Chapter 9

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A/N: From this chapter on goes along with friends121914's book, Live Forever. Thank you.
A few weeks passed. Ashlyn healed pretty quick. Her wound turned to a scar that was three inches long and an inch wide. Ashlyn returned to work a few days after she was released from Rampart. Nathan was extra cautious with everything she did.

One day, the station was called out to a very bad car wreck. Ashlyn and Nathan worked hard and quickly to get the women out of the crushed cars. One of the women was hurt badly and was losing blood by the second. "I'll take care of her while you get the other lady out," Ashlyn said as she started to get to work on the woman laying in front of her. Ashlyn grabbed the bio phone. "Rampart, this is Squad 51. How do you read me?"

"Squad 51, this is Rampart Emergency. We read you loud and clear," Dr. Early replied.

"Rampart, we have three victims. Our first victim is a female. Approximate age is 21. The victim was involved in a car accident. The victim's side of the car was hit. Victim is unconscious and has lost a lot of blood before our arrival. BP is 120/80. Pulse is 80. Respiration is 20. Right eye is dilated. Rampart, we request an IV," Ashlyn said calmly.

"Squad 51, administer an IV D5W TKO. Transport victim as soon as possible."

"IV D5W TKO. 10-4, Rampart," Ashlyn replied back. She handed the bio phone to Nathan before putting the IV into the woman's arm. "Bring the gurney over here," Ashlyn commanded once the ambulance arrived. Nathan helped Ashlyn lift the woman and lay her on the gurney then put her in the ambulance. "I'll ride with the patients," Ashlyn said before getting in. Nathan nodded.

"Okay. Be safe. Don't get yourself shot again," he flirted. Ashlyn just smiled and shook her head.
At Rampart, Ashlyn stood at the nurse's desk to wait on Nathan. He was trying to get rid of a nurse that was flirting with him. He wasn't fond of her and hated staying at the hospital for more than five minutes because of her. Ashlyn talked to Dixie and laughed when she saw the "Please Help Me" look Nathan was giving her. She shook her head then walked over to her partner to lend him a hand.

"Hey, Nathan. Cap just called. He wants us to get back so we can start on the drills," she lied.

"Okay. Well, I better get going, Victoria," Nathan said. Victoria frowned, kissed Nathan on the cheek, and then went back to work. Ashlyn held back the laughter. "Thanks, Boot, but if you tell anyone at the station that she kissed me, I'll deny it."

"Yes, sir," Ashlyn said with the laughter escaping. The rest of the day went by fast. Nighttime snuck up on the station. Ashlyn and Amy went to change into their shorts.

"What did the nurse do?" Amy asked Ashlyn.

"After I told her we had to go, she kissed him on the cheek. Don't tell him you know or he'll deny it," Ashlyn laughed. Amy laughed along with her.

"So what are you going to do on your days off?" Amy asked after she stopped laughing long enough.

"I don't know yet. Probably hang out with my mom and brother. I think my dad has to work."

"Where does he work at?"

"He's actually the captain at 27s," Ashlyn said with a chuckle.

"That reminds me. I don't know how it did, but how is it going with Nathan?" Amy asked with a smile growing.

"We're just partners. I told you," Ashlyn said.

"Sure. That's why you two flirt with each other up a storm."

"You can tell?" Ashlyn asked shyly.

"The whole station can. Adam, Travis, and Michael are placing bets on how long it'll be before you two kiss," Amy said with a laugh.

"Really? It's that noticeable?" Ashlyn asked, scratching the back of her neck.

"What's that noticeable?" Nathan asked, walking in on the conversation.

"Oh. Ashlyn and I were talking about her scar. She was asking if I could see it," Amy lied. A dirty smirk grew on her face. "I couldn't tell. What do you say?" Ashlyn's face went red with embarrassment.

"Let me see it," Nathan said. Ashlyn lifted her shirt up, exposing the scar. "It's not that bad."

"Thanks," Ashlyn squeaked out. Nathan smiled, seeing the shyness in Ashlyn. He walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen to ask for advice from Adam.
Ashlyn tried to start her truck the next day but couldn't get it to start. The battery was dead in it. Adam and Nathan were outside talking when Ashlyn's truck died. "What's going on, Gage?" Adam asked from across the lot.

"My truck is dead. I guess I'm taking the bus," Ashlyn said as she scavenged through her purse for some change.

"I'm not letting you ride a bus when you were shot by some random guy just a few weeks ago. Come on. You can ride with me," Nathan spoke up.

"Thank you. I'll go on and get in the car," Ashlyn said, heading toward Nathan's car. Adam had a smirk on his face when Nathan turned back around.

"What?" Nathan asked, confused.

"I'm moving my bet to within the next few days that you two will be kissing," Adam said with the smirk growing.

"No. We're just partners. Besides, she's not interested," Nathan said sadly.

"Bologna. She's been flirting with you since she was assigned here!"

"Whatever you say, Cap. I better take her on home before her family decides to kill me for 'abducting' her. I especially don't want her dad after me," Nathan joked. Adam shook his head at him.

"Don't kiss her on your way there!" Adam yelled. Nathan just ignored him and got in the car.

The car ride to Ashlyn's house was long and awkward. Once they reached her house, Daisy was outside in tears. Ashlyn jumped out of the car even though it was still moving. Nathan swerved, slammed the car into park, and then joined Ashlyn. "Mom, what's wrong?" she asked frantically.

"Remember when I told you I never knew who my real parents were?" Daisy asked once she was calm.

"Yeah. Somebody thought it Aunt Joanne was your sister. Why?" Ashlyn asked confused.

"I found my real sister a few years ago. I just got a call from her yesterday," Daisy started, "She and her daughter were in a car wreck yesterday. Her daughter, Lea, was in a coma when she called. I haven't heard anything else from her." Ashlyn relaxed a little. Her mother worried too much.

"Mom, I'm sure Lea is okay. If you want to, we can go by the hospital for a little while to check up on them," Ashlyn said calmly.

"Okay," Daisy said as she dried her tears.

"I can take you two in my car if you need me to," Nathan piped in. Daisy smiled.

"Sure," Daisy said before Ashlyn could say anything. Ashlyn gave her mother the "What the heck" look. Daisy just gave a dirty smirk then walked with Nathan to his car.

A Girl On Her Own (Emergency! Fanfiction) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now