Week 2, Day 3 (Part 2)

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John's eyes burst open, ending the nightmare he had been having about Kate, Lily and Ruby teaming up and murdering him. He didn't want to say it, or even think it for that matter, but he didn't fully trust his alliance. Of course he trusted Kate, as she wouldn't turn against him; at least not in this case. And Ruby most likely wouldn't either, but Lily was a different matter. Over the last few days, she had kept bringing up the fact that one of them had to die to allow the others to win, and there was also the matter of her not supporting him as leader.

John shook the thought from his mind and stood up from his bed. After they defeated the attacking rhino's, the quartet followed the stream back into the tundra, and up the mountain. At a plateau near the top of the mountain they had found a small house with some supplies, and they had been staying there ever since.

He walked into the tiny lounge and found Kate and Lily were still fast asleep. His eyes wandered to the kitchen, where he saw a large butcher's knife. He looked back at Lily, but shook his head and distracted himself. He walked to the kitchen and began making a small breakfast using the remainder of the supplies found in the house. He was surprised when Ruby spotted it, and when it had supplies in it, but he was more than glad.

Slowly, the others began to wake up, one by one and joined John. It had been quite a relaxed week, but they all were on edge, and got little sleep. They couldn't be safe for long, there had to be a catch. Eventually, John finished with the breakfast and the four of them sat at the table and began eating.

"Do you think anyone had died yet?" John inquired, and everyone stayed quiet as they thought about it.

"I honestly doubt it. I don't think anyone would turn on each other, or hunt other alliances so I doubt anyone has been killed." Kate answered. "But if anyone has, its Max. " She joked, bringing a smile to everyone's faces.

"We've run out of supplies, and we can't be safe here for much longer. I don't trust this house, I say we leave tonight." John suggested, not pleasing Lily.

"Good call." She said loudly and sarcastically. John bit back his anger and continued eating.

"Do you have a better idea?" He queried, putting his empty plate away. Kate and Ruby sat in an awkward silence, knowing what was to come.

"Oh yes." Lily said with a laugh. "We stay here. We're safe from nature and we have supplies." Lily explained.

"Well not anymore." John countered, sitting back down with the others. Ruby and Kate made eye contact and mouther at each other that they wanted to leave.

"Well maybe not, but that's not really my point. I'm just trying to say that you shouldn't call the shots here. Your ideas are terrible." Lily said.

"Well you seem very confident in this house, and it was my idea to come in this direction, my idea to climb the mountain and my idea to go into this house." John said, his anger clear in his tone.

"Oh shut up and stop being so full of yourself." Lily almost yelled. At that point Kate stood up because she was fed up with their constant arguing.

"Okay guys both you shut up. John, lets go outside, and... I dont know, hunt." Kate suggested, grabbing her bow and arrow and heading out the door with John, who gave one final deadly glare at Lily before leaving.

Lily and Ruby were now left alone. They spent the time discussing the strategy for all the different possibilities, which was mostly done by Lily while Ruby nodded and complained about the lack of food. Finally, a silence fell upon the pair, and Lily, who had been quite uncomfortable all day, decided now was a favorable opportunity to mention what had been on her mind.

"Ruby, can I tell you something?" Lily asked seriously, joining Ruby on the sofa.

"Yes bitch! We can be like secret sisters! What gossip do you have?" Ruby yelled jokingly, but soon became quiet when she realized Lily was not in a joking mood and she had something serious on her mind.

"I've been having these... thoughts, and it's really weird because I would never do any of it but for some reason I cant get these ideas and plots out of my head." Lily began, and Ruby encouraged her to continue. "But I've been having thoughts about" Lily took a deep, shaky breath, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "Murdering John and Kate." She let out her deep breath and waited for Ruby to reply.

"What the fuck? Lily, I know you hate John but that's not right. I get it, it's stressful here, but that's not okay." Ruby began, and Lily put her face in her hands as Ruby continued. "But I trust you, and even though you have those thoughts, I know you wouldn't kill a ho." Ruby finished. After that, Lily began going into more detail about her thoughts and Ruby gave the best advice she possibly could.

Ruby did trust Lily, but she still thought it was strange that Lily was thinking about that. Lily had always acted like a five year old, and to have her constructing plots to murder some of her best friends was really strange. But like she had told Lily, she trusted her, and that Lily wouldn't harm a fly. Now that she thought about it, Lily really wasn't suited for these games. She wouldn't harm a fly, but pretty much anyone else in the games would. Even Amelia.

Eventually, John and Kate returned with some herbs, vegetables and a dead rabbit, ready to roast. Lily was calm for the rest of the night and before they knew it they were back in bed and asleep.

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