Week 2, Day 6 (Part 1)

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The cornucopia was a mad house. After Max was shot and TK got away, Timtam was unrelenting. The night it happened he wouldn't let anyone sleep and he made them do exercises and other jobs all night. And even worse, he wouldn't let anyone help Ricky, who was still bleeding profusely from his leg being chopped off.

Yash did not like Ricky, but after the first hour he really wanted to help him, so he walked over to him with bandages in his hand. Timtam fired a warning shot into the sky, and Yash backed away. Yash hated every second of it, but he knew if he told Timtam that TK and Max were getting away, and if he gave the antidote, he would be greatly rewarded. He hadn't been, on the first night.

But now it was three days later and Yash was promoted to his deputy, and he was given more privileges and resources. He was allowed larger meals, more meals, more accessibility to things like medicine and games. He was even given better weapons, and when Timtam wasn't up to it, he was asked to threaten the others.

Since the night Max was shot, Ricky had been lying in the back of the cornucopia, completely silent. He was given meals, but he knew his time was short. Soon Timtam would be done with putting up with his uselessness and would kill him. And until then Ricky sat silently in the back of the cornucopia. He didn't sleep and he barely ate. Yash and Michael occasionally tried talking to him, but he just wouldn't speak.

The day after Max was shot, while Yash was on patrol and Timtam wasn't looking, he quickly apologized to Max's body. He felt terrible, and he even laid a flower beside him. After wiping away a small tear he continued on patrol, and continued living with the horrifying guilt.

To this day, Max's body still lay there, and everyday Yash had to pass him, and feel bad about his choice. But Yash didn't regret his choice. He definitely felt bad, but he was getting more food and more fun. He didn't regret that. And he knew eventually he would have to kill someone so he was glad it was sooner rather than later.

The day was going normally. Everyone had to do their exercises and everyone had their normal meals. But something seemed off to Michael. Timtam was unusually quiet, and he was always like this before he did something terrible like stab him in the foot as punishment for nothing. So Michael remained cautious all day, until finally, what he was waiting for happened at sunset.

"Everyone. Over here now." Timtam yelled out, and everyone came running, fearing his gun. He was sat on his makeshift throne and everyone stood beneath him, except for Ricky. "I think we need to do something we should've done days ago." He announced. Everyone shared an uncomfortable and feared look. "We're going to the forest." Timtam announced.

"What?" Yash blurted out.

"I said we're going to the forest. Grab that rope over there." He ordered Yash, who quickly obliged. "And Michael, take that sword with us." Michael reluctantly did as he was told and handed it to Timtam. "Oh, and Michael, carry Ricky with us." He said with a sly smile.

The four of them walked towards the forest. They reached the edge and Timtam stopped.

"Tie him to that tree." He commanded. Yash and Michael shared an apprehensive look, both knowing what was coming, but both unwilling to help. But they did as they were told and tied him up. His one remaining leg was dangling down, as his torso was tied to the tree. He still remained silent.

"Ricky, you have been wasting our resources." Timtam began. Yash and Michael weren't quite sure what to expect, but they definitely weren't expecting Timtam to leap forwards with the sword and cut Ricky's foot off. Ricky let out a tortured scream.

"You have been sitting in the back of the cornucopia making the whole place smell fucking disgusting." Timtam continued, now chopping off his leg. Michael looked away, unable to watch as the blood pumped out at an unimaginable pace and dripped down the tree, painting it red.

"You have been wasting my time since the first day." Timtam slowly and torturously pushed the blade through his shoulder. His arm fell to the ground with a thud, and somehow Ricky just face Timtam with no emotion, as if he felt no pain. Yash wanted with all his being to look away but he just couldn't. Somehow it was mesmerizing to him.

"You are a waste of life." Timtam said slicing through his other shoulder. Ricky was now tied to the tree, completely limbless and emotionless. There was a massive puddle of blood at the foot of the tree and now more than just blood was coming out of Ricky.

"And I am done with you." And with that, Timtam fired a bullet straight into Ricky's heart. Timtam made both Yash and Michael watch as Ricky bled to death, and they weren't allowed to leave for an hour as Timtam just stared with a sick grin at Ricky's dead body.

Yash looked to the left and saw a flash of brown hair, but decided for now to ignore it.

Eventually, they were allowed to return and on the way they passed Max's body. Timtam stepped down with all his might on Max's head and it exploded. Blood, brains and bugs flew in all kinds of directions. Michael leaned in close to Yash and whispered what should've been known without words.

"We need to overthrow him."

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