Lets just Keep Things the Same

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The bed underneath me was hard, and the pillow was hurting my neck. As my eyes opened I adjusted to the light. By the looks of things it was sunset, about 6 o'clock. I turned my head and cringed at the pain in my neck. I reached over and hit the call button on the bedside. Not long after a nurse walked in and I looked up. "Mr Casey you're awake," she smiled reading over the clipboard. "Yeah, any chance I could have some pain killers for my neck?" She walked over to the cupboard and unlocked it before pulling out a needle. "This should numb you right down, it might make you a little drowsy." "Once you're done, can you go see if anyone is out in the waiting room, I need to see Kelly." "No worries, take it easy and if you need anything else just page again."


A nurse walked out from down the corridor. "Anyone here for Matthew Casey?" Nearly all of the waiting room stood. "He's awake and asking for Kelly?" I looked over at Dawson and saw her face fall. "Thanks," I said looking back at the nurse. "He's in room 314." I nodded and walked down the corridor into the room where Casey was.


"Hey man," I smiled slightly as he walked in. "Matthew Casey I swear to god you do what you did again and I'll kill you," he chuckled. "How you feeling?" "Pretty good, not too much pain," I replied. "Hey listen man, I don't mean to being interrogating you when you've first woken up but what's going on with you and Dawson? When the nurse called my name and not hers she looked shattered," he said to me. I sighed, "I love Gabby, but I can't put her at risk. Right now things need to stay the way they are so she's safe." "Well you need to clear that up with her. Everyone knows you two have never stopped loving each other, don't loose her. Because she was damn scared she was going to loose you." I nodded, "can you get her for me?" "I'm on it," he smiled.

A few minutes later Gabby walked in, her eyes slightly puffy. "Hi," I whispered reaching out my hand. "God damn it Matt don't scare my like that." She said walking over and taking my hand. I gently reached up and wiped the fresh tear on her face. "I'm sorry," I smiled. "Matt I have to talk to you about something," she said sitting down on the chair beside me. "Me first," I whispered taking her hand. "Gabby I love you, I've always loved you. And when this gets sorted out I want to be with you again. Right now I want nothing more than for you to come home with me, for us to start fresh because I know that's what's we both want after this. But I can't. Not yet. Not until the police work out what's gone on and that everyone involved is dead or in prison. They're still in the hunt for me and I won't put you in danger because of that." She looked down at me with fresh new tears in her eyes. "Matt I don't know what to say." "Don't say anything, just trust me when I tell you I love you. Let's just keep things the way they are for now." "Okay."

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