Week 3, Day 3 (Part 1)

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Amelia woke up covered in sweat and tears. She had been having a terrible nightmare, and had been crying in her sleep. The nightmare had been about Timtam capturing them and forcing Amelia to brutally murder Amy and Kriti. Amelia wiped the sweat from her forehead and decided to go on a walk. She followed the river they were set up next to.

It was a beautiful sight; the moonlight was glittering in the water and cast an enchanting aura on the forest. Amelia was so nervous for the plan. She wholeheartedly believed in it, but she couldn't shake the nerves she had been feeling for the past week. Eventually Amelia returned to the camp and prepared breakfast for her friends.

They woke up and had an almost silent meal together, all thinking about what they were about to do. But the plan had to wait until sunset, then it could take place. Quite honestly, it was a pretty stupid plan, but it could work and if it didn't work they would get away safe.

So if it worked, great, if it didn't work, they would still most likely escape with their lives. They sat together for most of the day, discussing anything but the plan. Amy was thinking the whole time, how proud she was of their alliance. As far as they knew, they were the only alliance to actually make a move, and she was proud for that.

Eventually, the sun fell behind the horizon and the plan had to be put into action. Amy crawled to the edge of the forest and watched as Michael circled the perimeter of the cornucopia. Soon, he went around and gave Amy approximately two minutes to make a mad dash towards the cornucopia.

She ran faster than she ever had, hoping with all her will their plan worked. Amy dove behind a table, blocking herself from Michael's view. After he left the entrance of the cornucopia, Amy began to climb up the wall. There were many indentations for her to place her hands or feet in and eventually, she reached the beams in the ceiling. She rested against the wall as she sat on the beam and rummaged through her backpack to make sure she had everything.

She then sat and waited anxiously for Amelia and Kriti.

Back in the forest, Amelia and Kriti were waited their assigned 8 minutes until they could start their part of the plan. Soon, it came time, and Kriti picked up her sword and crawled to the edge of the forest, quickly followed by Amelia with her knives. Kriti hugged Amelia quickly then ran into the open field, right into Michael's view.

Michael stared at her, then yelled out to the cornucopia of an intruder. Kriti and Michael ran towards each other, their swords outdrawn towards each other. They met with a clang of metal and went into a battle. She was slowly walking backwards, towards the forest as he battled her. Near the edge of the forest he pushed her to the ground and she took it as her chance to enact the plan.

She scrambled to her feet before Michael could end her life, and ran into the forest. Michael was not about to give up a chance to gain Timtam's trust, so he dashed after her.

Yash had emerged right after Michael had called for him, and he was running straight towards him to aid him in killing Kriti. About halfway to the battling pair, Yash noticed a figure sprinting towards the cornucopia. He turned his head and saw Amelia making a dash towards the cornucopia.

He diverted his attention to her and ran towards her instead. She threw a knife in his direction, causing him to trip over his own foot, despite the knife not even coming close to him. Amelia then turned around and ran back towards the forest, quickly followed by Yash.

Amelia sprinted at the fastest speed she could, running down the route of the forest she knew best. Amelia knew this forest very well, and Yash was getting very confused, and the same with Kriti and Michael. Eventually, Amelia reached Kriti's hiding place underneath a large boulder and bush.

They looked at each other, completely out of breath. They turned to the back of their hiding place and Amelia picked up Ricky's head, and Kriti picked up Max's head.

Back at the cornucopia, Timtam was still asleep, allowing Amy to set up the rest of the plan. The night before, she had slipped the last potion she had into Timtam's drink: a potion of blurred sight. Amy finished her part of the plan and retreated back to her hiding place in the beams. Amy watched the forest border, awaiting Amelia and Kriti to emerge, holding Max and Ricky's head.

The plan was to use Max's head to make it seem like they killed Michael, and Ricky's head to look like they killed Yash. Amy knew they didn't loo anything alike, but she hoped from a distance, and with the blurred sight potion, Timtam wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Soon, Amelia and Kriti emerged from the forest, holding their heads by the hair. Amelia was choking back tears and Kriti was just angry at Timtam for killing them.

Amy dropped a smoke bomb down into the cornucopia, and it exploded with a loud bang, awaking Timtam. He stood up in confusion and faced Kriti and Amelia, who he could just make out holding Michael and Yash's heads. He ran towards them, but didn't get far.

Amy had set up a rope around the cornucopia, and he had tripped over it, falling to the ground, face first. Kriti and Amelia dropped the heads and sprinted towards Timtam. Before he could get up they began tying him up in the rope. But before they could finish he withdrew a knife from his pocket and cut himself free. Amy was on the ground now, behind him, unseen due to the smoke.

Timtam reached for his gun, and Amy freaked out and hurled a knife towards him. It hit him in the arm and he shouted out in pain. This let Amelia and Kriti to go to Amy and to safety. Amy climbed up into the beams, and Kriti and Amelia followed. Timtam could barely see a thing in the smoke, so he went in cautiously, his arm dripping blood to the floor. Amy, Kriti and Amelia sat up in the beams, looking at each other in terror. Now what?

Amelia looked down and saw something that could save them. Without a second thought she dropped down onto the ground, not quite as gracefully as Amy, but she survived. She dashed to a corner of the cornucopia and picked up the extremely heavy bear trap. She placed it and set it up right where she predicted Timtam would step. The smoke was starting to evaporate, so Amelia clambered up the wall, making it just in time to the beams.

Timtam stepped into the bear trap, and it made a sickening metallic sound. He screamed in pain, and the trio leaped down from the beams and ran back to the forest. Timtam removed his gun from his holster and faced the trio.

Amy, Amelia and Kriti were running all together, about to make it back to their base. Their plan had failed, but at least they had done some damage.

Kriti looked behind her and saw something unexpected. Kate was standing at the edge of the forest. Kriti froze, caught completely off guard by this. Amy and Amelia stopped and looked back at Kriti.

"Come on Kriti, we need to get out of here!" Amy exclaimed, and Kriti nodded, continuing her run. Until she felt a bullet penetrate her back. Kriti fell the ground right behind Amelia. Amelia stopped and looked behind her again and screamed.

Tears flooded out of her eyes, as she kneeled beside Kriti. Amelia was heartbroken, and at that moment, nothing else mattered. It didn't matter that her life was in danger. It didn't matter that Amy's life was in danger. It didn't matter that the games were even going on. Kriti was dead. And she was never coming back.

Amy was crying as well, completely heartbroken by the death of her best friend. But she knew what she had to do. She grabbed Amelia, and threw her over her shoulder and dashed back to their base. She placed Amelia on the ground and let her cry. Amy wasn't crying. She was completely emotionless. Amy couldn't feel a thing, and the only thing on her mind was the ten seconds of Kriti's death, playing over and over again in her head.

Amelia soon cried herself to sleep, and Amy still sat on the rock she had when she first arrived. It was then, that Amy thought of the message she had received four days prior. If she ditched Amelia, then she would have all the supplies she needed, and if she didn't take anything with her, Amelia would be left with all the supplies she needed. And there was no rule stating Amy couldn't return to Amelia, was there?

So Amy took her blanket and draped it over Amelia, and then walked away, never daring to look back.

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