Chapter Seven: November 2015 9:38pm

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Everything was blurred by the ever-present tears in my eyes. The music flashed dangerously, in bursts of orange, purple, and green. It reminded me of his eyes and how innocent they once looked. The colors were secondary, not primary like red, blue, and yellow. I only learned a few things in the mandatory art class I took in elementary school and the basics of the color wheel was one of them. To get secondary colors from the basic color wheel, it was necessary to mix at least two primary colors together.

I'd like to think of myself as a primary color, red. Red was my choice because it reminded me of love, of passion, but I think I was too far gone for things like that. I'd like to think that I was untouched by the sadness that came with blue, or the high of drugs that came with yellow. I'd like to think I hadn't even heard of the effects of mixing with the secondary colors. The sharp bite of green envy, the loud siren of orange, the hard slap of purple. But in fact, I was probably a murky brown, tainted with too many colors, too many mistakes, and far too gone to return to a simple red.

"Having fun?" He mocked but instead of a reply, I turned and left the room.

My sweater was half on and half off, my bare stomach on show. I scampered to the bathroom, the only place where I could try and regain some sanity. I entered the unoccupied room and shut the door behind me. I clutched onto the granite sink as my chest heaved up and down.

I glanced up and emotionless, boring, brown eyes stared back. My dark hair was disheveled and the hair was falling out of my braid. I laughed suddenly before I shook my head and looked back into the sink. My legs felt weak as nausea grew in the pit of my stomach.

Tears ran down my cheeks and I started to unconsciously rock myself back and forth. My breaths were shallow and quick and I felt my pulse spike. When I looked up, he was there. The tears stopped almost instantly, I couldn't show weakness, not now.

"Do you ever leave me alone?" I laughed, my voice hollow, and met his gaze head on.

"Nope," he said and the edge of his lips curled upward just briefly.

"Did you have fun recording me about to fuck that guy?"

"I wouldn't call it fun, more disgust."

"Let me guess, it'll be all over social media and then my whole life will be ruined," I said mockingly.


"Really? No, go ahead. Post it. Who the fuck gives a shit about me or what I feel anyway? I sure as hell don't."

Ares's lips dipped down before they evened out, "I said no. I deleted it."

"So you went through all the effort to hide and record me and a guy making out and undressing for nothing?"

"I changed my mind, I'll be nice for once."

I scoffed, "You? Nice? Good joke. All you've done since you came back is give me hell and treat me like shit."

"On the contrary, I came back for you."

That piqued my attention.

"Keep going."

"I didn't break up with you well and I felt bad."

"So, you went across the country for that? That's a shit excuse, just text."


"Why the fuck would you treat me like hell if you felt bad then?"

"I didn't know how to cope with seeing you again. You were a bitch to me when we dated, yeah, so I wanted to give you a little payback."

"A little? Because of you-" My voice had risen and I inhaled sharply.

"Because of me, what?"

"Never mind."

He raised an eyebrow but didn't press the subject, "Well, then I'm off. Have a good night, Cas."

"Fuck you," I called after him as he left and I heard him laugh.

"Fuck you," I mumbled shakily and the tears resumed just as fast as they had stopped.

- - -

The longest of all the chapters so far, so I'll leave you here, instead of a double update. What do you think of the story so far?

My idea is for the story to span about two years, their junior and senior years, but I may change something, I don't really know.

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