Week 1, Day 2 (Part 3)

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As Amy watched the sunrise melt the sky into pink, then blue, she shook away any form of doubt she had about her alliance. She knew they definitely wouldn't win if she doubted them so much so she assured herself that they could do it. Eventually, she decided to awaken the others.

She knelt down besides Amelia and Kriti and hesitated waking them up. They looked the most peaceful she had seen them in weeks. She then began kicking both their sides to rudely awaken them. They woke up and hit Amy for waking them up horribly.

"Nobody cares, anyway, we have to go set up camp near the cornucopia." Amy reminded them. They packed up camp together, all of the, hesitating slightly. If they did set up camp at the edge of the forest, they would be close to the cornucopia. Maybe too close. With people constantly patrolling the area, they could easily notice them and once they have: game over.

But once they had set up camp they began the walk back to the cornucopia. The forest was gorgeous, and the three of them admired it as they walked through it. The trees reached up high, quite densely packed, and the dirt was filled with beautiful wild flowers and shrubs.

Soon the edge of the forest came into sight. Amy stopped everyone in their tracks.

"Let's set up camp here." Amy said, pointing to the nearby bush. It was large and brambly, and you could see through it on their side, but not on the other side. The cornucopia was in sight from where the bush was, so they set up camp behind the bush, making sure the boys alliance wouldn't be able to see them when on patrol.

Once they were done setting up, Kriti continued explaining her plan to Amelia and Amy, who were laughing so loud that they were terrified it would draw attention to them. Although, Amy and Amelia had to give Kriti some credit, despite some of her plan being crazy, reckless and just outright stupid, some ideas in her plan were ingenious. Amelia had been compiling a list of all the good elements of Kriti's plan, so she could bring them up again when they begin to seriously plan their attack.

They spent the day discussing the plan, their alliance, the others alliances, their lack of resources and weapons, and also their lives before the games.

But sooner than expected, the moon ascended into the sky, and a crazy and reckless idea entered Amy's mind.

"Guys, you know how we only have a sword?" The others nodded slowly in response, worried about where Amy was going with this. "I could try sneaking into the cornucopia and stealing a weapon or something!"Amy exclaimed, excited about the idea. A grin came to Kriti's face, and she began egging Amy on. Amelia did not approve of this plan, because although it was beneficial, it was a thousand times for dangerous, but she knew Amy already had the idea in her head and there was no getting it out now.

So the trio watched the cornucopia intently. They could vaguely see four figures in the silver structure sleeping, and two others patrolling the perimeter of the cornucopia, moving in opposite directions. Amy observed the movement, and she saw that at one point the two guards are both behind the cornucopia for exactly two minutes, then they both emerge from either side. Amy decided this was her brief window of opportunity.

So Amy took everything she needed, and prepared to run. It was a long distance to run in two minutes,mouth she believed under the adrenaline, she could do it. From the very edge of the forest, she could see that TK and Ricky were the guards. As soon as they both became out of sight Amy began sprinting. She was halfway in about one minute, and she began regretting this plan. What if someone woke up and killed her? Or what if TK or Ricky catch her and kill her? She shook the doubt from her mind and pushed herself to run faster.

She counted down in her head, and they would emerge soon, and she wasn't close enough yet. She sprinted as fast as her legs could carry her, and she reached the cornucopia just in time. She ducked behind a crate full of god knows what, almost stepping on a sleeping body as she did. There were three normal beds and one large, extra comfy bed, which Timtam slept on. She rolled her eyes and watched as Ricky and TK emerged from either side. She stayed hidden, waiting for her next two minute window of opportunity.

After about fifteen minutes, the window of opportunity opened. Amy creeped around the cornucopia, counting down in her head. She carefully tiptoed around the sleepers, and looked around. She found a large bag full of luxurious food, and she slowly placed it in her bag, as quietly as humanly possible. She continued moving inwards, but didn't find anything of interest. Finally, she saw all the weapons stacked up in a pile at the back. The window closed and she quickly hid behind a large weapon rack. It wasn't the best concealment, but with the distance and the dark, she hoped TK and Ricky wouldn't notice her.

But then the plan was changed. TK came into the cornucopia. Amy remained as still as humanly possible, but was dying on the inside. Why was TK coming inside? It wasn't time to switch patrollers yet. Then it all became clear, as he kneeled besides Max as he slept. He watched him sleep, lovingly, but Amy was getting sick of it. Was he going to this the whole time? How was she going to escape. She decided to risk it and creep backwards to the stack of weapons, as TK was facing away from her. She picked up the weapon she thought would make the least noise and ducked behind the weapon rack again. She then decided to make a break for it when Ricky wasn't around.

She stood up, and sprinted out jumping around the sleeping bodies, and exited by the left of the throne, while TK was on the right. He noticed her quickly and began chasing her. She sprinted for her life, but she knew TK was faster. This was a stupid idea, and now she was going to get Kriti and Amelia killed too. But then TK slowed down. Amy knew he was letting her get away, but why? She decided to push it from her mind and return to Amelia and Kriti successfully, with a large bag filled with luxurious food and a a sword.

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