Chapter 22 : Heart

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Pushing out as much content as possible before I lost motivation T^T


She didn't have great memories of the hospital, every time she sits on the chair with her mom in front of the doctor, they always talked about something she didn't understand. She didn't like it because she would notice the sad expression on her mother's face as the 2 grownups exchange their words.

Once they left the room, she always pulled her mother's asking what's wrong what's making her sad. And her mom would just put up a smile and ruffled her hair "It's nothing sweetie~ Mommy's okay~"

It wasn't nothing, she realised that as she slowly grew up, learning big words one by one from school, forming bits and pieces from what she learned, she understood that there's a ticking bomb inside her chest. She's a clever child since birth, and a nice kid that every relatives and neighbours like. She knows how to read the atmosphere around her. Whenever the adults look at her with eyes filled with sympathy, she just acted like she didn't know what it meant and gave them a smile, just to make them not worry.

Keeping up a mask like that is tiring, very tiring. The only thing that kept her going is the occasional bickering with a certain green head while also being pampered by him like how a big brother and a little sister would interact. When he told her that he joined the basketball team, she was slightly annoyed by it, that a club activity has snatched her childhood friend away from her.

She decides to check out this club, by sticking beside him after classes end. As she stepped into the court, everybody turned their heads and look at the two of them. After all it's not common for a female, other than the pink haired manager, to show up over here.

A red haired male walked towards the duo, he talked with the green haired male and then nodded, signifying the approval of the presence of her in the court as a non-member. Then she just sat at one of the benches and the pink haired manager joined her, she noticed that the manager seems to be very happy that another girl has joined making her not the only girl in the club anymore, even though technically she's not a member.

The club has started their practice match, the whole court is filled with sounds of the ball bouncing from the dribbling, and the sneakers squeaking on the smooth surface of the floor. Among the players there are some that shined throughout the match such as her green haired brother that never seem to miss those high difficulty shots, a tanned skin male that moves like a panther chasing a prey, or the purple haired giant that seems to block opponent's attack effortlessly.

But her focus was directed to that bright red patch among the different colours in the court, the person that seems to be the captain, that talked to them just awhile ago. He did not shine as brightly as the others, but she could tell, that he plays a really crucial role in the team. He's like a strategist, no... a commander, no... an emperor, that lead his knights and soldiers to the battlefield, for honour and victory.


Yuna woke up from her dream not by her alarm clock, she forgot to replace a new one after she broke the last one, but by her friend that's temporary staying together with her. "Wake up Yuna~~~ Your knight in shining armor Akashi-kun is here to pick you up~~~"

She groaned and hide her face under the pillow, denying to accept the reality that she has to leave her fluffy bed, or maybe the true reason, going to the hospital. But nonetheless she still got up and sat on her bed with her bedhair. While still being half-asleep, Emi dragged her off the bed and pushed her into the bathroom to get ready and closed the door.

It took quite awhile for a sleepy Yuna to get herself ready, when she got out from her room, she smelt the fragrance of freshly made breakfast that filled up the house. The raven haired girl walked downstairs and saw the red head that's the culprit that invade her house with the smell of food. "I didn't expect you to know how to cook, Akashi-kun. Not gonna lie I did assume you're the kind of rich kid that let your home chefs to cook for you." As she said that she walked to the dining table and took a seat and saw the pancakes that are nicely decorated with blueberries and maple syrup.

Akashi chuckles as he heard that, he flips the egg only with the pan to cook the other side then slide it onto a plate with the other cooked eggs. He grabs the plate of eggs and walk towards the dining table with a smile. "I used to be that kind of rich kid that you said, until a girl kept bugging me to start cooking for her while I was in middle school." He placed down the plate onto the table while locking his eyes onto Yuna's.

Yuna didn't even bat an eye and just start munching the pancakes in front of her. "Hmm... Not bad, just the right sweetness and fluffiness." After eating the pancakes, she proceeds to stab the next food victim which is the egg, as the fork pierce through the egg, the yellow creamy yolk burst through the thin membrane and it flows down slowly like lava. Before wasting any of those drops of liquid gold, Yuna stuffed the whole egg into her mouth, not caring about maintaining her image as a female.

"There aren't really any ingredients for a traditional Japanese breakfast, so I just made whatever I could find in your house, hope you wouldn't mind that." Akashi smiled when he sees that the girl seems to enjoy the meal he prepared. Before Yuna could reply him, Emi has already snatched it before her. "Oh not at all, this is way better than eating white bread with jam, or plain cereals!"

Akashi treated his food with care and respect by cutting it into small bites before putting it into his mouth to chew, after swallowing the bite of food, he continued "The girl once told me that to conquer a person's heart, you will have to conquer their stomach first." And Emi just nodded, agreeing with the statement that he said.

Yuna just stay silent as he said that, she could tell that 'The girl' he mentioned in the story is supposed to be her. She could tell that he is trying to tell her stories of the past to trigger her memories that she has 'forgotten'. She sighs and continue her meal to get this done as soon as possible.


Yuna sat on the chair facing the doctor that she is familiar with since little. Her companion that followed her to the hospital, Akashi, is staying at the hospital lobby area to give her some privacy. The doctor read through the report in his hands, Yuna can feel herself sweating as she waits for the doctor to start explaining her current situation of her health.

"Shirokawa-san, I'll go straight to the point. There's a good news, and a bad news, which do you want to know first?" The doctor started with a cliché question, and Yuna chose the bad one first, expecting the worst to come.

"Because of that incident you had, part of your heart muscles has been damaged and is getting weaker. I'm sure you realised it by now." Yuna nodded, she knows that if she didn't get to the hospital in time, she would have died right there. "I noticed that I've started panting after only walking for a short distance."

"Which is why we would need to do a heart transplant surgery as soon as possible. Luckily, we have found a donor that is finally compatible with your blood type." Yuna's eyes lighted up when she heard the good news. "I have notified your mother about this, she said that the choice is yours."

Yuna lowers her head while being in deep thoughts, considering the risk and benefits of the choice. But because of the kidnapping incident, rejecting or postponing will only bring more risk and inconvenience. She raises up her head and faced the doctor, confirming her decision.

When she left the doctor's office, she looks around the surroundings, making sure that the red head is not around. She pulled out her phone and made a call, after a few beeps, the other end picked up. "Oka-san? I have decided to accept the surgery..." The older woman at the other end seems to be delighted at her decision.

"But... could you keep it a secret from everyone else?"


AAAAAAAAH I WANNA END THIS STORY AS FAST AS POSSIBLE~~~~ It just seems like the KnB community is slowly dying. I noticed that the views of my latest chapters for this and my other book (a one-shot collection), the other seems to increase faster, maybe it's just my imagination. *shrug*

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