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I got home after spending the night out with Severide. It was late and I knew Gabby would already be in bed. I made myself a cup of coffee and drank it before climbing the stairs up to the bedroom. Gabby was on my side of the bed, her baby bump rested on the other half of the bed. I crawled in and wrapped my arms around her as best I could. I felt guilty about the argument we had had earlier, and now I probably wouldn't get the chance you speak to her until after I finished shift tomorrow. "What are you doing?" Gabby mumbled stretching and then rolling over. "Go back to sleep," I whispered putting my arm around her so it was on her bump. "Don't," she whined and wiggled out from my arm. "What?" "Don't be annoying." "Gabby I'm just hugging you." "Matt just go away."

I sighed and grabbed my pillow, "Un-freaking believeable Gabby." "What?!" She asked sitting up. "I'm sick of you carrying on, 'why are you going out tonight? Why can't you be here? Why are you leaving? I wanted you to cook dinner. You're being annoying.' I'm sick of it." "Well sorry I'm tired and carrying your baby." "I get that but I'm sick of you carrying on. I'm not here all the time. You have to do things for yourself." "Im sick of you always going out. Always finding excuses about why you're not home!" "This is exactly what I'm talking about! Your tone of voice, the way you are whining!" I ran my hand through my hair. "Matt I'm 30 weeks pregnant!" "Then shut up and go to sleep. Stop yelling at me because I simply wanted to lay in bed with you!" "You are such an asshole! Such an asshole!" "All you do is whinge Gabby. I'm sick of it." She rolled over and laid down with her back to me. I walked out into the corridor and into the guest room. So much for feeling guilty about our argument earlier. I have put up with 30 weeks of Gabby being hormonal and tired and sick and always in a crappy mood. It was all really starting to get to me now.


The moment I woke up and realised I was in the guest room I felt regret about what had happened last night. I shouldnt have jumped at Gabby like that. If there's one thing I've learnt it's that you don't question or argue with her. It got up and grabbed my shift clothes from the laundry room before making myself breakfast and a coffee. I made Gabby breakfast and left it in the microwave. Once I was ready to go I climbed the stairs and went into our bedroom. Gabby laid peacefully on the bed hugging onto a pillow stained by her mascara. She must have been crying last night. I sat down on the edge of the bed and kissed her gently, she stirred. "There's breakfast in the microwave waiting, I love you." She smiled without opening her eyes, "Love you too, be safe." "I will. I'll see you tomorrow." I kissed her one last time before getting up and leaving for the firehouse.

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