Week 2, Day 6 (Part 2)

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TK jolted awake from his nightmare. He had collapsed in the jungle the night before, starving and exhausted. For three nights in a row, TK had had the same nightmare. It wasn't much of a nightmare, as it was just him reliving the horror of Max dying. He woke up crying every time, and he went to bed crying every night, knowing what his dream would include.

After he had watched the life leave Max eyes, he ran to the forest and collapsed in a mess. He had no clue what to do, because Max was the whole reason he hadn't just offed himself when the games first began. Max had been the whole reason he was in this to win. And he would continue to be.

TK knew now, that he had to honor Max's death by winning the games. He had to do it for Max, no matter the cost. If it meant killing his best friends: so be it.

But it had been three days and the motivation was beginning to fade. He wasn't sure, if it came down it, if he would or could kill anyone in the arena; other than Timtam. But he kept moving anyway.

On the day after Max was shot, he had awoken in the forest and discovered Amy, Amelia and Kriti's base. They hadn't noticed him, and he decided to keep it at that. He didn't think they would take him, and even if they did, they would never fully trust him.

So he kept moving. He struggled to find sufficient food water and shelter, but he managed to just survive the next three nights. The night before he had crossed the border of the forest into the jungle.

Today he began wandering the jungle, searching for food or water. He only just avoided fatal vines, rocks and drop-offs, and he soon thought to himself this must be one of the most dangerous areas in the arena.

He became accustomed to the green of the jungle that he did a double take when he saw orange. Through the vines, leaves and boulders, he could see Eleanor. She was sitting on a rock, with Ellie and Emma behind her.

He debated in his mind for a few minutes whether or not to approach her. If they took him, which he was quite confident they would, then great, but if they didn't, then he had a knife in his pocket and he could take Eleanor on.

"Eleanor?" TK asked as he emerged from behind the boulder. Eleanor instantly turned around and pointed an arrow in his direction. To his surprise, she did not immediately lower it upon seeing him.

"What do you want?" She demanded. He raised his hands in surrender and slowly approached her.

"Woah, Eleanor, I just want to join your alliance." He explained. She relaxed a little, but still did not lower her bow.

"And how do I know you aren't just saying that to trick me and kill me in my sleep?" She continued to demand. He gulped, knowing he'd have to explain Max's death, and not sure if he could say it out loud without bursting into tears.

"B-because, Max d-died." He breathed out, choking back the tears. Eleanor could sense the genuineness in his tone and lowered her bow. She hugged him and he explained the entire day that he passed. She then comforted him and assured him that he could join the alliance. She then woke the others and explained to them TK's story and they let him join their alliance.

But Emma wasn't so sure. The first day they discovered that they were going to be in the games, TK ditched them for the others and never looked back. She knew he was trustworthy, but she just didn't fully trust him. How did she know he wouldn't turn around and kill them all? She knew if it was her she might do it to another alliance.

However, when she thought about it, he was a good addition. He was resourceful and a good fighter, so that was a good perk. And if he did try to betray them, they could take him out. Three against one. So she pretended to fully trust him and he joined the alliance, making it a four member alliance.

They spent most of the day explaining what they had been doing the whole time and comforting TK through Max's death. Then they explained their alliance's rules and showed him everything they had. They discussed strategy if anyone attacked them and if they should attack anyone.

Eventually, night fell on the quartet and they decided to go to bed. TK was exhausted, so he was the first to drift off. Next, Eleanor fell to slumber, and then Emma. But Ellie lay wide awake, somehow unable to sleep. She had too many thoughts racing through her head.

What if Lily, John, Kate, Ruby, Amy, Amelia or Kriti attacked them? She couldn't let herself die, and she knew she could bring herself to actually killing them, she was only worried about the guilt. Yes, she would kill them to save herself, but would she really be saving herself? Because she was worried the guilt would make her off herself.

Suddenly, something other than a leaf floated down from the sky. It was a metal box, with a balloon attached. Ellie cautiously approached it, then opened it. Inside there was a piece of parchment, and when she turned it around, she discovered it was a map of the arena.

She quickly awaked the others and they discussed the whereabouts of everyone.

"The boys are in the cornucopia right?" Eleanor asked, and TK nodded, so Ellie marked their spot in the center of the map with some mud.

"And Amy, Amelia and Kriti are in the outskirts of the forest." TK said, and Ellie subsequently marked it down. They discussed the possibilities of where John, Lily, Ruby and Kate where, but they weren't sure, as TK hadn't seen where they went. They theorized that they were somewhere in the desert, but they weren't sure.

Then, they silently sat around the map, each thinking their own individual thoughts, all different, but so similar. One by one they went to bed, until finally, Emma fell asleep.

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