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You narrowed your (e/c) eyes at the emotionless boy.

"I can't wait till you find out the truth." You hissed at him causing a few classmates to look at you. Your face went red and you turned back around in your seat fuming. Light of course was also pissed but he didn't seem to really show it. Ignoring everything the teacher was saying you picked at your fingernails waiting for class to be over.

'God school sucked'

The bell rang and it was time for the next period. Light helped you pack all your supplies and books into your bag and you both headed to the next class. Whipping your tired eyes you spotted a white blob in the crowd of high schoolers. 'Of course'

After an extremely frustrating day of school you plopped down on the grass outside of the building. Light did the same. You huffed staring at the monstrous building. "That Near kid makes me hate school even more." You said crossing your arms. Your boyfriend sighed beside you. "Only about a day until they stop suspecting us... It will be over soon. They will see we actually aren't Kira and we will be released." He said quietly. That gave you hope.

'What if they still say we are guilty even after tomorrow? Will we have to stay locked away forever with Ryuzaki? Or put to death?' These thoughts made your stomach drop. You clutched your stomach as it started to hurt a little. All this anxiety was getting to you.

"You ok (f/n)?" Light questionably asked turning towards you. You nodded. "Yeah just bad thoughts." You honestly answered. He seemed to understand what you meant and relaxed a bit. He laid back onto the grass with his arms behind his head and his chest towards the sky.

"Lie down." He simply said. The pain slowly was fading from your stomach. You moved towards him and laid your head on his chest smiling at his familiar scent.

"I love you (f/n)."

"I love you too."

The world stopped around you. The birds stopped chirping, the school kids stopped talking, the bush stopped humming.

'He loves me and I love him. Can we be together forever?' This thought scared you in a weird way.

"Light can we please stay Together forever? Get married, have children, grow old together?" You asked your voice shaking a little. It seemed extremely quiet. You swear you could sense he smiled.

"Id want nothing more." His cinnamon eyes reflected the clouds in the sky. His soft hair shone a light brown in the sunlight. You tried to hold back the tears threatening to escape. You surprising did until light cut it.

"You don't have to hold back your tears. Like I've said before it's natural for people to cry." He again smiled a little. Silently a tear made it's way down your cheek dropping off your chin and landing softly onto his white button up shirt causing a small stain to appear. "Tomorrow everything will become clear to them."

Walking back was like it always was. Boring. Having Light always at your side made you comforted.

Lights (POV)

'What did we do to deserve this? Why us? Even if I did find the death note first would I actually use it to kill people? No that's crazy I would never. (F/n) wouldn't either. I still don't understand how they started suspecting us anyways.' I closed my eyes thinking still along side my beautiful (f/n). God she was gorgeous. I wanted so badly to hug her and kiss her and comfort her. I feel as though I haven't been there for her. I need to try harder. I'm becoming a pathetic excuse of a boyfriend to her. 'She deserves more love... But how do I give her more love? I can't exactly.....'

"Hey Light what are you thinking about? You have been silent almost the whole walk here." (F/n) cut me from my deep thoughts snapping her fingers in my face. "I-I" for the first time in Forever I didn't have an excuse. "Whatever." I grunted and punched in the security code. "Your kind of red Light." She giggled causing me to loose it. "I am not!" I half yelled stomping into the building.

"I hope you both enjoyed your last day of being free." Were the first words I heard as the door opened to HQ. I felt my eyes twitch in irritation. 'He's so cocky' I could also feel a little anger radiating off (f/n).

"I hope you enjoyed your last day of being wrong." I hissed back at the detective watching him smirk while stacking macaroons. Furiously I made my way to the bedroom bringing (f/n) along. I really wanted to break something. Obviously that would be foolish.

L's (POV)

'Such an angry person he is today. Perhaps he's irritated I know he truth and can't do a single thing about it. He wouldn't kill himself. That's the last thing I feel he would do. His father is in a pretty bad shape. (F/n) seems extremely anxious also. We made one giant circle of suspects only for it to come back to you two. It is extremely obvious with all the evidence we have. If only you two had both been a little more clever you could of actually won.' I sipped my coffee scrolling through the information on the meeting place. An abandoned wear house... Near had suggested this as the location and had already bought the property. I wanted tomorrow to come quick. The sooner I know the sooner the case will be closed and Light and (f/n) will get their consequences.

Your (POV)

You didn't know what to do. When light was stressed he would sometimes rant and you honestly didn't enjoy hearing it because it would all be about Ryuzaki. "Light..." You whispered coming a little closer to him. "What?" His annoyed tone frightened you a little. "I just...." You began to speak before he turned suddenly and grabbed your wrists looking at you in your wide (e/c) eyes. "I-I-" he began seeming totally lost at words again but the scariness faded from him a little although you could still feel his fists around a your wrists. "Why are you doing this? Are you nervous about Tomorrow? There isn't anything to be worried about. I was worried at first to but no-" he cut you off. "No" he bluntly spoke. You raised your eyebrows.

"Can I have you tonight?" His words melted like honey in your ears. You stopped working for a second.


You tried to act like you didn't know what he meant but you did know. Truth is you were scared at the thought. You had never actually you know... And the thought of him seeing your bare body made you shiver a little. It seemed like ages had passed and you still said nothing. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I love you so much (f/n). I won't ever lay a hand on you if you don't want me to." His grip loosened.

'If we will eventually have kids then wouldn't we end up doing it anyways? I can't have a child without....' Your confused mind swirled. You twisted his chair back around to face you and gently smiled.

"I love you too Light and I will allow you to do whatever you want right now.. But please be g-gentle." You said your voice shaking. He smiled warmly back at you. "Of course. Whatever your Comfortable with." His brown eyes stared at your pink cheeks and made their way down your body to your toes. He reached out his hand and cupped your cheek in it pulling you forwards in a kiss. Still kissing you he stood slowly from his chair and walked you towards the bed laying you down on the cold sheets.

You trembled nervously awaiting what he would do next.

Huehuehue so I don't know if I should continue the sexy scene or if I should just jump to after it's over. We will see what happens in the next chapter :)! Thanks for reading this far!!

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