Chapter 24 : Envelope (Important news at the end!)

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Attempting to finish this whole shitty story within 5 chapters.... Keyword: Attempting T^T


To prevent getting more unnecessary attention at the park, the 3 of them went to a café nearby to have some drinks. Kohana feeling that she's the odd one out tried to leave the 2 alone but before she could, Yuna grabbed her wrist tightly to prevent her from escaping.

'Don't you dare to leave.' is what the Yokuhana basketball manager felt when she read the message being delivered through her friend's intense glare itself. She has no choice but to sat down onto the chair beside Yuna.

The atmosphere gradually got awkward as they eat their food in silence, well more like its just Kohana that's feeling awkward while biting into the blackforest cake she ordered, and Yuna just ate her blueberry cheesecake in silence without batting an eye to the gentleman sitting in front of him. And the gentleman Mr. Akashi? Just staring at Yuna eating with a gentle smile while placing his head onto one of his arms which act as a support.

Yuna felt goosebumps when she realised how the emperor is staring at herself. Her hand that's holding a fork froze in the middle of the air as if she was petrified when looking into the eyes of Akashi who is the Medusa. "Erm... Akashi-kun? What are you even trying to do?"

The emperor just raised one of his eyebrows and stated "Courting you, of course."

Both Yuna and Kohana almost spilled their drinks out of their mouth when Akashi replied, not expecting such a blunt response from him. While the red head just chuckled lightly as he looked at the 2 girls half choking on their drink, mainly at Yuna though.

"Akashi-kun, I know we used to date but... I don't have any memories of you and moreover, I don't have feelings for you." After getting her breath back, Yuna responded seriously in order to cut off any hopes for the emperor.

"We can just make brand new memories together, and I will make you fall for me all over again." Akashi's lips curled slightly into a smile as he sips his tea.

Hearing that cheesy response from the Rakuzan captain, Yuna just lower her head to finish her cake as soon as possible. What she didn't realised is the pink tint on her cheeks, that did not go unnoticed by Akashi who hid his smirk behind his cup of tea.

Meanwhile Kohana just felt awkward for being the 3rd wheel over here...... So she just ate her cake silently while crying crocodile tears, she just wanna get outta here......


As the sun goes down, Kohana separated from the trio and went back home by herself, despite Yuna insisting to follow her on the way, but got rejected. Leaving Akashi to stay to walk her back to her own house. There's no way that she's gonna stay being the odd one out when she has the chance to get away, so she did.

The sky slowly turned from yellow to bright orange then dark black with sprinkles from the stars, with the moon acting as the light source with the help of the streetlights at the side of the road. Yuna who is still holding the flower given by Akashi in her hand and place her arms behind her back, she looked up to the starry sky, occasionally peeking towards the red head that's walking beside her.

None of them said a word until they reached the front door of the Shirokawa household. Like a gentleman he is, all he did was said a short 'Good Night' and 'Good Bye' which the raven haired girl replied the same. He stood there until Yuna got into the house and closed the door shut, he slowly walked away while grabbing his phone, asking for his driver to pick him up. Just because he's a male doesn't mean it's safe to walk alone in the dark anyway.

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