Week 3, Day 5

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In the almost month that Ellie and Eleanor had been in these godforsaken games they had never felt so at ease. Of course they still felt a little on edge at all times, and that would occasionally spike when they thought they saw a figure around the corner of a house, but other than that the town had really given them an opportunity to wind down and calm themselves a little, an opportunity no one else in the games got.

Ellie, who had been far too anxious the whole games, had been catching up on her sleep, and in fact she had spent most of the past three days sleeping, while Eleanor had been reading the books within the house they were squatting in and eating all the food she could possibly find.

Ellie was a whole lot calmer and felt a whole lot safer in this town but Eleanor was a little more skeptical. She didn't quite trust this town, as it had a strange atmosphere. She couldn't quite describe it, but she didn't feel all that safe even within the house. In fact she didnt feel safe especially in the house.

It was a strange phenomena that Eleanor couldn't describe, but it was as if the house was never still. As if it was constantly shaking, about to blast off into the sky. And there was something about the garden that was off putting. The grass was uneven. Some of it was tall and fully grown but patches of it were slightly shorter, and Eleanor, who had completely lost her ability to trust over the past weeks, didn't trust this.

And Eleanor was right not to.

Two days after they had first settled into the house, Eleanor felt especially on edge. She sensed the house shaking more than ever, and she didn't know what to make of it, but the slightest sound would make her jump. As she was spreading jam over a slice of toast, she heard a low rumbling sound. It started off so quiet she didn't even register it until it had grown quite loud.

In fact, when she had finished her breakfast and was retreating to her room up the stairs, she realized the noise was getting dangerously loud. She was halfway up the stairs when the window adjacent to the stairs shattered and an unseen force slammed Eleanor onto the railing and over it onto the cold hard ground.

Glass littered the ground as well as pieces of wood, dirt and Eleanor's blood. She lay on the floor completely caught off guard by this chain of events. She managed to dizzily get to her feet and collect her thoughts. Just as she did, she watched an explosion occur outside the window. It didn't take Eleanor long to realize they were surrounded by bombs, and they were slowly all going off.

Ellie came practically tumbling down the stairs to find Eleanor, who was propping herself up against a table. She had hit her head on the fall from the stairs and a concussion was brewing in her head.

"Eleanor, what the fuck is happening?" Ellie screamed over the chaos. Their house was not the only one being blown up by the minute; in the distance they could hear bombs going off as well.

"I think there are bombs going off." Eleanor tried to explain. Ellie realized that Eleanor was weakened by the explosion she rushed over and helped her stand up straight.

"What do we do?" Ellie asked desperately, the fear very evident in her voice. Eleanor dusted the small fragments of glass off her legs and grabbed Ellie for support.

"We get the fuck out of here." Eleanor screamed over the noise of bombs and collapsing houses. Before Ellie could respond a bomb from somewhere between them pushed them back down to the floor. Ellie went sliding across the wood, glass poking into her skin as she did.

Ellie had cuts all over herself and was bleeding profusely and Eleanor's concussion was only worsened. They got to their feet and wordlessly agreed to gather all the necessary supplies and leave. Eleanor rushed up the stairs as quick as she could without passing out and dashed into her room. She grabbed her bag and packed a few of the knives she kept in her bedside drawer.

She grabbed her bow and arrow and dashed back down the stairs. She then shoved some food from the kitchen into her bag and ran to the door to meet Ellie, who had her trident in hand and a bag full of small tools and food. They both sprinted out of the house just in time as another bomb went off and the house slowly crumbled to pieces. Ellie shuddered at the thought that if they had been in there a minute longer they would both be dead.

She shook off the thought and they both ran through the burning and debris littered streets until they found an opening into the field. They made a break for it and sprinted away from the destroyed town. They ran for almost a full hour through the field, knowing if they stopped they'd have to address everything that had just happened. But soon Eleanor felt too dizzy and she passed out into the grass. Ellie collapsed beside her and they lay there for hours.

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