Week 1, Day 1, (Part 3)

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Ellie hastily tied her messy hair into a loose bun and exhaled loudly. Ellie, Emma and Eleanor had been traversing the jungle for hours now, and it was starting to get extremely tiring. They all stopped in their tracks as they came to the edge of a large drop in the terrain between the rest of the path, which they definitely could not jump across.

"How do we get across?" Eleanor asked, more to herself than the others. She walked closer and examined the surroundings. Ellie neared the others and peered down the drop.

"I don't know." Emma said, picking up a nearby pebble and and dropped it down the drop, awaiting the sound of it reaching the bottom. It took fearfully long for the echoing reverberation to reach their ears.

"Guys." Eleanor said looking at a sturdy looking vine hanging over the drop. Eleanor turned to the others and smiled.

"Oh hell no." Ellie instantly said as soon as she realized what Eleanor meant. "There's no way you're making me do that. No. Nope, nope, nope." Ellie said, turning away and walking back in the direction they came.

"Come on Ellie." Emma grabbed Ellie's shoulder and pulled her back. Ellie groaned and stared at the vine. How was she going to do that?

"Come on, it's just like bridge to Terabithia." Eleanor joked, approaching the vine. Ellie rolled her eyes and retorted.

"Yeah, just like bridge to Terabithia, where she falls and dies." Ellie said as Eleanor grabbed a hold of the vine and tugged on it to assure its sturdiness. She then walked backwards and prepared to jump. "I can't believe you're actually doing this." Ellie murmured, and at that moment, Eleanor sprinted forward and swung across. When she became near enough she released the vine and fell on the other side safely. She got to her feet and dusted the dirt and dust off herself.

"Come on, it's not that hard." Eleanor attempted to convince Ellie, who just held her face in her hands as Emma neared the vine. She wrapped her hands around it, stepped as far back as she could, and sprinted forward. With a loud scream, Emma jumped off the vine and fell flat on her face into the dirt. Ellie just groaned and grabbed the vine.

She retreated as far back as she could, then sprinted forward. She swung through the air, and she had to admit, it was a great feeling. Until the vine tore. Ellie screamed and forgot to release the vine at the correct time. She swung back, and as she swung forwards again, the great vine snapped and Ellie jumped just in time. She managed to grab the side of the cliff, and was quickly pulled up by Eleanor and Emma.

Ellie got to her feet, sent both of them death glares and continued moving. Eleanor and Emma smiled at each other, containing a laugh, and followed Ellie.

The jungle, the trio soon realized was perhaps not the greatest choice of a hiding spot. While the tundra John, Lily, Kate and Ruby had elected for was cold and that was a big danger, there were less actual threats. The jungle was quite different. Already they had almost died numerous times due to the terrain, and the humidity was killing them.

"Guys, don't slow down keep it moving." Eleanor encouraged her friends who both had their hands on their knees gasping for breath.

"Can't we take a break?" Emma whined, sitting on the dirt. Eleanor rolled her eyes and joined the pair, pulling a packet of dried food out of her backpack.

"I wonder where the others are. And what they're doing." Ellie wondered out loud.

"Not to be rude, bug forget about them. We can't worry about them. It's too late now." Eleanor reminded her for the thousandth time that day.

"I know but I'm just wondering." Ellie said.

"Wondering what?" Emma inquired as she dipped her hand into the packet of dried food.

"If anyone is dead yet, where everyone is, how everyone is doing," Ellie stopped as soon as she saw Eleanor's looks. "I know, I know, the only question out of those that matters is the one about the dead people but let me wonder a little." Eleanor rolled her eyes and chuckled.

They spent a few minutes discussing strategy as they munched away on their dried food. Eleanor stopped in the middle of her sentence when she heard Emma's stomach emit a huge growl.

"Woah Emma I didn't know you were that hungry. We need to find more food because this isn't filling." Eleanor said, but Emma stared at her with wide eyes and fear.

"That wasn't my stomach." Emma said quietly. The trio stood, and looked around, attempting to spot the culprit of the noise. Then, a flash of orange, black and white threw Emma to the ground. Emma screamed as she came face to face with the beast; a tiger. Eleanor tackled the tiger off of Emma and ran back to the others. The tiger was now facing the three girls, who had no clue what to do.

Just before the tiger pounced at them once again, Eleanor grabbed her bow and quiver. She jumped to the floor to avoid the incoming attack and quickly scrambled to her feet. The tiger was now heading for Ellie, who removed a small knife from her pocket. Eleanor removed an arrow from the quiver and placed it in the drawstring. She aimed and. Fire.

The arrow missed and flew straight into the tree above do Ellie. The tiger turned its attention now to Eleanor, who rapidly prepared another arrow. She kept it in the drawstring as the tiger bounded towards her, waiting for the perfect opportunity. Just as the tiger leaped up, she released the arrow.

It whistled as it travelled through the air and pierced the tiger's chest. The beast fell to the ground before Eleanor, but wasn't done putting up a fight. It's paws clawed at Eleanor's ankle, causing some deep scratches. Ellie then stabbed the tiger with her knife, truly ending its life. Eleanor fell to the ground due to her badly injured ankles and the others rushed to her side.

"Are you okay?" Emma queried as she kneeled beside Eleanor.

"No! My ankle just got clawed off by a tiger!" Eleanor exclaimed. The cuts were frequent, but too deep and would heal very quickly, if not overnight. The trio decided to set up shelter there for the night and they lay Eleanor down on a blanket as they did.

It had been a long day, so before they could think anything through they all collapsed together and fell into a deep sleep.

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