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"Nikki! Get your ass up before I physically drag you out of the bed!" Brittni's piercing voice enters my newly awakened brain.

I cover my head with my pillow and groan into the mattress.

"Do you not know what day it is?" She asks, calmly, and I feel the bed dip indicating that she has taken a seat.

Of course I know what day it is. I've only been planning it for the last seven months.

"I don't want to get up." My voice is muffled by the mattress, but I know she heard me.

"Come on, Nikki, you don't want to be late to the Ceremony," Brittni nudges my shoulder.

"Brit," I lift my head to look at her. "The ceremony doesn't start until four o'clock and its seven right now."

"I know what time it is! But you have a nail appointment at eight, and then your hair and make up will take forever," she exclaims.

"Whose doing my hair and make up again?" I ask.

"Oh my god!" She throws her hands in the air. "It's your wedding and you don't even know whose doing your hair and make up."

"I'm just kidding," I giggle and sit up in bed. "When is she supposed to be here anyways?"

"Well, your nail appointment should take about an hour, and then we'll be doing some waxing," she smiles knowing I hate waxing.

"I'm not getting a Brazilian wax," I shake my head, not giving in.

"Nikki, stop being difficult. You don't want to be all hairy when you go on your honey moon. If you guys were sexually active before marriage just imagine after," she says.

"Whatever," I grumble knowing she's not going to give in any time soon.

"Plus I want to get one too, lord know Jackson loves it," she says nonchalantly, like she didn't just hint that her and my brother have a good sex life.

"Brittni! Stop with these sexual innuendos with you and my brother!" I swear I'm going to kill her. Thats just so gross to think about.

"Oh please, your still not over it. It's been what six years?" she gives me a pointed look.

"Yes! And I'll never get over it!" I throw my hands up in exasperation.

"Okay, okay, now get out of bed so we can make it to the appointment on time," Brittni says and stands up from my bed.

"Brit, it's only seven," I whine and fall back on to the bed.

"And the place is all the way in Novi!" Brittni rolls her eyes.

"Fine," I finally give up trying to sleep in for another half hour, and throw the sheets off of my body.

I look over at the empty spot where Colten should be, but he's not.

I tried getting him to just forget about the traditional rules of not sleeping with the bride the night before the wedding, but he said and I quote "I am trying to be the least bit traditional with this. We already had sex before marriage, try doing something traditional." True, we did have sex before marriage, a lot, but what's traditional anyway?

After I graduated college almost a year ago Colten and I decided to move back to Michigan for a little while. His mom has been recently diagnosed with breast cancer and we both wanted to be closer to her just in case.

Brittni and Jackson now live in Ohio, where Jackson plays on the Cleveland Browns. I'm just glad he's not living in Seattle anymore, he was way to far away.

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