Chapter 5

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Everyone looked everywhere for Ashlyn and Adam. Some were giving up. Amy and Nathan kept looking. As Nathan and Amy neared where Ashlyn and Adam were, they could hear things being moved around could see hands waving from a hole in the pile of debris. "We found them!" Nathan yelled with excitement as he and Amy ran to them. They cleared away the debris and picked Ashlyn and Adam up and put them on gurneys.

"Man, am I glad to see you all," Ashlyn whispered.

"Same here. We thought we lost you two," Nathan said then put them in the ambulance. He smiled to himself then got in with them as Amy got in the squad.
A few hours passed. Ashlyn was going to have to stay at the hospital for awhile due to mild internal bleeding and minor back injuries. Her throat was sore still from the smoke she inhaled. She laid in her hospital bed and thought about everything that happened within the last few hours. Her door opened and Nathan walked in. He had a really concerned face. "What's wrong?" Ashlyn asked as she sat up. Nathan pushed her shoulder causing her to lay back down. He sat on the bed next to her.

"I have good news and bad news. The good news is Adam is going to be okay. Surprisingly, he has no broken bones. Bad news, you have a very worried momma in the lobby," he said laughing. Ashlyn laughed too.

"Send up my worried momma," she said and relaxed a little.

"Too late. That worried momma is already here," Daisy said from the doorway. Ashlyn and Nathan laughed. Daisy stood next to the bed as Nathan got up and shook her hand.

"Nathan Tanner. I'm Ashlyn's partner," he smiled.

"Daisy Gage. Ashlyn tells me that you're Chet Kelly's nephew. You look nothing like him," Daisy said laughing.

"That's what everyone says. Well, I'll leave you and Ashlyn alone. I just came to check on her and tell her about Capt," he said shaking her hand again. Daisy smiled. Nathan left as Daisy sat down. Once he was gone, Daisy started talking to Ashlyn.

"He's cute!"

"Mom!" Ashlyn said embarrassed.

"What? I'm just stating the facts. I know you've thought it before," Daisy started.

"He's my partner!"

"So? I married mine!" Daisy said laughing. Just then, Johnny and James walked in to check on Ashlyn.

"What's this about marriage?" Johnny asked shocked.

"Mom thinks my partner looks cute," Ashlyn whined.

"Isn't he the one that's related to Chet? Honey, how can he look cute if they're related?" Johnny asked confused.

"They look nothing alike." Johnny and Daisy kept talking about that topic as James walked pass them to Ashlyn.

"How are you feeling, big sis?" he asked.

"For being pinned down by a big pile of debris after being thrown back and hitting the ground pretty hard, I feel alright," Ashlyn laughed. There was a knock at the door and Adam walked in. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Can I speak to you alone?" he asked nervously. Ashlyn started to get nervous too. She nodded and everyone walked out for a moment. "Ashlyn, I just want to say thank you for saving my life. You were hurt and you did everything you could to save me. I have decided that our station needs someone like you. All the guys and Amy think you could be one of the top paramedics like your mother and father. Maybe even better. I think it's an honor to have you at our station. Also, I think Nathan has gotten just a little bit attached to you," Adam said laughing at the end. Ashlyn laughed too then hugged Adam around the neck.

"Thank you." Adam smiled then got up. He shook Ashlyn's hand then left. Ashlyn was left speechless after that.

"Was that your captain?" Daisy asked when she came back in. Ashlyn nodded.

"He just told me that I'm perfect for the job!" she whispered with excitement. Daisy got excited for her but calmed down when Nathan walked in.

"Ashlyn, I have some real bad news," he said shakily.

"What's going on?"

"That explosion you were caught in was due to a bomb that someone set. On the remains of the bomb, they found a message on there. It said, 'Sorry sweetie.' We think someone is out to kill either you or Amy. We don't know who they are or who they're after yet, but we will find out. Amy is taking this shift off to keep safe. She's going to stay with you overnight," he said still shaking from anger and fear. Ashlyn nodded with tears running down her cheeks. Nathan bent down and put his hand on her shoulder. Ashlyn cried into his shoulder until there was another knock on the door.

"Nathan, your temporary partner is waiting for you. You all have a call. It's someone with trouble breathing. I'll take care of her from here," Amy said with only her head visible. Nathan nodded and let go of Ashlyn.

"I'll be back to check on you," he said before leaving. Amy walked over to Ashlyn.

"Ashlyn, we've got to get going. James has exams tomorrow," Daisy said before kissing Ashlyn on the forehead.

"Okay. Good luck, James. Don't stress about it." After they left, Ashlyn and Amy talked for a while. Twenty minutes into the conversation, Amy started to get a smirk that got bigger and bigger. "What?"

"You like Nathan don't you?" she asked with a smile. Ashlyn rolled her eyes.

"He's my partner! We're not supposed to like each other!" Amy laughed.

"So? What is that you like about him?" Amy kept on. All of a sudden the door opened.

"My ears are burning. Are you talking about me?" Nathan laughed. Dixie came in a second later to take Ashlyn's vitals.

"Nathan, everyone talks about you," Dixie teased. Ashlyn and Amy started laughing at Nathan's expression. There may be someone out there who wants to kill one of them, but they probably won't make it pass Nathan or Adam if they could help it.

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