Chapter 15

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"What happened?" Dixie asked when she saw Ashlyn limping, "Your mother is going to panic if I don't call her." Ashlyn and Nathan looked at each other then back at their panicking friend and laughed.

"Dix, I'm okay. Don't start freaking out on me. I'm not dead!" Ashlyn said with a smile.

"No, but you did sound like you were dying when I gave you that shot," Nathan teased.

"Shut up," Ashlyn mumbled as she walked over to talk to Dixie.

"Let me guess. She was crying because she had to get a shot, and she said that she'd rather bleed out than get the shot," Dixie said as she flipped through papers on her desk.

"How'd you know?" Nathan asked shocked.

"She's just like her father when it comes to needles. They're both very skittish," Dixie said with a laugh. Nathan joined her laughter while Ashlyn rolled her eyes.

"Plus, she had to stitch my chin when I was two. It hurt then too!" Ashlyn exclaimed. Dixie chuckled.

"Let's make sure that's all that was wrong with you," Dixie said as she led Ashlyn into an exam room, "Sit down on the table and pull your pant leg up." Dixie grabbed Ashlyn's leg and looked over to make sure everything was okay. "Everything seems to be okay," Dixie said as she dropped Ashlyn's leg back down.

"Great. Now to explain this to mom," Ashlyn grumbled.
"Mom, I promise I'm okay. It was just a little cut that needed stitches," Ashlyn tried to explain. She was on the phone with her mother trying to explain the cut on her leg. "I love you too. I'll call you again tonight. Okay. Bye."

"Did she panic on you?" Nathan asked as he walked in the kitchen where Ashlyn just got off the phone.

"Just a little. She's been that way since I was shot," Ashlyn said as she shook her head. She jumped off the counter and walked over to her boyfriend. "She can drive me crazy!"

"I'm sure she's just worried about your well-being. I mean she just found out that her best friend's ex boyfriend's son was after her daughter. I would be a little jumpy too if that happened to my daughter," Nathan stated matter of factly.

"I guess you are right. It's really not her fault. Mason is just insane," Ashlyn said as she stepped closer to Nathan.

"Alright, lovebirds, break it up!" Adam yelled as he walked into the kitchen. Amy walked in behind him along with the rest of the crew.

"I can't wait for a day off," Ashlyn whined.

"We just came back from our days off. Heck, we still have four days before we have our long weekend!" Nathan exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I'm in need of a day off. I'm exhausted," Ashlyn said playfully as she let out fake snores.

"Yo, Whiny!" Amy called.

"Yeah?" Ashlyn replied.

"When's supper? I'm hungry!"

"Just a few minutes," Ashlyn said as she hugged Nathan.

"Well, hurry!" Amy whined.

"And you say I'm whiny," Ashlyn grumbled as she headed toward the fridge to get things out to fix. Before she could start anything, the tones went off once again causing Ashlyn and Amy to groan.

"Station 51, Squad 49, Battalion 8, structure fire. 2130 Alameda Street. 2-1-3-0 Alameda Street. Cross street Byington. Time out 16:42," the dispatcher's voice rang out through the station.

"Station 51, KMG 365," Adam said into the microphone before running to jump into the rig. Nathan pulled the squad out of the bay first with Travis following after in the Engine. The station pulled up to the burning apartment building just as the other engines and squad showed up. "Gage, you and Tanner head on inside and check for trapped victims. Squad 49 will stay out here and take care of these victims. The rest of you, grab a hose and get to work," Adam commanded. Ashlyn and Nathan geared up quickly before heading into the raging beast.

"Fire Department! Can anybody hear me?" Ashlyn yelled. She listened closely and heard the faintest cry for help. She followed the cry and wound up at an emergency staircase. She kicked the door in and looked over the rail. "Fire department!"

"Over here!" a boy yelled. Ashlyn looked down to see a boy hanging off the ledge. "Please help me!" Ashlyn started to run to the boy but fell when the ground started to shake. Ashlyn watched as the boy lost his grip on the railing. She tried to launch herself toward the boy to grab his hand, but she was a half a second too late. She watched as the boy fell into the smoke disappearing from view, listened as his screams were cut off by a loud smack, and sobbed as she realized that she failed to save him. Luckily, Nathan was behind her. He helped her to stand up and walked her outside to have her sit down.

"It's all my fault," Ashlyn kept muttering to herself as tears fell freely down her face, "I almost saved him, but I just had to trip. If I had of gotten up quicker, he would be okay." Nathan held onto Ashlyn as sobs wracked her frame.

"My son is still in there! Get someone back in there, and get my son!" a woman yelled frantically. She looked over at Ashlyn with disgust. "What are you doing crying? Suck it up, and do your job! My son is in harm's way!" Ashlyn looked up at the woman with guilt and sadness in her eyes.

"It's my fault," she whispered, "I couldn't get to him in time." Realization crossed the woman's face. Tears fell down her face.

"Are you saying that he's dead?" she whispered. Ashlyn nodded and stood up to look the woman in her eyes. "I can't believe you! Your job is to save people, and you can't even save a twelve year old? I'm suing you! I'm suing you and all of your posse of liars and screw ups!" the woman yelled as every word struck at Ashlyn's heart. She knew she messed up. Why did she have to be reminded?

"Ashlyn, come on," Nathan urged as Adam restrained the woman from getting in Ashlyn's face, "I think we need to stop by the hospital for supplies anyways." Ashlyn nodded and followed Nathan to the squad. Ashlyn rested her head against the window and watched as trees and houses passed by. Tears were still flowing down her face.

"I could have saved him. All I needed was time," Ashlyn whispered as she watched the world fly by.
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while. I have good news and bad news. Good news is I am over the Writer's Block for now. Bad news is I think A Girl On Her Own only has a few more chapters. 😢 Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter. Comment, vote, and follow!

A Girl On Her Own (Emergency! Fanfiction) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now