Week 1, Day 2 (Part 2)

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Sunlight filtered through the canopies of the trees, landing on Eleanor's closed eyelids, awakening her from her restless slumber. She awoke for the fourth time that night. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up. Ellie and Emma were still asleep, quite peacefully. Eleanor decided to check the injury she had acquired the day before.

The cut seemed horrifying yesterday, but it was getting a lot better today. The cuts had scabbed overnight, and Eleanor felt almost no pain when she stood up. Eleanor reached for the nearest waterbottle and opened it. No water came out. Well, Eleanor knew what their first priority would be.

Eleanor allowed her friends to be at peace a little longer, until she got bored and woke them both up. They had a small breakfast, and emptied the last water bottle. They knew they would have to search for water today, so they packed up camp and continued moving.

Emma had slept well the night before, and felt very confident in her alliance. Sure, they had a slightly injured member, and no water, but she thought when it came down to it, they could win the battle. She was confident in their alliance, but she knew the boy's were more powerful. They hadn't stayed long, so they couldn't know what had gone down, but she assumed they had a lot of supplies because they had stayed at the cornucopia the longest. So if they went into the battle, they would inevitably win. Six supplied people versus three un-supplied people? Emma knew who would win. In fact, now that she thought about it, how likely was it that any alliance could beat the boys?

They had all split up into groups of threes and fours, which originally was Emma's idea, but now she was regretting it. There was little chance, any individual alliance could overcome the boys. Emma thought maybe they could combine forces with another alliance, and maybe then they could defeat the boys, but for now, she felt safe being as far away from them as possible.

Emma tried moving her right leg, but to her surprise, it didn't move. She looked down and realized she was sinking. The trio had fallen into a pit of quicksand.

"Guys!" Emma exclaimed. Eleanor and Ellie rolled their eyes.

"We already know Emma." Eleanor said. She was the closest to the edge, so she grabbed the edge real dirt and attempted hoisting herself up. It was difficult, but she was moving slightly upwards. She turned around and watched Ellie and Emma struggling, with their arms flailing, to keep above the surface. "Stop moving. You'll only fall quicker!" Eleanor yelled at them as she continued to hoist herself out of the quicksand. They obeyed her and became still. They moved down at an incremental pace, but the sand was up to their elbows now.

Eleanor's waist was freed from the quicksand, leaving only her legs left. She tugged with all her might to free her legs, and finally, she was free. She quickly got to her feet and rushed around, attempting to find something sturdy enough to hoist the other out. She soon found a long and thick branch and extended it to the others. Ellie grabbed on, and Emma only just reached.

Eleanor pulled and tugged, freeing them little by little. It took almost ten minutes to fully free them from the sand, and by the time she had, she collapsed, completely exhausted.

"I know you're tired, and bby I feel you, but we have to find water." Ellie told Eleanor, who nodded and slowly got to her feet.

They continued moving.

The day seems to move slower to Ellie. She was so thirsty and so tired, but they couldn't give up now. How could they give up on the second day? So she forced them ahead, despite their constant protests. Ellie felt very afraid of the weakness of her alliance. She was not afraid of getting into a fight, because they were so far away from the others and probably wouldn't run into them, but they were running out of resources, and she could see Eleanor and Emma slowly giving up hope, and she felt the exact same way.

When the sun set, Ellie knew they would have to sleep for now and continue searching in the morning. So, they sloppily set up a makeshift camp, had dinner consisting of jungle fruits and dried meat. Then they went to bed.

Ellie did not sleep well. In fact she didn't at all. She was far too thirsty to fall asleep. Two hours later, once Eleanor and Emma had both fallen into sleep, she got to her feet, and decided to take a small walk, not too far from camp.

As she walked, she thought about the possible outcomes of the games. What if they did end up in a fight with another alliance? She didn't know about Eleanor and Emma, but she could never kill her closest friends. She imagined coming into contact with Kate, Lily, John and Ruby, and almost cried just from the thought.

She stopped in her tracks, smelling a familiar smell: moisture. It was in the air, and she knew that meant one thing: Water. She dashed around madly, attempting to find the source. She moved a large fern and discovered a river. She grinned and sprinted back to the others. They spent the rest of the night using the water to their advantage. Drinking, washing, and refilling their water bottles.

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