Chapter 20 : Amnesia

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This is just some filler chapter that I wanna put it up so that it won't take another few months for the next chapter to be born... I just wanna finish this book as soon as possible but it haven't reach that part yet T^T


Everybody was dumbfounded by the question from the girl that has just woke up from her deep slumber. They either stare at Yuna's puzzled face, or at Akashi's shocked face.

"What do you mean who is he? He's Akashi-kun? Don't you remember him?" Momoi is the first one that broke the silence, but Yuna shakes her head. Not able to recall any memories of the Rakuzan captain, yet she is able to name everyone in the room including Kohana who is the only that she befriended recently.

Accepting the fact that Yuna had amnesia, Akashi tried to squeeze a little smile to hide the pain that came from the left side of his chest. "It's alright. I'm Akashi Seijurou, the one that found you in the burning warehouse."

Yuna mouthed an 'Oh' and nodded her head. "Nice to meet you Akashi-kun, and thanks for saving me." She bowed.

Most of them haven't recovered from the shock that the former empress has no memories of the emperor. Mrs. Shirokawa clapped her hands two times to gain everybody's attention. "Hai hai minna, I'm pretty sure my lovely daughter need some proper rest first, let's call it a day okay?" All of them said goodbye one by one and left, Akashi is the last to leave and gave Yuna one last glance before closing the door.

The sadness in his eyes stucked in her mind, and she gave a long sigh after staring at the door for who knows how long.

"Do you really not remember Akashi-kun?"

"GYAAAAAAHHH!!!! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT TSUYA-CHAN!!!!" Thanks to his low presence, Yuna didn't realised that Kuroko is still in the room until he said something. While still catching her breath, Kuroko continues to stare at her, waiting for the answer of his question.

Yuna blinked her eyes, and then squint her eyes "What are you staring at? I have said that I don't remember him at all."

"Well if you said so." Kuroko shifted his gaze and leave the room, while sipping his vanilla milkshake where god knows when did he get it.


"Who knew that the first place to have a reunion with you when I reach Japan is the hospital?"

"It's not like I can control myself from being kidnapped, Emi."

For observation purpose, Yuna stayed at the hospital for another week. Surprisingly, her close friend during her days in Malaysia, Emilia Law had came to Japan after getting an exchange student offer.

"So which school you're in right now?"

"Shutoku, that school you said that your pseudo brother is in." Emi replied in a flat tone while peeling an apple for her friend.

"Oh!! Oh!! Oh!!! Did you meet Tarou-nii then?" The empress asked excitedly with shining eyes, eagerly waiting for her friend's first impression on her 'brother'.

"Nope, but I did meet an asshole with glasses..." She replied with a grumpy voice, seems like her first day in Shutoku wasn't that enjoyable. She finished peeling the apple and passed it to her friend, while the latter received it and said a short thank you before biting into the fruit.

Before Yuna could ask about what actually happened, the door opened and revealed the emperor who always came to visit at this kind of time.

"Being punctual as usual, Akashi-kun. Good evening, by the way." Yuna look at the clock on the wall as she said that. She is surprised at Akashi's consistency on visiting her despite her amnesia.

Noticing that another visitor has came, Emi stood up from her seat and prepared to leave. "Well I guess I will be leaving first, since I haven't really finished unpacking yet." Before she left, she took a glance at the emperor, giving a small nod with a smile as a greeting to the red-haired male.

After she left, Akashi sat down onto the chair that is now unoccupied, crossing his leg like a gentleman and starts a conversation as natural as possible. "So that foreigner is your friend?" He tried not to be too intimidating, after all he do wanna know all about Yuna during the days she left Japan.

Yuna continues munching the apple in her hand, looking up at the ceiling while reminiscing about her days since she left Teiko. "Yeah, she's my closest friend while I'm in Malaysia. I expect it would be hard to make friends since I did join the class halfway. Well she's a peculiar one, she doesn't really have any close friends in class yet she became close to me." She giggles as she recalls the incident.

"I see..." Akashi replied and starts reading the book that he brought. Yuna took a glance at the book he's reading, ugh... business thingy again... and continues eating the remaining of the apple.

After finishing the apple, she throws the remaining part of the apple to the dustbin which is against the wall. Akashi did glance a little as she did that, he smirks a little when it went in perfectly. Yuna noticed his stare and looked at him.

"Why did you come here every time and do nothing but reading your book? Wouldn't it be better if you read it at somewhere more comfortable? Like a library or somewhere else?" She asked the emperor but he put his focus back to the book.

"It is comfortable here." He replied while flipping to the next page.

"I mean... What's the point of visiting me when you just sit there and read?"

"It's because you're here."

"That's not the reason to come- "

Akashi closed his book after putting a bookmark on the page he read, and look straight into Yuna's eyes. "It is, I wouldn't mind if you want me to have some simple conversation while I'm here. I just wanna spend more time with you, even if you don't have any memories of me."

The empress is the first one to move away from the gaze. "And sitting there doing nothing but reading will help me regain my memories?"

"It's better than making you annoyed by being bothersome to you like a certain blonde."


Another visitor came and it is Midorima who had the look as if the whole world owning him money. "Wow Tarou-nii you looked like someone has broke your lucky item of the day." Yuna said as she looked at the green-haired male.

He massages his temples and replied. "Well a crazy woman did."

"Okay......I didn't expect I would be that spot on..."


For your information, right now my main focus is on my other book (The SoraMafu one-shot collection). Feel free to check it out if you want. I will still try to write for this book but... less motivated I guess?

Please comment, vote, and share this work if you think it's nice *winks*


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