Chapter Forty-Four: September 2016 1:34am

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The saying "time heals all" was fucking stupid.

It had been a little more then a month since Ares and I had our screaming match and broken up, and though I had run out of tears to cry, my heart still hurt as much as it did that day. It hurt to get up truthfully, and it hurt to go to bed with the knowledge I'd wake up the next day.

Fuck, I was becoming a depressing bum.

Jeff hadn't bothered to tell my dad that Ares and I broke up, it wasn't his relationship to talk about anyways. My older brother offered to drive back to Nebraska and kick his ass for me, but after a shaky laugh I had shaken my head "no". I didn't feel like revenge, or trying to hurt him, I didn't feel like anything. Ares and I had stopped talking after that day, and though I never went as far as to block his number, I doubted we'd talk again. I cared too much about him and that split had hurt too much that I didn't care that much about anything. It wasn't like I didn't put effort into my day-to-day attire, but not as much as I used to. I just didn't care anymore.

Still, I didn't give into that feeling. I still got up, I still laughed, I still worked my ass off in the gym, I just didn't feel like it. I had begun to plan my life out for the next few years, where I'd live and when I'd finish high school and what I'd do. College was too expensive, but I didn't need a degree to show my work ethic and get a job.

My heart still hurt like hell and this was a definite setback, but I'd get over it. I'd be damned if I let some stupid boy, who I stupidly fell in love with, be the ruin of me.

Besides, I doubted I'd ever see him or talk to him again.

- - -

This is the end of Ares. Thank you everyone that came along for the journey and supported me the entire time. I hope the ending didn't feel too sudden or rushed, but I felt that it was right for their relationship at this time. Cashlin expected somewhat of a fairytale ending, once she realized she was in love with Ares, but their problems drove them apart. The time zones were difficult and they couldn't figure out a distinct way to communicate so their relationship suffered and ultimately ended because of it.

This story came a long way, I felt it was right to end it like this. It wasn't right for these characters to magically have a happy ending at only seventeen and eighteen respectively. Their stories are far from over and it wasn't right for them to somehow be able to conquer everything that was thrown in their way.

j.q.b x

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