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Hi there Erein here~ Sorry to disappoint you but THIS IS NOT AN UPDATE.

Well there's a few things I wanna announce:

1)Updates will be A LOT SLOWER(or none at all) starting now.

My one week holiday has ended so I will not be as free at last week that I'm able to update almost everyday, it's impossible for me now. There might still be updates until November but I do have school works and trial exams, and I don't like to post short chapters.(The current chapter I'm writing has about 200 words only that's why I'm not posting yet)

2)Don't expect ANY updated during November.

Why? Because I have STPM from the start till the end of November... yeah... THE WHOLE FREAKING MONTH T^T!!!!! STPM is something equilvalent to A-level but only in Malaysia. For the sake of my future, I can't let anything distract me so sorry guys >.< Don't worry I will definitely update a bunch when December starts!!!(unless procrastination strikes =3=)

3)So by the time I'm gone, why not do something else?

Since I didn't really decide who will be paired up with Yuna, why not comment your desired pairings?

Do you guys want a Q&A or something? If yes then comment your question~ If there's a lot I might make a chapter dedicated to it, if less then I might just answer one by one at the author's note at the end of each chapter.(If there's anyone that actually ask T^T)

Do you guys want some special chapters? Like bloopers or something? Comment your suggestion?

By the way~ [Goodbye,Trust] REACHED 200 READS OUMAIFREAKINGGAWD!!!! Thanks for the support guys~

Love y'all~


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