Chapter 25 : Letter

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Since I did not get any comments or response from the announcement in the previous chapter regarding the "Same Universe But Different OC and Pairing" Sequel. I will just assume that nobody wants that.


At the front door of the Shirakawa household, Akashi took the envelope from Emi with trembling hands, he has never felt anxious like this for a long time. He slowly opens the envelope, revealing a letter inside.

Dear Akashi-kun, or should I say, Jurou-chan...

His eyes widened as he read the very first line, where his nickname is written, the only nickname that he had just for her and only from her.

If you're reading this letter, I'm pretty sure I have successfully hide about the fact I have regained my memories, or should I say, I have never lost them to begin with.

The gaze in his eyes just soften with a slight hint of sadness, he as the heir of the Akashi Corporation is required to be fully equipped into the business industry, to be able to read the minds of their business partners or rivals just by body language, yet he failed to read Yuna, The Perfect Mask. The mask that she developed over the years since little.

Is she that good at acting? Or is he being soft on her too much that he didn't realised the act? It could be the former, or the latter, or both. He didn't realised that during their middle school days when they dated, she didn't need to wear a mask like that, she can just be herself in front of him, but not anymore after that incident.

To be honest, I thought I would actually die in that fire, with your movement restricted, trapped in a burning building, who wouldn't? In that state of panic, I couldn't help but think of you, hoping you would save me in time.

I did... The red head thought himself, recalling the moment he barged into that burning warehouse, found that the girl he loved was on the floor curling up in pain, agony, and fear... He felt that his world, and his heart crashed down when he saw the life in her eyes slowly fade away. For once, the mighty Akashi Seijurou who had feared nothing since the death of his mother, is forced to experience this particular emotion again. Adrenaline rush caused by this fear filled his whole body and he carried the unconscious girl in his arms to escape the building.

I was surprised I was still alive when I woke up in the hospital, Momoi was the one who first noticed me waking up. And then a bunch of noises filled up the ward, mostly noises from Kise though. I remember scanning through the room looking for you, and was slightly disappointed when I couldn't find you, but slightly relieved at the same time. Because I didn't know how should I face you.

When you barge into the room, with Tarou-nii following behind you, it felt like the whole world went into slow motion mode. A ton of thoughts went into my head, and I don't know how should I deal with them. Although I admit that I still have feelings for you, but I'm scared to get hurt by it the second time. So I decided to escape, I faked that I had amnesia.

He crumpled part of the letter that he was holding, his hands trembled, being mad at himself. Just how much he had hurt the raven-haired girl, for her to reject her own heart and sealed away her feelings of love. It was never a single big thing that end up hurting her to this point, but the accumulation of small little things, small little disappointments , that accumulate into a breaking point, and the water in a jar flows out like waterfall, leaving nothing left.

I know that you wouldn't give up that easily, but I wouldn't give in that easily too. But no matter how stubborn I wanted to be, my health condition couldn't keep up anymore. I have no choice but to do a heart transplant surgery, I can't drag it any longer, it's starting to weaken the other parts of my body day by day.

At that point, he went back to his car, instructing the driver to go to the hospital where Yuna had her check-ups. He felt a little sting in his eyes as he read the remaining of the letter, but he kept the tears in.

I'm happy that I was able spent a little time with you before I went for the surgery, it made me feel how it was to be loved by someone again. Every surgery has its risk, and this surgery has been pushed back for too long. If I survived this surgery, I guess I will give you a chance to start over, to regain my trust in you again, Akashi Seijurou, this is my promise to you.

In the hospital, Akashi ran through multiple hallway and stopped at the one where he saw a familiar figure standing in front of the surgery room. He approaches the woman and greeted her. "Good afternoon Mrs. Shirokawa." The women only took a glance at him and gave him a small nod while smiling, then revert back to a neutral look while staring at the door.

The red head looked at the benches against the wall, where Chiharu Kohana fell asleep. The swollen eyebags hinted that she was crying before she fell asleep. Which indicates that just like him, she didn't know about the surgery until today.

He sat down onto one of the vacant seats, waiting for time to pass, hoping that the moment where the door opens, he would heard good news from the doctors.




In the surgery room, multiple tubes were pierced through the frail body of Yuna, connected to devices that's keeping her alive. Her chest was sliced open to reveal the chamber that's where the heart is supposed to be situated. The doctors and nurses are doing their best to make sure nothing goes wrong in the surgery.

Constant beeping sound from the medical devices, and the short and straightforward commands from the doctor are the only sound in the room. And the atmosphere turned heavy the instance where the beeping sound became faster with extra warning sounds.

"Doctor!!! The blood pressure is dropping!!!"


Oh yeah this book might finally end within one or two chapters. *I hope*

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