Week 2, Day 7 (Part 2)

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Kate jolted awake when she heard it. She looked up drowsily but still alert. Lily and John were arguing, once again, and Lily had let out a scream. But it wasn't her normal scream, it sounded completely bizarre. John was staring at her, not knowing quite what to do.

"Lily, what even is your argument against me being leader?" John finally recovered and continued the argument with Lily.

"I can admit your decisions aren't that bad, but you are just so full of yourself it makes me want to strangle you." Lily said, and at that Ruby's eyes widened. Kate was now sitting on the sofa besides Ruby, quietly discussing the argument.

"How am full of myself? And even if I am, that is not a valid argument against my leadership because like you said I still make good decisions!" John exclaimed, exasperated by Lily's constant defiance of his leadership.

"Oh my god, just shut up!" Lily shouted. John opened his mouth to retort but before he could he heard a strange noise. The whole room paused when they heard it. It was like a strange whistling, and it was getting louder. Suddenly, the house violently shook and everyone was knocked to the ground as an earsplitting noise erupted from outside.

Kate got to her feet first and peered out the window to find the cause of the commotion. There was a crater in the ground not too far from the house outside. It didn't take her long to put two and two together and realize a bomb had just landed right outside their house.

"Guys, it's a bomb!" Kate screamed to the others as she heard the whistling again, indicating another bomb. As it fell, Kate did as well. They all scrambled to their feet and hastily grabbed anything they thought necessary. Lily grabbed random supplies, John grabbed weapons, Ruby grabbed food and Kate grabbed a mixture of all three. They were constantly being interrupted by bomb impacts throwing them to the floor. Soon, they had their bags packed and ready to go.

"Are we all ready?" John asked concernedly, and he was surprised when Lily didn't negatively react. They all nodded and ran out of the house. They heard whistling and looked up. The bomb was falling directly towards the house. They sprinted away as fast as they could. Kate ran so fast she almost fell of a large drop off.

When the impact came John was thrown to the floor, and sadly, he did not avoid the drop off. He rolled right off the cliff and only just managed to cling on with one hand. Lily stared at him, her heart racing. She wanted so desperately to push him down, but she wouldn't let herself. Kate and Ruby quickly rushed over and helped him up.

They recovered quickly and continued down the mountain. The house was completely destroyed, and they had no shelter for the night. Luckily, everyone managed to escape with minor injuries, John had scrapes all over his body from the rocks, Ruby had a few burn marks from the fire of the bombs, Lily had hurt her wrist, but Kate had managed to escape unscathed.

John and Kate, who soon realized they were running low on food, decided to go hunting as Lily and Ruby set up camp for the night.

"Lily, can I talk to you?" Ruby asked, fear welling up inside herself. Lily nodded, sensing the situation was serious, so she stopped draping a blanket over a rock. "I think you should tell John and Kate about your... thoughts." Ruby blurted out. Lily fell silent, no expression visible on her face.

"I don't think I should." Lily responded in monotone.

"If you do John and Kate will trust you more for telling them, and it's not like they'd ditch you or some shit like that." Ruby continued, hoping Lily would show some sign of emotion. But she didn't. She just remained completely quiet and expressionless.

"You know those thoughts are over. I don't want to kill John and Kate anymore." Lily replied. Ruby looked at her quizzically. She didn't fully believe Lily. "I want to kill you." Ruby froze as a chill ran down her spine.

Lily walked towards her, and right past her. She rifled through her bag, and removed a sword. Ruby stared at her. Despite everything, Ruby could not believe this was happening.

"Lily, please." Ruby begged, tears beginning to spill. Lily walked towards her with the sword, and then handed it to her.

"Only one of us can come out of here alive. Stab yourself or stab me." Lily told Ruby. Ruby just gave her a look, saying she couldn't do either. "Just do it." Lily ordered, scarily authoritatively. Ruby lunged forwards, aiming straight for Lily's chest. Lily jumped swiftly to the side and grabbed Ruby's wrist.

Lily would not relinquish her hold on Ruby's wrist, and Ruby just weeped as she knew what was coming. "Wrong move." Lily muttered. She slowly twisted Ruby's hand around. The sword in Ruby's hand was getting close to her chest, and Ruby was fighting Lily's push as much as she could.

But Ruby couldn't win. Lily pushed forwards, and with that, Ruby was dead. The sword impaled her, and she dropped to the ground, creating for herself a pool of blood. Lily smiled and stroked Ruby's hair as the light left her eyes.

And then Lily began decorating. She sliced Ruby apart and arranged her parts into some sort of sick sculpture.

John and Kate returned, and saw Lily admiring her handiwork.

"Lily?" Kate asked, completely perplexed as to what the strange tower in front of Lily was. Her face turned pale when she noticed the lack of Ruby. Lily turned around, the sword in her hand. Kate's hand went over her mouth, shock and grief overcoming her. She began tearing up, then crying then sobbing, then weeping, as John instantly went to battle with Lily.

John showed no sign of grief, just absolute rage. He lunged at Lily with his sword and began attacking her. This was not a fight he would realistically win, but he had to do it for Ruby. Kate recovered slightly, realizing Lily and John were in combat. She swiftly removed an arrow from her quiver and fired it at Lily.

The arrow pierced Lily's shoulder. She let out a scream of terrifying rage. Lily ignored John, who had been disarmed, his sword now on the ground a few feet away, and began charging at Kate. John lifted his foot and hit Lily as hard as possible, sending her straight to the snow. The arrow was pushed straight through her shoulder, and she screamed louder.

John knew what he had to do for his own survival. He dashed to his sword and picked it up. And then he ran. He sprinted as fast as he could southwards, abandoning his alliance and every thought and memory of it.

Kate, who was right above Lily, took John's wordless advice and ran as well, but she ran westwards, towards the cornucopia. She knew Michael and Yash would team up with her, and it was smarter than running into oblivion with John.

And that was then end of John, Ruby, Kate and Lily's alliance.

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