Chapter 14

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"Ashlyn, there are a couple of children that are stuck between these seats. You're the smallest one out of all of us," Adam informed Ashlyn. Ashlyn nodded and headed to where he was talking about. The plane crash was in a very bad shape. The pilots of the plane were drunk and flew the plane directly into a car that had a family traveling on vacation. The pilots of the plane died on impact. The children that were in the car were trapped in the twisted metal and were loosing blood fast.

Ashlyn popped her head through a hole in the door of the car to see where the kids were at. "Cap, they're stuck in there pretty tight. I can't guarantee if I go in there if I will be able to come back out. I can try though," Ashlyn explained.

"Do what you think is best. Just don't do anything that will get me in trouble with your boyfriend," Adam joked. Ashlyn cracked a smile then ran to the squad to get some gear before heading back to the car. Nathan grabbed Ashlyn's arm before she could crawl through the hole.

"Yes?" Ashlyn asked impatiently.

"Don't get yourself killed. Please? You've kind of grown on me."

"Yes, sir," Ashlyn joked with a fake salute. She carefully crawled into the car. A little boy and girl were in the backseat of the car hugging each other. The boy was unconscious. "Hi, sweetie," Ashlyn cooed the little girl, "I'm going to help you get out of here. Okay?" She nodded in reply. "What's your name?"

"Delilah," she replied shyly.

"Delilah? That's a beautiful name. My name is Ashlyn. Have you ever worn a firefighter helmet?" Ashlyn asked while she worked on cutting the seat belts. Delilah shook her head from side to side. Ashlyn smiled and took her helmet off and plopped it on Delilah's head. Delilah's face lit up with excitement. She smiled brightly at Ashlyn who returned the smile.

"What are the injuries?" Nathan's voice asked with anxiousness.

"We've got a male and female. Male is about 8 years old. The female is about 6 years old. The male is unconscious. Looks like he has a deep gash on his forehead. His right arm seems to be broken. The female seems to be okay except for some minor cuts on her arms and legs and a little bit in shock," Ashlyn replied while Nathan relayed it back to Rampart.

"Gage, go ahead and send the boy out since he's in a worse condition," Adam commanded.

"Alright, Cap," Ashlyn said as she reached for the boy, "Here he comes." Ashlyn passed him through the hole, making sure to keep his back straight. Amy held the boy in her arms and ran to lay him down in the grass across the road. Ashlyn moved her attention back to Delilah. She reached for her and held the crying Delilah close to her. "Here comes the girl," Ashlyn warned. The sound of tires squealing stopped her from moving Delilah.

Ashlyn heard Adam's frantic voice yell, "Everyone, get out of the way!" She had a questioned look that was wiped off when she felt like something hit the car she was in. She shielded Delilah as the car started tumbling. The world was spinning as she held Delilah close to make sure she would make it out okay. Once the world stopped spinning, she could hear the cries of Delilah's parents and the frantic yells of her coworkers. Nothing seemed to be broken or badly injured. Ashlyn's helmet protected Delilah's head from getting any damage.

"Ashlyn! Can you hear me?" Amy's muffled voice held concern and shock along with fear.

"Yeah! I can hear you!" Ashlyn yelled back.

"Thank the Lord!" Amy praised, "Ashlyn, Nathan is on his way! They're going to have to cut the car open! Are you two okay?"

"The girl has cuts and scratches! She's fine other than being shaken up!" Ashlyn looked down to see Delilah crying uncontrollably. "Shhh. It's going to be okay. They're going to get us out in just a few minutes. I promise you. Is everything okay? Do you hurt anywhere?"

"My arm hurts," Delilah whimpered. Ashlyn carefully examined her arm.

"It looks like you've been cut on your arm from glass. As soon as we get out of here, I'll patch it up, okay?" Ashlyn asked as she looked the little girl in the eye. Delilah nodded and curled up. "Come here, sweetie. I'll keep you safe," Ashlyn whispered as she rocked Delilah softly. Delilah fell asleep in Ashlyn's arms. The sound of the K-12 sounded throughout the smashed car. Delilah stirred in her sleep. Ashlyn kept on rocking her until she was back to sleep once again. The K-12 cut off along with sounds of glass being shattered.

"Ashlyn, I'm coming in!" Nathan yelled. Ashlyn positioned herself between the two middle seats of the van.

"Get the girl. Be careful with her arm. There's a pretty deep cut that will need stitches. She's asleep right now, and I kind of want to keep it that way when I stitch her up," Ashlyn said above a whisper. Nathan nodded and picked Delilah up. He carried her out of the car and laid her gently on the grass. Ashlyn straightened her leg and kicked with her other leg to get herself out. When she stood up, she about fell from pain in her right leg. She limped her way over to Delilah then sat down next to the sleeping girl. Adam was holding back her crying parents. Ashlyn grabbed the medicine to give Delilah so her arm would numb.

"Delilah, I'm going to give you a shot so your arm will go numb. I'm going to have to stitch up your arm, okay?" Ashlyn asked when she saw Delilah waking up. Delilah nodded and grabbed Ashlyn's free hand. She squeezed Ashlyn's hand while the needle entered her skin. Once the medicine had been administered, Ashlyn started to stitch up the cut. "I'm all finished," Ashlyn said with a smile. Delilah smiled back and hugged Ashlyn.

Once Delilah looked up and saw her parents, she was off the ground and hugging them. Ashlyn laughed as she tried to stand up again, only to fall flat on her face. She pulled up her pant leg to reveal a deep gash. She cussed under her breath. Nathan looked her way and was about to shoot her a joke when he saw the gash. He grabbed the shot Ashlyn used on Delilah and all the stuff for stitches. "You've got to be kidding me!" Ashlyn whined.

"Sorry, Princess, but you got to get this stitched up before you bleed out," Nathan said as he situated everything out on a mat.

"I'd rather bleed out," Ashlyn muttered.

"No can do," Nathan said with an amused look.

"I hate needles," Ashlyn whined.

"You can hold my hand if you want to," Nathan said with a smirk.

"I'm wondering if you're just doing this just to have a reason to see me freak out," Ashlyn said as she narrowed her eyes. Nathan laughed and grabbed her hand. She squeezed it tightly as he injected the medicine.

"Girl! You have some muscles! I think you broke my hand!" Nathan joked after he stitched Ashlyn's leg. Ashlyn glared at him then helped him put Delilah's brother in the ambulance. "Wait until Dix hears about this," Nathan teased.
A/N: Funny story...I actually wrote this chapter two days after I had my leg stitched up, which was back in December. I was basically Ashlyn. 😂 Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Vote, comment, read my other books.....

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