Week 1, Day 1, (Part 2)

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John, Kate and Lily lay on the snow covered ground, regaining their energy and breath from their desperate sprint away from the cornucopia. Even as a thin dusting of snow coated them, they did not get up. Not only was it because they were exhausted, but they didn't know what they would even do if they did get up. They were afraid that if they got up, it would confirm this was real, that this was happening. That they would eventually have to kill their closest friends.

"Guys, this was a bad idea." Lily finally broke the silence after almost an hour. Everyone turned their head towards her.

"What was?" Kate inquired, dusting off some of the falling snow.

"Coming here of all places. Why didn't we go to the jungle? We live in Singapore for crying out loud we're used to that! But no, we had to come to the tundra because John thought it was best." Lily said, sitting up and unzipping her neon green backpack. John rolled his eyes and sat up as well.

"Well we could've gone anywhere we wanted, but then we'd have to run past Yash, or Amy or Michael, and not only is that dangerous, but I couldn't deal with that." John explained his rationale, which Ruby and Kate, were satisfied with, but Lily continued.

"Yeah, you couldn't deal with that. Why don't you think with the whole team's wellbeing in mind?" Lily jabbed, removing a water bottle from the backpack.

"Well I was, because there was still a big danger in going those ways. Plus we can still walk there now." John said, ending the conversation, unzipping his own backpack now, discovering a set of knives, a blanket, a coat, a water bottle and a few packets of dried food.

"Okay, let's divide this stuff equally and fairly." Kate began, emptying the contents of both hers and Ruby's backpack.

"Ooh, bitch there's food!" Ruby exclaimed, diving straight into a packet of dried food. Lily smacked her hand and reminded her it would be smarter to save and ration the food for later. Ruby just mumbled something rude, laughed and lay back down, as John, Kate and Lily separated the supplies into food, water, weapons and miscellaneous.

Altogether, they had 12 packets of dried food, 4 full water bottles, a sword, a bow with eleven arrows left in the quiver, 12 knives of different varieties, four blankets and four coats.

"Okay, everyone take 3 packets of dried food, a water bottle, a coat and blanket." John instructed doing just that. He shrugged on the coat and stuffed the food, water and blanket into his backpack and slung it over his shoulder.

"And I'll take the bow and arrows." Kate said, pulling the weapon towards her.

"And I'll take the sword, so each of you can have six knives." John declared, picking up the sword and getting to his feet, his winter coat on, his bag on his bag and his sword in his hand. "Let's go find a better resting place." And with that, everyone picked up their stuff and began moving in the most convenient direction, which was the direction the wind was blowing, which as far as they knew was even further away from the cornucopia.

After spending most of the day trekking through the tundra, they were almost ready to give up on finding shelter and just open camp in the middle of the snow.

"Bitches, I'm so tired let's just sleep here." Ruby whined, trailing far behind the others. Kate couldn't admit it, but at that point she almost wanted to suggest that John, Lily and her should run and leave Ruby behind; it would mean no hard feelings if they were the last four standing. Kate pushed the thought to the back of her mind and continued walking.

"Ruby, we can't just sit here in the middle of nowhere, we'll freeze to death." Lily informed her, continued trekking forward. Ruby groaned and continued walking alongside the others.

"But I'm hungry af." Ruby added. John stopped and squinted. Through the snow, there was a glimmer of hope, like one lucky curly fry in your regular fries.

"Guys! Guys! Over there!" John exclaimed as he frantically pointed towards salvation. There, not too far away, was a formation of rocks, which could easily shelter them through the night. Together, they all ran forwards and fell into the snow beneath the rocks. They spent the next few minutes setting the area up. They dangled blankets to block out the snow and placed blankets on the floor. They then distributed the food and had a small helping of dried fruits.

The snowstorm died down quite soon, and by then the four were ready to go to bed. Kate took the first shift of lookout and sat on the rock just outside the formation.

Kate was starting to regret the alliance she had chosen. In fact she more fell into it, being the only four left they combined forces and formed this pathetic excuse for an alliance. Between Ruby's constant whining and Lily and John's constant bickering, Kate had wished she had been more wise with her choices.

What if she ran? She just upped and left the other three here. She could easily do it. But where would she go? Ellie, Emma and Eleanor had already made it very clear they weren't accepting new members into their alliance. She was confident that Amy, Amelia and Kriti would accept her, but the only problem was Kate had no clue where they went. Last she saw of them they were battling for the cornucopia, which Kate was certain the boys must have won.

That was it. The boys alliance would accept her wouldn't they? Her heart skipped a beat as she thought of him.


She missed him so much. As soon as they were told of this competition they had avoided each other, not wanting to further their still underdeveloped feelings just to get heartbroken. But she missed him more with every hour that passed. She could easily stand up, take her bow and arrows, and head back to the cornucopia. She could join forces with the boys, and they could easily win.

And yet when she turned around and pulled the curtain out of the way, she couldn't find the heart to abandon her closest friends. They made not be the most resourceful or useful bunch, but they were all she had. If she left it would all be on a chance; a chance she wasn't willing to take. She loved them, and she had enough confidence in them to last a little while, at which she might leave.

But for now, she'd stay.

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