Chapter 18 : Red

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Yeah yeah yeah, I know I went missing for half a year even though I said I wanna update weekly in the last chapter.... I'm a liar okay? T^T

Here's a 1k words chapter as an apology. (I'm writing this during my finals... RIP my grades....)


Kohana wandered around the living room restlessly, her mother looks at her and shook her head, continues to sip her cup of coffee while sitting on the couch. "Calm down Hana, I tried my best to contact them and convey the message."

"But what if they didn't receive it? What if they treat it as nothing important and ignore it!?!?" She panicked at the possibility that their effort for trying to prevent any misfortune will be wasted.

"I'm not sure about the Akashi family but I'm pretty sure that the Shirokawa...... already knew about it beforehand."

"What? Shiro-chan's parents?"

"You can hide nothing from them, they might look like some average business from the outside, but you wouldn't want to know what they actually do...... Nothing illegal though, they got their ways to walk through the blind spots...... Their daughter is a clever girl too, I think she could predict that something might happen to herself."

Let us pause our story for a while and have a Q&A session with our tied-up princess Shirokawa Yuna!!!!

So Yuna, since Mrs. Chiharu said that you could predict that you MAY get kidnapped, how did you get yourself into this situation?

Yuna: Erm... I never thought that they would catch me off guard while my mind is full of...... NOTHING!!! NOTHING AT ALL!!! I'M JUST STUPID OKAY?!?!

Well that's a great explaination!!! Now back to the story!!!(Yuna: HEY CAN'T YOU TRY TO GET ME OUTTA HERE?!?!?!)

"But that doesn't prevent anything at all!!!"

Her mother sighs, giving up on trying to calm her daughter down, while the daughter continues to walk in circles, rubbing her thumbs together to ease the panic feeling. "That's it!!! I'm going to find him!!!" Kohana left the living room and stomp her way to the door.


In an office with dim light, the door released a knocking sound. The man in the office gave a short reply giving permission for the secretary to enter the room. "You have a visitor, Sir."

The man lifts his head from looking at his documents, a slightly annoyed expression showing on his face. "Who?" "Your daughter, Sir."

He was surprised for a split moment, and then it turned into a smirk. "Oh my, that's unexpected. Let her in."

A moment later, Chiharu Kohana entered the office, clearly looking unamused, both of her hand gripping her handbag tightly. Only start to speak as soon as the door behind her closes. "Where's Yuna right now?"

"Now now honey, there's no need to rush, come sit down and let's have a nice chat." Her father replied while smiling, although the eye still gives a suspicious vibe.

She looks at her father cautiously, walks slowly to the chair and sits down, with her handbag on her lap. "I won't repeat this again, where is Yuna right now? I want to meet her."

"And then? Try to set her free? As if I will let you do that my darling~ She is a very important piece for my plan to succeed right now." His grin grew bigger, but it only makes Kohana chilled to her bones.

She remained silent, her eyes start to get watery, lowering her head "Can't you... just... let me meet her once?" sniffing a few times between that sentence.

He looks at his daughter with sympathy, soft-hearten by her tears, he presses a button on his desk, signalling the secretary to come in. Within a few seconds, the secretary opened the door "Bring her to that empty warehouse in the forest behind Yokuhana High..." "Understood, sir."

Kohana slowly stood up from her seat, turned her back, leaving with the secretary. Until the man noticed a black spot hidden in her collar. "Wait." Her whole body stiffen as he said that, he went towards his daughter to inspect the almost invisible gadget. "A tracker huh? Did the witch called you to do this? Well too bad you won't be meeting your friend now." He stares at his daughter as he destroys the gadget by pinching it.

Her gaze turned icy cold when she was exposed, but a smirk still appears as she turns her head. "It's okay, there's still plan B."

The man's mind when puzzled for a second, then he noticed Kohana's handbag that she is gripping so tightly. He snatches it and turn it upside down, pouring all contents out. And his face went pale when he saw the smartphone that dropped out which shows an ongoing call. 'AKASHI SEIJUROU' is the contact that the screen shows.


Kohana opens her door ready to barge into her father's company, but in front of her stood a person who is just about to press the doorbell. "A-Akashi-kun?"

Akashi who looked slightly surprised as much as Kohana, but kept his cool. "Chiharu-san, sorry to interrupt your time, but I might need your assistance to- "

"I know I know, and I need your help too." Kohana understood his motive and interrupted his sentence. She looked at his back and noticed a car that seem to belong to the Akashi's. "Let's talk in the car, shall we?"



"Just in case, he doesn't spill out the location, wear this tracker, and we will follow you to wherever he brings you to." Akashi handed Kohana the small attachable device. She took it carefully and place it behind her collar.

"I will try my best."

*End of flashback*


Yuna, the princess that's still trapped in the warehouse, hoping that someone would save her soon, it's not that she is scared, just bored as hell. The girl could imagine that a certain red-haired captain is searching for her all over the place right now. Great, out of all the people that can save her yet she thought about him again.

She heard a ringtone that came from the outside, one of the person guarding the warehouse picked up the call. "Yes sir... Yes... What?... The whole thing? Even the hostage?... Are you sure sir?... Yes..." and the call ended.

A chilled feeling went up to her spine, judging by the call, she is probably gonna be in trouble, serious trouble. She pictured that nobody would succeed in finding her, leaving her slowly dying here due to starvation and cold, even though the current environment is kind of the opposite. Wait, the opposite?

She feels that the room is getting slightly warmer which is unusual in this season, and the sound of a vehicle driving away indicating that guards has left. While all her limbs are being tied, she tried to move to the window to check the situation by struggling her way to the wall. She slowly balances herself to get up with both her legs and take a peek at the window, both eyes widen at the colour that's growing, surrounding the whole warehouse.



Next chapter coming up tomorrow, I promise.... o_o

I have prepared 90% of it, if i didn't, it's either I forgot, my internet died, or I died.

Please comment, vote, and share this work if you think it's nice *winks*


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