Chapter Thirty-Six: May 2016 2:34pm

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I was a mixed drink of two parts apprehension and one part dread made by a nervous bartender with inexperienced hands. The next day couldn't come soon enough but at the same time, it was too soon. I looked up at Ares, who stood in front of me, his eyes tilted towards the ground.

It was impossible to fully repay Ares for everything he had done, which included his physics gestures and silent ones. Over the past month, Ares had managed to contact both my father and older brother, who, after some negotiation, agreed to meet us in a small restaurant. If things went well, I'd be going to stay with them permanently, or at least until I was legally of age. Although I could never forgive my dad for leaving me with her, I knew I should let the past be the past and die. He was never one to stand up for himself, but he still managed up enough courage and kindness to want to protect me.

Cowardice could be dealt with, but I couldn't pressure someone to take me into their home and protect me. He promised, though I didn't know how much his promises actually meant, that he would take me in, if the meeting went well. At first, I was slightly unnerved by his proposition, how come he hadn't welcomed his only daughter with open arms? Then, I dwelled more on it and realized he might've thought I was my mother posing as myself, or at the worse, I was a way to lead her to them.

And all of the kindness and the hope in the world couldn't change the fact that his favorite child was never me and if I did anything to seriously jeopardize their safety, I'd be cut out forever, no matter if I was family or not.

Ares had a bright smile on his face as he glanced down at me and broke me out of my thoughts. His hands wrapped around my shoulders and he gently squeezed them.

"Congrats," Ares said happily, but his voice cracked and I heard the underlying sadness.

"I'm going to miss you, a fuck ton actually," I responded.

"But you'll finally be home?" Ares said, but his statement was more of a question.

I paused. I should've been ecstatic to see my family again, should've been elated at the chance of safety with them, but I was truly only nervous. I was happy, here, right with him.

"They say home is where the heart is," I said, while tears welled up in my eyes,"and I know, right here, I'm home with you."

Ares's lips curled upwards as he embraced me, my head tucked into the crook of his neck. I couldn't tell if I was the one that shook more or him.

"You cheesy motherfucker," Ares whispered to me, through the tears and the shakiness in his voice.

And I knew, I was right where I really belonged.

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