Week 3, Day 1 (Part 2)

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Amy did not sleep the night she received the note. It wasn't due to guilt or anything similar, it was paranoia and unsettledness. She didn't like the fact that there were people who could watch her every move and even manipulate her into doing things she would never do. But also, what if Amelia or Kriti found the note, which she had dug besides a tree during her watch shift?

Would Amelia think she was making some sort of alliance against her? Amy couldn't bear the torture, but towards the sunrise, she began to calm down. She knew that she was not ditching Amelia, she just couldn't, but she couldn't find a single reason why she shouldn't ditch Amelia. She just could not bring herself to doing it, despite very much wanting to do it.

But towards the sunrise she came up with reasons why she should stay with Amelia, and they satisfied her enough to last her the rest of the day.

Firstly, over the three weeks Amelia had proved to be quite resourceful, and Amy knew if Amelia never came into contact with anyone else, she would be fine. Secondly, Amelia would have Kriti, so even if they did come into contact with someone, she had enough confidence that they could survive. Thirdly, the note never said Amy couldn't return to Amelia. What if Amy just ditched her for a day then returned to her? That wasn't specifically against the rules. And finally, she just wouldn't ditch Amelia. She was like a daughter to Amy.

So, by the time the sun had risen Amy had decided she wasn't ditching Amelia; at least not today. Amy, Amelia and Kriti went about their day, doing what they needed to do. Amy went scouted the area and did some hunting, Kriti continued working on her 'master plan', and Amelia gathered some herbs and fruits and prepared the meals for the trio.

They all sat together for dinner, during which they discussed their plan to capture the cornucopia. At first, it seemed impossible to formulate a plan, but as, one by one, the members of the boys alliance left, it became easier. They knew the boys were stronger, they just needed to outsmart them. Amy was confident they could, and so was Amelia, but Kriti wasn't so sure.

But Kriti couldn't doubt her plan, so she remained confident, but nervous. They had planned to put the plan into motion in two days, and Kriti seriously doubted they could pull it off, and Amy did a little too, but with a little luck, they would capture the cornucopia and have the most power in the games.

Amelia had the first shift on guard, so she sat herself down on the log with her knife, some food and a torch Amy had stolen a few nights before. Amelia wasn't so concentrated, as in three weeks they hadn't had any contact with another alliance and she doubted they would in the middle of the night, so she sat with her chin in her palm and thought to herself about the games.

Amelia hadn't once vocalized her thoughts, but she had little faith in her alliance. She knew once they secured the cornucopia as their territory, if Kriti's plan succeeded, then they would be a lot stronger. But until then, she wondered which alliance was strongest.

As far as the Amelia knew, the alliances were still Ellie, Eleanor and Emma, and John, Kate, Ruby and Lily. She didn't include Yash, Michael and Timtam in her thoughts as she knew they were the strongest. She thought that Ellie, Eleanor and Emma were a strong alliance, but John, Kate, Ruby and Lily, in Amelia's opinion was probably the strongest.

Just as she came to this conclusion, she heard an unsettling sound from the forest to the east: a growl. Her head snapped in that direction and she looked for the source of the sound, but she found nothing. Was she crazy? No, she definitely heard a growl. Amelia took the knife and held in tightly in her hand as she cautiously approached the area the sound had come from.

A huge black bear leaped out from the area and jumped at Amelia who shrieked and tripped over her foot and fell to the dirt, narrowly avoiding the attack. The bear was lying on the ground where Amelia was a few seconds ago, and Amelia had quickly scrambled to her feet, and the bear was doing the same.

Amelia ran back to their camp, and the bear chased her. She leaped over the log she had been sitting at and turned back to the bear, who was charging at Amelia. Her mind was racing, and out of nowhere, a plan popped into her head.

She dropped to her knees and pushed the log forwards with all her might. The bear was barreling towards her, and he soon collided with the rolling log and fell to the dirt once again. Amelia picked up a nearby sword and ran towards the bear.

She stood above it, and with hesitancy, she sunk the sword into the bear. She screamed as she did it, and as soon as she did, Amy and Kriti came running out of the tent. They helped Amelia back to the tent and Amy went on guard.

Amy doubted her decision now. Amelia could clearly fend for herself, and with Kriti by her side she would do fine. So why shouldn't Amy ditch them? They have their own supplies and they can take care of themselves. And if Amy left, she could fend for herself and she would have supplies as well. So as Amy sat on the log, protecting Amelia and Kriti she thought to herself.

What was stopping her?

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