Chapter Thirty: April 2016 9:20pm

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On my way home, I stumbled into multiple objects and people, the fear harsh and cold. The tears blinded my vision but I pushed on, the route in my mind clear. I was terrified of what might've happened to Ares, if she managed to find him before she looked for me. My grip was iron-tight on the tip jar, the kindness of Marilia something unexpected but something I would remember for the rest of my life. I didn't bother to apologize to the people I bumped into, already on the verge of hysteria. I hoped that she would be already gone, but there was a chance she had lingered around the shop.

My pace was quick but sloppy, as I shook wildly and cried. Through the blurs, I made out the shape of a familiar house and walked faster. My body and mind were at its limits and when I reached the sidewalk in front of the house, I further broke down. My sobs were loud and uncontrolled, but I didn't do anything to stop them. I sniffled and hiccuped as I made my way into the house, the front door always unlocked.

I found him instantly at the counter, a laptop placed in front of him. His hair was a mess and his gaze wasn't on me, but when the door opened, his eyes snapped over to me. They widened suddenly and he glanced at the time on his laptop before he dropped the items that were in his hands and rushed over to me. Ares engulfed me in a hug immediately and the tip jar fell from my weak grasp and clanged onto the floor. Tears rushed out of my eyes rapidly as I grilled his shirt tightly, my face in the crook of his neck.

"I'm sorry," Ares said sincerely, "I lost track of time."

"I, I," I stumbled, "I saw her. She visited me at work."

Ares tensed in my grip before he somehow managed to hold me tighter and closer to his body then before. His breath was warm and steady and I tried to match my own to his. He sighed deeply and when he exhaled, my body shifted slightly.

"I'm sorry," Ares said hoarsely into my hair, "I'm so, so sorry."

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