partner.


"Right," Jennifer praised, "You're under arrest, Long. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney during questioning. If you so desire an attorney and can't afford one, an attorney will be appointed to you before questioning. Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to give up the right to remain silent?"

"I understand them, Pig. No, I don't want to give up my right to remain silent," Mason said hatefully. Jennifer's partner put him in the patrol car. Ashlyn ran to Jennifer and cried into her shoulder. Nathan stood awkwardly to the side.

"Let me get a back up unit to take him, and I'll drop you off at home. I'm sure Daisy is worried sick about you!" Jennifer exclaimed.

"Oh Lord! I didn't think about mom. She's going to go on an outrage," Ashlyn said sobbing. She started hyperventilating. Jennifer helped her sit on the ground. Nathan ran to the rescue.

"Ashlyn, you need to calm down or you're going to hyperventilate," Nathan said, trying to get her to calm back down, "Do you think you could get a glass of water or a paper bag from the store owner?"

"Yeah," Jennifer said. She ran inside to get the needed items.

"Ashlyn, calm down. Daisy isn't going to go on an outrage. I need you to calm down or you're going to get sick." Jennifer came back with a glass of water. "Here. Drink this. It'll help you calm down." Ashlyn drank the water and dried her tears. Nathan helped her to her feet and walked her to the car. "You stay here while I go get the stuff for the party tomorrow." Ashlyn nodded. Jennifer stayed with her until Nathan got back, and then she left.

"What is mom going to do?" Ashlyn asked through soft tears.

"I don't think it'll be anything bad," Nathan said as he drove the way to her house. 'I'm more worried about what the guys back at the station are going to do.'
Once they got home, Daisy charged outside and grabbed Nathan into a hug. "What's going on, mom?" Ashlyn asked.

"Jennifer called me and told me about what happened. I want to thank you, Nathan, for saving Ashlyn," Daisy said.

"It was no problem," Nathan said with his smile. Daisy grabbed the bags from him and went inside. Nathan leaned over into Ashlyn's ear and whispered, "I told you she wouldn't go on an outrage." Ashlyn laughed at his remark then went inside to help her mother.

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