Week 3, Day 4

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Amy awoke in a jolt. She was already in that state between sleep and awake but she had just remembered where exactly she was and it had jolted her awake. Over the course of the whole night her fingers had not relinquished hold on the hilt of her sword. She sat up slowly and peeled the dirt off her. She had had to sleep on the floor as she hadn't taken any supplies whatsoever.

Amy felt a pang of guilt and regret as she thought of why she hadn't taken any supplies. She had left Amelia on her own so she could have a fighting chance on her own as she would receive many supplies, but now she was regretting ditching Amelia for her own selfish reasons.

Yes, Amelia could be a burden at times but she was surprisingly useful in certain situations and she was great with moral support and helping Amy through the most mentally challenging moments of the games, such as Kriti's death. But the more Amy thought about this the less guilty she felt, as she realized that Amelia was sufficiently self-sufficient, and she could survive on her own. Especially since Amy had left her with all the supplies.

Despite this, Amy inevitably still felt an underlying feeling of guilt. But she got about with her day and set up a makeshift camp using the nearby natural resources. She sat on a log alone with her thoughts, impatiently awaiting the arrival of all the promised supplies.

An hour passed and Amy began to doubt the supplies would come at all, but she remained hopeful.

Two hours passed and Amy thought about how the note had said the next day. Did that mean it would come exactly 24 hours after Amy ditched Amelia? Amy had to assume so.

But when three hours had passed she had given up all hope. The game master had tricked her with false promises of supplies and essentially survival.

It was only a few minutes later when Amy's negative thoughts were proven wrong, as a glittering silver box descended from the sky. It was obviously just a note, most likely telling her where the supplies were. The package landed with a metallic thud on the dirt and Amy rushed to pick it up.

She unscrewed the lid and hastily removed the note. It read "My suspicions were correct: you are a terrible friend. You would desert someone as helpless as Amelia for your own selfish benefit? It's people like you that disgust me. Because of this I would feel morally wrong handing over the supplies, so I refuse. Have fun Amy."

Amy could've exploded at that moment. She was utterly furious that she had been so easily tricked like that. But of course it was a trick. How could she have been so foolish? Her guilt and regret returned at full force and she instantly decided to set out for Amelia and find her again.

Amy had been exhausted the night before and could not at all remember the way she had come from, so at that moment she was unable to track down Amelia. So she decided to wait the night before gathering her thoughts and ideas and heading out to find Amelia.

The sun was setting by the time Amy had hunted down a viable dinner, and she was preparing the spit to roast it upon when she heard a twig snap in the distance. She jumped up and her mind raced with all the possibilities of what it could be.

It was most likely an animal, but after that it would be Amelia. It could possibly be Yash, Michael or Timtam and that was her biggest fear. But quite honestly she couldn't dismiss any possibility and it could literally be anyone in the games. She unsheathed her sword and ventured out towards the source of the sound.

She cautiously moved forwards, hoping and praying it was either an animal or Amelia, because at the moment she couldn't possibly handle it being anyone else.

"Amy?" A familiar voice sounded throughout the forest from behind her. She whipped around and was greeted by a surprised and exhausted looking John. He looked at her hopefully, his sword still safely in his sheath.

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