Chapter 14

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I can't explain the feeling of heart break I'm feeling for my brother and best friend.

It all happened so fast, not even I could prepare for this.

"Jackson," I place a hand on his shoulder.

"Can I stay at your guys's place tonight? She needs some time to cool down," he nods. "And she took the car keys."

I look back at Colten who has a look of horror on his face, and shakes his head vigorously.

"Of course you can," I smile, but he doesn't return the gesture.


He starts walking towards Colten and I's car making me turn to my husband.

"What the hell, Nikki?" Colten fumes.

"I know, I know, but he needs to give Brittni some time to cool off," I reason.

"How long is that?" Colten raises an eyebrow.

I shrug and kiss his lips.

"It'll be fine," I smile, unlatching my arms from around his neck and walking towards my car.

Colten grumbles a few profanities under his breath before following me.

As we start driving down the busy streets of downtown, I turn around to look at Jackson in the back seat.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask, nicely.

"I said I wanted a break," he nods.

"Why?" I question, trying to keep the ball rolling.

"Because she was on me all the time about this marriage thing, and I realized that I need to go out and see other things," he explains.

"You mean other girls?" Colten chimes in.

"Technically," Jackson shrugs. "I don't know, we've been together for eight years and I just-"

"You were getting bored," Colten nods.

"Are you serious-"

"No, no that's not it," Jackson shakes his head. "I just want to find myself."

Oh. I guess I can understand that, but I don't exactly agree with it.

Jackson loves Brittni and Brittni loves Jackson, so what's the matter? He's scared.

"You're scared," I state to him. "You're scared that if you get committed to her, she'll hurt you. Just like mom and dad."

He doesn't say anything, but the way he sighs and looks out the window, I know I hit the nail right on the head.

Colten grabs my hand and kisses it, smiling at me.

"Here's some blankets," I hand the pile to Jackson. "The couch is more comfortable than it looks, sorry we don't have a bed for the guest room."

"It's fine, I don't need luxury," he says and kisses my forehead. "Good-night."

"Night," I smile and head back into my room were Colten is already under the covers watching tv.

"I can't believe the day is already over," I sigh, stripping off my clothes, leaving my panties on, but putting on a shirt of Colten's.

"I know, but I had fun," he grins making me smile.

"Good." I crawl into bed with him after taking off my make up and curl into his side. "Sorry that my brother is staying with us."

"Don't be, he needs a place to stay. The only downside is I'm not able to pleasure my wife," he smirks, turning off the tv he wraps his arm around my body and lays his head on mine. "I love you."

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