Week 1, Day 1 (Part 4)

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Amy brought her hand down from her face. It was caked in her own blood. She jumped to her feet and hurled a knife in the direction of Yash, who swiftly dodged it. Amy turned her head slightly to the right and noticed Timtam charging at Amelia, who was sorting through a backpack. She sprinted in their direction, and managed to tackle him to the ground just before he could impale Amelia, who screamed as soon as Amy saved her.

Michael shot an arrow in their direction. Amy fell to the floor, only just moving from the arrow's path. Timtam grabbed Amelia by the ankles and knocked her the ground. Amy reached for the knife in her pocket but was stopped by Yash's hands wrapping around her neck.

As Timtam was attacking Amelia and Yash was strangling Amy, they had given up hope. Then Kriti came. She stabbed a sword through Timtam's hand, allowing Amelia to escape, then threw Timtam onto Yash.

"We're not getting the cornucopia." Amy said, making a run for the forest, with Kriti and Amelia close behind. Yash was close behind, and Michael was firing arrows at them. They darted through the trees, avoiding any arrows that went flying past them. Yash was gaining on them, and Amy didn't like it.

They came to an abrupt stop when the reached the top of a waterfall. They had nowhere to go but back or down.

"What do we do?" Kriti asked, panicking as she saw Yash sprinting towards them.

"Duh." Amy said, then pushed Kriti down into the water, diving after her. Amelia followed suit, though inside she was screaming.

Yash reached the waterfall and peered down. Nothing. He couldn't see a trace of them. He yelled in frustration and headed back to the cornucopia. At that point, Amy emerged from underneath the waterfall. They had jumped into the water then hidden behind the waterfall.

They exited the water and decided to set up camp underneath a nearby large tree.

"That was a terrible idea." Amelia said after a while of drying their clothes.

"Yeah... Whoops..." Amy laughed as she rifled through the only backpack they had, which Amelia had been smart enough to take. Their only supplies were a few small bags of dried food, a blanket, a coat, a water bottle, a sword, a few throwing knives, and some poison.

"Amy, why didn't you grab anything before we ran?" Kriti complained, staring at their small food supply.

"Amy, it's not your fault." Amelia reassured her and Amy smiled at her then sent Kriti a glare. They set up a small camp, with Kriti doing most of the work as Amelia tended to Amy's numerous battle wounds with the little medicines she had stuffed in her pockets.

"Guys, we need the cornucopia, it's the only way we can win." Amy said as she grabbed a handful of dried fruit. "We have no supplies and it's just not likely we'll win without it." Amy added. Amelia remained silent, because she agreed with Amy, but she also knew that it was almost impossible getting the cornucopia. It was Amy, Amelia and Kriti with practically nothing against six guys with a massive arsenal.

"Yeah, but we can't just attack them." Kriti argued, wrapping the blanket close around herself.

"If we do do it, we need a plan." Amelia added quietly. Amy pointed at her and nodded in agreement as she swallowed a massive handful of dried mangoes.

They spent most of the rest of the day spitting out random ideas for a complex invasion plan of the cornucopia, scrapping most ideas due to their lack of resources and weapons. Kriti had most of the ideas, but Amy and Amelia just laughed at their craziness.

Eventually, night fell and trio set up for bed. Kriti took the first shift of the night watch. She thought about how they had to win, and the only way to do it was to get the cornucopia. She knew her plan would work if they had a little more resources, and maybe even another person.

Next, Amelia took the post. Amy and Kriti never said it and never would, but Amelia felt like the weak link of the group. She knew she could fix people's wounds, but she was a hopeless fighter. She had been too shy to say any of the ideas for the strategies she had, even though she couldn't see any fault in them. And she appreciated how Amy was protecting her, but she wasn't that hopeless. She could fend for herself.

Finally, Amy took up the role of the watcher. She had a lot on her mind. Kriti and Amelia had instantly come to her for alliance, and she couldn't turn them down. But now she was wishing she had. She was glad she was with Amelia so she could protect her and Kriti was an okay fighter and strategist but she needed a good strong team. She wished she had joined John, Lily, Kate and Ruby's alliance, they had a pretty strong chance at winning.

Kate, John and her could easily take the cornucopia with Lily creating the strategy and... I guess Ruby as a distraction or something.

And maybe she could just return to the cornucopia and maybe the boys would take her into their alliance, not that she wanted to be in their alliance. She just wanted to win. But when she looked back at her best friends, she knew she wouldn't accept victory if she hadn't tried her hardest with Amelia and Kriti.

So Amy watched the sun rise over the forest, and tried her hardest to come up with some sort of plan to overtake the cornucopia with Amelia and Kriti.

Eventually, the sun had risen and she woke up Kriti and Amelia to begin the next day.

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