We Made Him

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It took me a while to register my name being called and to slowly open my eyes. Gabby was still sleepily laying on me, but the baby was crying from the room across the hall. "Matt can you get him?" She whispered tiredly, "I fed him a half hour ago." I nodded and kissed her head before standing up and walking across the hall into our sons room. He had managed to wiggle his way up from the middle of the cot, out from under the blankets and further to the top, he was probably cold. I gently picked him up and placed him upright over my shoulder but he wouldn't settle. I laid a blanket down on the change table and then laid him down to wrap him up again. Once I rocked him back and forward a few times he calmed down and slowly fell back to sleep in my arms. "Alright, that's better buddy," I whispered carrying him back into our bedroom. I sat under the covers as he slept in my arms. Gabby leaned up against the side of my body and we both admired our beautiful baby in my arms. "We made him," Gabby smiled and she gently ran her fingers over her forehead. "I know, it's crazy." "To think this was the result of one night is so amazing," she smiled. "God what were we thinking being apart. We were such idiots," I said turning my head towards her. "I don't know how I survived without you in my arms every night." "I know," she said, "I'm not sure how I survived without you either."

I looked back down to Lucas, his delicate facial features. He had Gabbys nose and eyes, and his thin lips were also hers. But his hair was blonde and eyes were blue. He was a perfect mix of the two of us. Gabby breathed out heavily and closed her eyes. "Go to sleep Gabs." "Mm I love you so much Matt. I love every second I'm with you. And now we've got our beautiful boy." "I love you too Gab, I love you too."

a/n: a short one, but this is the end. I've decided to do a sequel titled Unexpected, andddd it's just your luck the the prequel is up NOW!! Haha go check it out xx

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