Chapter Three: September 2014 11:15pm

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The music was way too loud and it was way too hot in this large room.

People were dancing and talking and drinking and all I was was uncomfortable.

With a half-empty warm beer in my hand and a clingy boy kissing my neck, all I wanted to do was leave.

But I had a fake reputation to uphold, so why not give them a show?

The beer was placed down and forgotten as the music pounded and echoed in my head. The boy, whose name I never bothered to learn, kept up a steady rhythm of kisses and touches. My dress was short and my hair was down and it had been less than twelve hours since my boyfriend had broken up with me.

Though the music was loud, my thoughts pounded against my skull and my heart beat was deafening. Everything hurt and all I could feel was pain. He grasped my hand and lead me out of the room to hopefully forget.

"Ready, babe?" He murmured as his warm breath tickled my ear.

I nodded a little unsure of what to do. He wrapped his hand tightly around my wrist and dragged me to a bedroom, but I didn't protest. I was silent, because I deserved whatever would come my way, negative or positive. His eyes twinkled when he glanced down at me and cobalt met toffee in an unforeseen situation. His large hand wrapped around the door knob, while the other formed a bruise on my wrist.

He treaded into the bedroom and I willingly followed behind him and kicked the door shut. The lock clicked noisily and I knew there was no going back. He pulled me upon the bed and we fell into a pile of broken hearts and fake promises before he undid his belt.

And the rest of the night was an endless blur of sloppy kisses, shaky hands, and the sound of clothing as it hit the floor.

- - -

When he exhausted himself, he fell asleep in a bundle of sweat and warm blankets. I laid next to him for what seemed like hours, wide awake. The sun had just begun to rise and the edge of the horizon was a mix of yellows and oranges. The sirens were the only thing that made me jump up as I stood and dressed. The dress had been pulled off before the night of fake moans had started and I slowly slipped it on. The boy, probably a senior, was still asleep as I opened the window next to the bed. I cringed as I removed the screen and placed it inside the bedroom before I pushed the window as far up as I could.

I was luckily on the first floor and it wouldn't be necessary for me to climb a tree to escape. I whistled loudly and the boy stirred but didn't wake.

"Get the hell up before the cops come," I snapped and then his eyes opened.

"Leaving so early?" He slurred and sat up in the bed.

"Obviously," I replied.

"You were good," he grinned before he passed out again.

I scoffed and hopped out of the window. Dirt sprinkled onto my dress and coated my knees as I landed messily but I only pushed myself up and ran away. I couldn't give a damn about the dirt when I felt just as dirty inside.

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