Chapter 9 : Friend

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The last update before I start my hiatus, I wanna post it few days ago but I had writer blocks T^T


It's just another day in the weekend where the raven haired girl could sleep all she wanted, until she gets woken up by the churning feeling in her stomach. It seems like she feels even more moody than her usual mornings. She went out of her room and walked downstairs, spotting a tanned teen still sleeping on the couch.

Yes, Aomine Daiki survived. Even though he still had some bruises on the face caused by the shooting guard of Shutoku. After the commotion it was late so Mrs Shirokawa insisted him to stay the night.

"Morning honey~" Yuna turns her head around and saw her mother on the dining table filled with breakfast while drinking her favorite white coffee.

"Morning... And mom, please fix your coffee addiction... It's not good for your health..." She said in her morning grumpy voice, while dragging her legs to the dining table, she pulls out a chair and sits beside her mother.

"Oh you know how I can't live without this 'drug'~" She grins while replying cheerfully.

"Mom, you drink at least a cup of it daily, sometimes even two to three cups.... Don't drink so much just because it fixes your headache TEMPORARY." She said in an annoyed tone and specifically emphasized the last word.

The elder woman just giggles and ignores her daughter's lecture. "By the way there's a business party tonight, and you're coming with me."

The sandwich that almost reached Yuna's mouth stopped in mid-air when she heard that. She faces her mother while still holding up the food. "Why? I though I don't need to go any of these gatherings."

"Your dad is not here so you're gonna accompany me, I won't accept no as an answer young lady." Yuna sweatdropped at her mother's order.

"But I don't even have a dress..." She mumbled and finally get the sandwich into her mouth to fill up her stomach.

"Hmm... That would be a problem...." Mrs Shirokawa heard Yuna's mumble and worried that her daughter doesn't have a proper attier for tonight.

The mother and the daughter just continue their breakfast and some simple conversations between, mostly consists of the mother teasing the daughter about the incident yesterday where the still sleeping male is involved too. And of course the mother is amused looking at her blushing child.

"Yuna-chan~~~~~ I'm here to pick up Dai-chan~ Oh good morning Mrs Shirokawa." A pink haired girl barged into the house and bow immediately when she spotted the elder women at the dining table.

"What's so noisy in the morning...." The tanned teen finally woke up and groaned while complaining.

Since Momoi came to pick up Aomine, the middle aged woman took this opportunity to ask the young girl. "Satsuki-chan, could you bring Yuna to buy a dress? We need to go out tonight and she doesn't have a appropriate dress."

"Mom, she might be busy-"

"No problem!! It's been awhile since I went shopping anyway~ C'mon let's go right now!" And the pink haired girl drags Yuna by the wrist and tries to pull her childhood friend up. "Dai-chan!! Wake up!! You're coming with us too!!"

"Why do I have to...." He complained as he clears his field of vision, somehow the first thing he saw clearly is Yuna that's in front of him and he looked away immediately blushing. "Erm... Yuna I think you might need to change your pants before going out..."

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