Chapter 21: Home

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Yes I'm still alive.... I started writing this chapter more than 1 year ago and never finished or touched it even since I got busy with something else. A lot of time has passed and I kinda forgot what was I even going for to the point I have to re-read the past few chapters just to refresh my memory of the plot.

Since years has passed since I first wrote this story, my mindset has changed so the plot might end up different from what I initially planned. I will try to write once in a while, one small section at a time, since this is not my priority that I can focus on.

If there are actually old readers that are still reading this despite me "abandoning" it for quite awhile, I'm sorry if I made you wait this long for updates and I will try my best to finish up this story that I started.


It's been a week since Yuna woke up from her coma and the doctors finally agreed to discharge her from the hospital. She felt relieved when she stepped out of the pale white building, looking at the clear blue sky with some birds flying across it.

"It's about time you get discharged, sleeping beauty." Kohana who was waiting in front of the entrance walked towards Yuna. "Being absent for more than a month, you have a lot of work to catch up?"

"You think I wouldn't be able to catch up?" Yuna stared at her friend with a deadpanned look.

"Yes, literature and history." The other girl smirk as if she got Yuna's weakness.

Yuna groaned at the thought of her 2 least favourite subjects. She gives Kohana the cute puppy eyes she rarely uses. "You're gonna help me right? Hana-chan?" Blinking her eyes a few more times, hoping to get more sympathy.

"I got the tips and notes for you, as for the rest you will have to help yourself." Kohana replied as she hands a stack of papers with printed notes to the girl who just literally got out of the hospital not long ago.

The empress stares at the stack of papers, a gentle smile appears on her face as she slowly lifts her head and looks at the girl standing in front of her. "Thank you Hana-chan, not just for these notes, but for everything..."

"What do you mean?" Chiharu Kohana got confused for a moment, but she realised what her friend meant after a few seconds. "Oh... You... really didn't hate me because of that? After all I'm related to..." She looks at the floor to hide the tears that threaten to fall down.

But she was surrounded by warmth, a hug from the girl in front of her. "It doesn't matter, you did great. Without you I would probably still be trapped or possibly dead by now." Yuna responded and pats the head of the girl in front of her.

"But you almost died in the fire-"

"Ain't I still alive? Right in front of you? Hmm?" Yuna grabs gently onto Kohana's shoulders, making the latter look up with her teary eyes. Both of them stared at each other in silence for a while before bursting into a small laugh. "Yeah you're right Shiro-chan. Thanks."


"Hey Yuna~ Welcome back from the hospital~~" As soon as Yuna entered her own house, she got greeted by her Malaysian friend Emilia Law, who is now currently living in her house during her exchange student period.

"Tadaima..." She replied as she let herself fall onto the couch where Emi is sitting, leaving the redhead gentlemen carrying her belongings into the living room. "I don't want to go to the hospital ever again..." she mumbled in the cushion of the couch.

Akashi chuckles as he heard what Yuna said. "You still have to visit the hospital once a month for a check-up, after all you're still not fully recovered yet." Which made Yuna groaned into the cushion as he said that.

"But I'm fine now..." she muttered while pouting her cheeks like a chipmunk. She got up from her laying position and sat down properly while hugging the cushion like a body pillow. "I can walk fine now despite being in a coma a month, well... only a short distance but that's still something! My injuries are all healed up too, nothing wrong with my body-"

"Who said there's nothing wrong?" Mrs Shirokawa said sternly when she got from from the kitchen, which is pretty unusual, especially towards her daughter and in front of guests too. "You should know it yourself the current condition of your body especially your hear-"

"Fine fine I get it." The daughter that's getting nagged by the mom interrupts the sentence before revealing the condition about her heart that has been with her since birth. She has never told this to her friend and the red-haired captain that she has no memory of, although she is unaware that Akashi already knew about it.

"Don't worry Mrs. Shirokawa, I will make sure that she attends every appointment." Akashi said after he finished placing down the stuffs that he was carrying for Yuna. "After all I will be staying in this area for quite a while" The mother is very happy to hear that as she can leave her daughter under the care of Akashi without any worries as she needs to leave for business trips.

Yuna turns her head immediately as soon as she heard that. "But what about your school?" She said it while squinting her eyes. "Are you gonna skip school just like that? Mr. Student Council President and Basketball Team Captain?" Akashi smiled at her and didn't respond to any of her question, and she understood it as cursed in her mind.


The next following weeks, the Rakuzan students are coming by the area a group at a time for "Training Camp", the basketball team... student council committee... shogi association... Yes, for the sake of his love, Akashi is abusing his power as a leader of multiple clubs.

"Huh? Where did president Akashi went to again?" One of the students in one of the training camps said as he looks for the red head for instructions.


At this point I don't really know what do I wanna say anymore, I just hope that I will finish this one day. AND from what I remember about my "Plan" for the story, this isn't even close to the end yet. Welp.

Please comment, vote, and share this work if you think it's nice *winks*


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