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So I'm finally ready for the truth to come out for Willow...
Scrapping therapy

Beware this is a very serious topic.
East View High

Willow was sitting at her lunch table when Bradley came up to her.

"Hey." He sits down next to her.

"Oh hi. What's up?"

"Well... You haven't answered my phone calls. I was worried."

"I spent the weekend with the Ballas family. My parents took Derek to go do something..." Willow states.

"Oh... I get it."

"Yeah..." Willow fake smiles. In all honesty she was done with Bradley. It was over between them.

"So... Are you free today?" Bradley questions.

"No, Hayes and I are hanging out today." Willow gets up and throws her food away.

"Okay, well when aren't you going to be hanging out with him?" Bradley questions. Willow begins to walk faster.

"Bradley, I'm busy. Leave me the hell alone." Willow seethes, the hallway was empty,

"What would happen if Hayes found out? Little miss Willow, the purest of them all had been cheating on her boyfriend." Bradley smiles sickly.

"He won't find out, because I'm done. We are done." Willow tries to walk away, but Bradley yanks her back by her hair.

"We aren't done until I say we are." Bradley says in a low voice. Willow was scared she had never seen this side of him.

"Let go of me. I don't like this. I just want to be with Hayes." Willow tries to squirm out of his grasp, but he tightens his hold on her hair.

"Listen, we are not done." Bradley glares at her, "I love you."

"I don't care." Willow tells him. He pushes her up against the locker and traps her.

"No, you care. We love each other. Remember." Bradley looks at Willow.

"Stop! Der-!" Willow starts to scream for help, Bradley smacks her.

"Shut up, we are in love, remember." Bradley keeps saying.

"I love you." Willow forces out. Bradley let go of her and looks at her face.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. You know that." Bradley tries to touch Willow and she flinches.

"I have to go." Willow runs away. She runs until she finds a safe haven.

What the hell just happened? She was sure she could end things with Bradley, but he just got violent with her. It's like a switch went off.

Willow slides down the wall and cries.

When she looks at the time she realized that she had missed 2 periods. So much for going home. Now she was stuck in this school.

Willow walks into the bathroom. What's the point of her going to her class anyway? She decided to look at herself in the mirror. She is shocked to see a bruise forming at the bottom of her eye and on her cheek.

Willow was standing looking at her face, she was so into her face, that she didn't even hear the door open.

"What the hell happened to your face?" Witney questions.

"I hit a locker." That technically wasn't a lie.

"Try again." Witney looks at Willow.

Willow begins to tell her about Bradley and the whole situation, well the short version and what had happened in the hallway.

"He hit you?" Witney looks concerned at the girl.

"It was like he wasn't Bradley, he was someone else. That's not the Bradley I know." Willow explains.

"He hit you. I don't want to hear it. Let's go."

"No. I don't want Hayes to find out."

"Willow, I will get Derek." Witney threatens.

"No! I knew I shouldn't have told you." Willow storms out of the bathroom and starts to walk to her class.

"Willow? I've been looking for you. I missed you." Willow turns around to see Bradley.

"Bradley, I need you to leave me alone. You are not you right now."

"No, I love you. Come here. Look at you. Did I do that?" Bradley questions.

"Don't touch me."

Something in the way Willow was speaking to him flips the switch.

"Who the hell are you talking to?" Bradley states.

Willow backs up.

"I'm sorry."

Bradley grabs her and pushes her up against the locker. She doesn't even recognize the look on his face.

"I am so sick of your bull." Bradley begins shaking her.

"Bradley stop." Willow states.

He continues to shake her. As he was shaking her, her head hit the locker and she passed out. Bradley let go of Willow and ran away. Witney came rushing down the hallway with Derek.

"Oh my gosh, Willow. I'm gonna kill that little bastard." Derek says. As Witney was trying to get Willow to wake up it wasn't happening.

"Derek, she isn't waking up."

"I'm gonna fucking kill him. When I get my hands on that bitch I am going to fucking kill him." Derek vows.

"Okay, I'm going to get the nurse." Witney hops up and runs to be nurse.

"I promise, he won't hurt you anymore. Just wake up baby sister. Please wake up." Derek holds Willow in his arms.
What the hell did I just do??? What just happened??? I don't know.

This is horrible, but we have not seen the last of Bradley.

Okay, so I love BSP so much, but I needed a bad guy. So I used him. Dramatization was used.

So next night and I SAID MIGHT be a Bralan chapter, maybe Karcherryian will have a reunion and I will make this a Haylan book as well. I don't know.

Did you guys like it?? I didn't like it.


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