Week 1, Day 2 (Part 1)

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By the time the sun had risen, Kate had gotten rid of her doubt and she was ready to fully commit to this alliance. She was the first to awaken, and chuckled quietly when she saw that Ruby had fallen asleep at the lookout post. She woke Ruby up, then promptly John and Lily. She knew today would be a long day, what with leaving the tundra, setting up shelter, probably almost dying a couple times and more.

"Okay, so what's the plan for today?" John inquired, standing up and slinging his backpack over his back. The group was silent, all staring up at him.

"Well, as leader, shouldn't you know?" Lily challenged John, who had a comment on standby. Kate rolled her eyes and packed her backpack.

"Well, I'm the leader, not the strategist." John said, eyeing Lily competitively. Lily fell silent and together, they all packed their bags and stood up, prepared to move. Once again, the group decided to move in the direction that the wind pushed them. As they travelled northward, John allowed to get his thoughts out.

Why was Lily so against him being leader? He knew they weren't the closest friends, but he thought they had recently gotten over that. Apparently not, because Lily was trying to call him out everyone five minutes. John knew that his alliance wasn't considered the strongest competitor, but he thought that gave them an edge. People would underestimate them, and that would allow them to surprise and defeat the competition.

John had decided to believe in his team, and think positively. In the past he had been an extremely pessimistic and negative person, and he was done with that. So as far as he was considered, his alliance would win.

The group travelled through the thick snow for hours, occasionally stopping for a rest. Throughout their journey they discussed what the others teams were probably doing, what their plans were and what they could do to defeat them. Lily was determined to steer clear of the competition at all costs; it was better to let them eliminate themselves, then come out of hiding for the end.

Kate agreed for the most part, but she also thought they would soon have to ambush the cornucopia for more resources, as they were running low.

Ruby and John stayed out of the conversation, both quite indifferent to the topic, at least for now.

Eventually, a few hours later, something came into view. After the seemingly endless ocean of white, there was something else: sand.

"Guys!" Lily exclaimed, pointing to the sand in the distance. They all exchanged a look of pure excitement and began rushing towards it as fast as they could. It was such a relief to be out of the snow, and back into something they were so very used to: heat. As they ran towards it, they began removing their winter coats and other clothes they had made to suit the cold. By the time they reached the savanna, they were exhausted and cold, so they toppled into the sand and lay there for a while.

Eventually, they decided to keep moving.

"Okay." John said as he sat up. "We should probably keep moving." He braced himself for a comment from Lily, which surprisingly never came. The group silently agreed and together they all got to their feet and began traveling further away from the tundra.

"What do you guys think you'll do if we win this?" Lily asked, shielding her eyes from the sun to look into the distance.

"Therapy." John answered. It sounded like a joke, but no part of what he said was a joke. This was horrifically traumatic, and he would need a lifetime of therapy to get over this.

"Do everything I want to do with my life. I know its deep, but I've never really appreciated life before we came here." Kate added. Lily began rambling on about the long list of things she wants to do with her life, while the other three stood in place, their eyes widening in terror. Barreling towards them, showing no indication of stopping, was a herd of rhinos.

"Um, Lily." Ruby yelled, grabbing Lily's attention. She pointed to their oncoming doom, and Lily froze, and unleashed the loudest, highest pitched scream anyone had ever heard. John drew his sword and held it up, prepared to fight for his friends. Kate swiftly drew an arrow into the drawstring and prepared to fire. Ruby and Lily dashed in opposite directions to avoid their wannabe killers.

The first rhino charged at John, who jumped to the side in the nick of time. John then raised his sword to slice through the rhino, but the rhino circled round and charged once again at John, who was less prepared this time.

Kate unleashed an arrow at the second rhino, which flew straight into its foot, but it's tough skin made it hardly effect the beast at all. The rhino continued its rampage and charged directly at Kate, who fell to the ground to avoid it. The rhino tripped over Kate's still outstretched legs and skidded across the sand.

John managed to move from the main rampage of the rhino, and avoided its horn, and instead of being impaled, was hit by the rhino and fell over the rhino. John clutched his chest, knowing an enormous bruise would form. But he didn't miss the opportunity, and got to his feet. While the rhino was no longer facing him, he lifted his sword and brought it down, through the rhino. The rhino collapsed in a pool of it blood.

The second rhino had recovered from it's fall, only angrier than before, and turned to kill Kate. Kate was still on the floor, completely out of ideas.

"KATE!" Ruby yelled for Kate's attention. Ruby threw the sword that was in her hand and it landed near Kate. he shuffled across the ground as fast as she could. The rhino approached with more speed and anger. The sword was just out of reach and the rhino was upon her. In one swift motion, Kate grabbed the sword, turned tot he rhino and held her sword out. The rhino's face rammed straight into the sword, spraying blood all over Kate. The rhino collapsed on top of Kate, suffocating her. The rest of the rhino's had fled, but Kate was still underneath the rhino, running out of breath.

John dashed over and rolled the rhino off of Kate. The group recovered from the attack and decided this area wasn't safe, and that they would move in the morning.

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