Chapter 3 : Crush

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Since the last two chapters are mostly about Yuna~Let's change our point of view to the Mr. Ex-boyfriend~XD

Akashi felt restless ever since that day, the final match of the Winter Cup with Seirin. Sitting in the classroom alone with a shogi board in front of him. Yes, he is playing shogi by himself again. He stopped moving the chess pieces, wondering what is that feeling. It's like, someone is staring at him in the whole match. As if he is playing naked and exposed his all to that person. Could it be her? No way, she has moved away two years ago. What if she's back?

"...ei-chan~ Sei-chan~" Akashi thoughts were interrupted by a voice, he faced the person beside him and saw a worried looking Mibuchi Reo.

"Are you ok Sei-chan?"

"Yeah, I'm just lost in my thoughts." He looks back at the shogi board, sitting with one leg on the chair while his arm resting on his knee and holding a chess piece.

"You know what Sei-chan? At the last match in the Winter Cup, I noticed someone."

"Hmm?" He raised his eyebrows obviously interested with the topic his vice captain said.

"I noticed a girl staring at you, a girl with long silky black hair wearing a white dress and-"

"Don't be silly Reo, the whole audience in the stadium are staring at us, there's nothing special about it." Akashi stopped him, feeling a little disappointed when the trait 'long hair' doesn't match the person he is hoping for.

"But Sei-chan! That girl never screamed of cheered whenever one of us scored! You could see how her gaze is either at you or Kuroko, it's like she just came to watch the two of you instead of the match..."

The captain puts down the chess piece he is holding and looks at the taller male, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Well she left as soon as the game ends."

Akashi search his phone immediately and called someone, he is sure that the girl is the one he missed the most, the one he hurt, his ex girlfriend, Shirokawa Yuna. Since the Winter Cup ended a few days ago, she could possibly left Japan if she is just staying temporary....

Click! The person at the other end picks up the call.

"Shintarou. Long time no see."


Yuna came out from the grocery store with her hands holding the ingredients needed for the next few meals. Strolling around the area while going back to her house. Somehow she didn't noticed that the basketball court she's passing by is used by some of her best friends in middle school.

Aomine is stretching himself after that one-on-one with Kagami, he saw a familiar figure passing by but the trees had blocked away his vision.


"Eh Yuna-chan? Where is she where is she????" Momoi went to the tanned male field of vision but saw nothing but the back of a long haired girl.

"Thats not Yuna-chan! That girl has long hair!" She smacks her childhood friend's back and pouts while crossing her arms under her gigantic breast.

"But she looked so similiar!!!"

"Aomine-kun that's probably just your imagination, I never knew that you liked Shirokawa-san till today." Kuroko said with a straight face.


"SHUT UP TETSU!!! As if you're the one to talk..." Aomine mumbled the last part.

"EH?!?!?!?TETSU-KUN LIKES YUNA-CHAN TOO?!?!?!?!?" Momoi almost fainted at the fact that her crush likes someone else.

"Well admit I used to like her until she started dating Akashi-kun." Hearing that the pink haired girl suddenly cheered up again.

"Oi who is this Yuna all of you are talking about?" Kagami is getting annoyed that he had no idea what they're saying.

"None of your business." Aomine scratches his head and goes to the bench


And so the aces of Touou and Seirin starts to argue while Momoi trying to stop the both of them and Kuroko is drinking his vanilla milkshake at the corner watching the show.

~Approximately 10 minutes later~

"So.... This Shirokawa Yuna used to be The Empress of the Generation of Miracles, Akashi Seijuro's ex-girlfriend, and moved away from Japan two years ago?" Kagami conclude after listening to their story. And the three of them nodded.

"If she had short hair two years ago, why can't she have long hair two years later?" He asked.




Yuna tries to get her keys with her hands full of groceries, but the door opened before she could reach her keys revealing a green haired male.

"Tarou-nii?!?!?! What are you doing at my house?!?!? More importantly HOW did you get inside?!?!?"

"Your mom requested me to look after you, and you always keep a spare key under the doormat just in case you forgot since little, according to what your mom told me." He pushes his glasses while replying.

'Look after? More like monitoring me... Wise choice oka-san....'

"Geez.... By the way.... HOW DARE YOU TELL RYOUTA THAT I CAME BACK!!!!!! WHY DID YOU EVEN ACCEPT HIS BRIBERY!!!!!!" Yuna smacked her brother on the head with one of the bag filled with groceries.

"It's not like he would do anything weird to you-" He rubbed his head where it was hit by the bag.





Kise maintained his smile while looking at the girl in front of him, hoping to get a positive reply from her.

Yuna stares at Kise and asked "How many times have you confessed to me before I dated Akashi-kun?"

He started counting his fingers and answered "17?"

"And what's my answer?"


She finishes her hot chocolate drink and said "Sorry but I have to repeat that routine again..."

She points her middle finger, gets up from her seat, putting one of her legs on the chair "The answer is HELL NO!!!" And then picked up her belongings then leaves the café.


~End of flashback~

"So that's how it ends." Yuna lies on the couch while Midorima is cooking for her as an apology for the betrayal.

"I guess he will be back to normal after a day just like usual."




"Akashi called me just now-"

*Ding Dong*

"Coming~~~~~" Yuna went to answer the door and was stunned by the visitor in front of her. "W-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HEREEEEEEE!!!!!"


Here's the next chapter!!! Still no comments and opinions from you guys? *disappointed look*

Well who do you think the visitor is? XD 

What is the Empress thingy all about?(=3=)<I don't even know if I plan to write about this >.<

Does this consider as a cliffhanger? LOL~~~~


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