Chapter 13 : Partner

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Hooray!!! Another update within 24 hours!!!! And it probably won't happen for the next few chapters~~~//slapped


"S-sensei!!!! Are you kidding me?!?!?!?" Yuna had to use all her willpower to stop herself from choking the teacher.

"Of course not Shirokawa-san, I had discussed with a few teachers and all of them said that you're the best candidate to represent our school." The teacher said without sparing a glance from her documents.

"B-but I don't know anything about the game!!!!" She lied, of course.

"I'm sure you're a fast learner my dear, besides the game is all about strategy, and you definitely have the brain of a strategist. Be sure to make our school proud Shirokawa-san." Then the teacher gives a pat on Yuna's shoulder and leaves her seat for her next class, leaving the girl standing there alone with a piece of paper on her hand.

She slowly raises up the piece of paper with trembling hands to her sight. "Why does it have to be this competition...... This is the worst......" She throws her arms and head down and let out a long sigh.


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~~~~~" Chiharu Kohana rolls on the bed while laughing when Yuna told her about the contest the school forced her to participate.

"I swear I will punch your stomach if you don't stop laughing...." Yuna glares at the laughing girl while holding a fist in front of her face.

"Yuna-chan~ You used to play it before right? Even if you stopped for a long time I don't think it's a big problem at all~ Look at these trophies you earned~" Momoi said while looking at the shelf filled with trophies and certificates she won which consists of different chess related games, and most of them are Xiang Qi(Chinese chess).

"The problem is not the game itself! It's the opponent I'm gonna face!!!!!" Yuna slammed her head onto the desk with the participation form of the said game.

National High School Shogi Competition (Is that even the correct way to say it?)

"Huh? Opponent?" Both girls looked at Yuna with question marks popping out of their heads.

"A...ka..shi....Sei...ju...rou...." She murmured as soft as possible with her face still on the desk but the 2 girls heard it clearly.

The 2 managers looked at each other then to Yuna and back to each other again, blinking their eyes a few times. "Oh....."

"DON'T 'Oh...' ME!!!!!! I CALLED BOTH OF YOU HERE TO HELP ME THINK OF A SOLUTION!!!! URGH...." After the rampage she slammed her head back to the desk again.

"You could just ask help from Midorin you know?" What Momoi said made Yuna raised her head up almost immediately.

"What? Tarou-nii? Why?"

"Did you forgot the fact that Midorin used to be Akashi-kun's Shogi partner?" The pink haired girl shook her head in disappointment.

"Oh yeah...LOCK THE DOORS FOR ME WHEN BOTH OF YOU LEAVE THANK YOU~" The black haired girl picked up a few necessary belongings and rushed out of her house, leaving the two not so familiar with each other managers together.


"Eto.... So.... What are we gonna do right now?" Kohana asked the pink haired girl awkwardly.

"I don't really know.... What do you wanna do Chiharu-san?" Being in the same awkward situation, she tried to ask politely.



They became best friends immediately.



Midorima opens his door with a very irritated expression. "After the news I got from school, and now for you to come here without any notice, no wonder today Cancer is at the last rank...."

"Let me remind you that I'm Cancer too. Which means I'm not in a better situation than you." Yuna replied with a deadpanned look.

The megane pushes his glasses with his taped fingers. "Just come in..."

"Sorry for the intrusion..."

~~~~Time skip to Midorima's living room~~~~

The 'siblings' duo sat quietly in the living room. The brother looks annoyed as hell with everything that happened to him today, while the sister looks depressed as if it's the end of the world.

"So what's the problem with you?"

"The school forced me to join a competition. A Shogi competition...."

Midorima raised an eyebrow and looked at the girl beside him. "So what's wrong with that?"

She felt frustrated that her 'brother' didn't understand the problem. "It's a Shogi competition!!!!!SHOGI!!!!!A-KA-SHI SEI-JU-ROU!!!!!" She said while slamming her hand on the table continuously.

"Achoo!!" A certain red haired captain sneezed for the second time in a day.

"Sei-chan are you alright? Do you need to take rest or something?" Mibuchi felt worried when he saw his captain sneezing a lot (even though it's just two times).

"Yeah I'm alright. Probably because of the weather." Akashi rubs his nose a little and continues his work.

Midorima sighed. He takes down his glasses and massages his temples."So? Can't you just reject it?"

She shot a glare at the male. "Tarou-nii did you really think I didn't tried to reject it?"

"Then what did you expect me to do?" Totally tired of his 'sister's complaints, he asked in a monotonous voice.

"I don't know? Tsuki-chan said I should find you for help...." She pouted.

"What I would advise you to do is, just go to the competition and face him. I'm gonna drink some water and take some rest." Midorima gets up from his seat leaving Yuna alone in the living room.

"Aaarrrgghh why does this have to happen to me!!!!!!!" The empress has gone insane and messing up her hair non-stop.

"Remember to lock the doors when you leave." 


No furniture is abused in this chapter, they are just Kise's acting since he is willing to let Yuna to smack him~JKJK XD

Btw~ Since I got tagged by 2 person to do some facts about myself and answer some question, do you think I should do a separate book for it? Along with some updates about my life or something. Or just do it in this book o_o

And I think I might need a new cover for this book...-_-

Please comment, vote, and share this work if you think it's nice *winks*


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