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Yeah... So I feel like writing more Haylow in this story than anything else... Why can't I stop.

Mark and Witney were sitting at the lunch table acting way to lovey dovey, and Derek was just sitting across from them looking disgusted.

"Really I'm trying to eat." Derek whines.

"I'm sorry, he's just so damn sexy." Witney says pecking Mark on the lips.

"Yeah... I love my pretty Witty." Mark says nuzzling her neck.

"Ewww...." Willow sits down.

"Where's Hayes?" Mark asks.

"I don't know, why are you asking so many questions?" Willow panics. This is how it's been for about 2 weeks now. After the first incident, everything had gone back to normal in a couple of days, but then she moaned while they were kissing and things had just gone awkward.

"Ummm.... I'm sorry?" Mark looks at her.

"What happened? Did that little punk hurt you?" Derek asks.

"Or is it about your little incident?" Witney asks.

"What incident?" Derek and Mark look confused.

"Nothing, there was no incident... Witney is highly delusional... Nothing happened." Willow says.

Hayes walks over and sits next to Willow, "Hi."

"Hi, oh look at the time it's time to eat." Willow stood up and stood in the lunch line.

"I'm confused, I saw you two on Thursday and everything was fine, what happened between Thursday and today." Mark asks.

"Nothing, tell Willow I'll text her later." Hayes leaves.

Nastia walks over upset.

"What's wrong?"

"Ms. Stine gave me a C-. A C -. Like who does she think she is. Ugly bitch." Nastia shouts.

"Wow... You seem really angry, babe." Derek takes a chance.

"Yeah, I am angry. Don't call me babe either." Nastia states.

"Well how'd you get a C -, that test was easy." Mark states.

"I couldn't study, my dad made me train extra hours."

"Why?" Derek asks.

"He thinks I'm getting distracted by boys, because he read text messages between Jenna and I, about Channing Tatum and he thought that was a guy who went to our school."

"Well, I can understand... I'm quite the distraction." Derek's hand goes to Nastia's waist and he starts rubbing her hip.

"Yeah I forgot my history textbook." Nastia gets up.

"Yeah, I forgot my sneakers." Derek gets up after her.

They both walk into the hallway, and Derek presses her against the lockers.

"You know, it's hard pretending like I don't like it when you call me babe. It's kind of a huge turn on. And it's your fault I got a C -, your kisses are addicting." Nastia and Derek begin kissing again. Derek. He cups her ass and picks her up.

"To my car?" Derek asks.

"Yeah. Come on." Nastia jumps down.

They walk to Derek's car and climb in the backseat, they didn't have sex (both were just missing a shirt) , they were making out until they heard two voices.

"I miss you, and your kisses." A male voice says.

"Yeah, but we've had a lot of awkward moments. So I bought you to Derek's car to talk. Maybe kiss a couple times." Derek immediately recognizes the voice as his little sister. They quickly fall to the floor of the car and roll as far underneath the seats as possible.

"Or we could just kiss." They hear the doors open.

"I don't like this awkwardness between us, I mean it's not good." Willow states.

"Yeah, I mean we're teenagers... It's much expected."

"Yeah... It was a shock to meet your friend so early. It was like odd."

"Yeah, but oddly enough I liked the moaning."

"Witney told me it meant you were doing something right, I was enjoying it. Which I was. I don't know..., but I do know we have to set boundaries. Like where hands can and can't go, where those soft lips can and can't go."

"Okay, well can my hands go on your waist? On your neck, caressing the sides?" Hayes asks, causing Willow to giggle.

"Yes, and yes..." There is silence and Derek can assume that they're kissing.

"So what do we do next time you moan or my friend pops up?"

"I guess we take it for what it is, a compliment... I mean, I guess." Willow states. There is more silence.

What draws the final straw is when Derek sees where Hayes' hands go... To Willow's butt, and she giggles in amusement.


Willow jumps in surprise.

Yeah, so Houghkin... Woah.

Derek saw Hayes getting a little fresh with the hands.

So it's going down... Maybe.


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