Chapter 21.5 : Memories[Teiko Days]

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Another "Filler" chapter that I have started writing a few years ago (Kuroko's and Akashi's part) and never finished until now.

As the chapter title suggested, it's just the memories of their days while still in Teiko (split among each members of the GOM). I first wrote this because I wanted to post something while not letting you guys wait for too long for the next chapter (I was in a great writer's block that time). But I still didn't post this years later *kneels* GOMENASAI!!!


A new rumour has been spreading around Teiko Middle School...

In the deep side of the library, where the sunshine from the windows can't be reached, and the lights are malfunctioned, causing it to flicker, but the school didn't bother to fix it since there's rarely anybody actually dare to go that deep into the library. Somebody said that, because of the lack of living being going there, a spirit actually made that area its own home...

"It's actually real!!!! Let me tell you... That day I went there to find some research material for our group project..." A girl said to her group of friends while walking in the corridor of the classroom. Everyone around expand their ears trying to listen to the girl's story.

"After looking at the shelf for a while, a soft voice suddenly came out of nowhere asking me... 'What book are you looking for?' And I look around my surroundings... Nobody was there other than me..." The girl trembles and she said that, and a few other girls around her shriek in fear.

Yuna who was passing by the group snickered and shakes her head, there's no such things as ghost and spirits, at least that's what she believes, and makes her way to the library.

Entering the library, she stares at the area where the rumour takes place, she sighs, and walks to the said area. "They should really fix the lights here..." she complained as she steps into the shadier region.

"We wanted to, but nobody is taking action..."

Yuna remained her neutral expression even when she clearly heard the voice. She reaches one of the shelves, searching for the book she wanted. "Hey, where's [Just put whatever book name you want lol]?" she asked after failing to find it.

"Hmm... It's probably on the second row if I recall, maybe somebody borrowed it before you if it's not there..."

"Second row... Oh there it is!!! Thanks Tsuya-chan!!!" She grabs the book out of the shelf and leaves after expressing her gratitude to the 'spirit' of the rumour.

"You're welcome Yuna-chan." Kuroko replied and continues to read in his 'corner'.


In Teiko, everybody knows that Akashi always get the top spot in exams, and Midorima is just right behind him getting the second place. The student in their year has given up in getting the top 2 spots long time ago, no matter how hard they try, the highest they could get is the third spot.

However, that situation has changed in one of the mid-terms exams in their second year...

1st- Akashi Seijurou [500/500]
2nd- Shirokawa Yuna [498/500]
3rd- Midorima Shintarou [495/500]

In the basketball practice on that day, Midorima entered the gym wearing a t-shirt with "I am a tsundere" printed on it, which caused the other generation of miracles laughing their ass off. Even Akashi had a hard time hiding his snickers.

"Pfft... Is that... Your lucky item of the day? Pfft..." Aomine tried to suppress his laughter but failed and continued rolling on the floor.

An irk mark appeared on Midorima's head. "My lucky item is THIS, a pastry brush..." He said grumpily while showing the baking accessory in his hand, which doesn't make it less funny to his teammates.

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