Extra Chapter: The 3 Wishes

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The purpose of this chapter is to fill up the plot hole of the "3 wishes" when Akashi "forced" Yuna to get to the finals of the shogi competition.

And yes I totally forgot about this existed until I read a comment about it.....


Akashi waited in his car that is parked in front of the airport. He flipped through the documents and check the time occasionally. After the clock hits a certain time, he closes the file and put it aside, tidying up his looks and leaves the car.

Entering the entrance of the airport, he makes his way to the arrival gate. He checked the huge screen showing the list of airlines, finding a certain flight to check its status. He smiled as he saw the status appeared "ARRIVED" in green.

The red head tuck his hands into the pocket of his slacks as he waits, one of them touching a small box hidden in inside that served a very important role today, and he thought of a way that will prevent her from rejecting it. He chuckled as he remembers how this thing started.


*It's Teiko days by the way XD*

Even though Akashi and Yuna had started dating, making everyone around them jealous of their relationship, their competitive nature against each other still remains. On one side, Yuna simply loves accomplishing difficult challenge. On the other side, Akashi finds his girlfriend's hobby amusing, and decided to join in the fun.

Out of nowhere, Yuna decides to challenge the Emperor officially, to decide who is the stronger one. Knowing that the outcome will never change no matter how hard the girl tried, Akashi smiled as he tilted his head with his arm crossed. "I don't mind the challenge, but what's the bet in this?"

Yuna thought hard about it while tapping her feet and twirling strands of her hair. In the end (it doesn't even matter~~ *slapped*) she gave up and sighed. "I couldn't think of anything creative or interesting, how about just a simple 3 wishes and you can never reject as long as it wasn't something impossible?"

The basketball captain raised one of his eyebrow, feeling amused with this reward that he is pretty sure he will get it. "Sure, go ahead"

Since the bet of this challenge is 3 wishes that can never be rejected, the rest of the generation of miracles thought of 3 different challenges for the couple to compete against each other.

The idiots within the generation of miracles, Aomine and Kise being the basketball idiots they are, suggested basketball to be the first one. To make it fair between the couple, instead of a usual 1v1 where Yuna is clearly in a disadvantage as being a girl with lower stamina, the challenge end up being shooting contest where they gradually increase the distance from the hoop until one misses. And Yuna won in the end with the record being just a few inches away from Midorima's record.

"1:0, another win and you will have to be my slave for those 3 wishes." Yuna smugs as she boast her win towards her boyfriend. Akashi just shrugged and moved on to the next match that Midorima prepared.

As if Yuna's pseudo brother did not want to help her to win this, Midorima prepared a shogi match. Yes, just a shogi match. She faced the green haired male and smiled. "Tarou-nii, what is this?" She said as she gritted her teeth to conceal the annoyance that's slowly threatening to burst out.

Midorima ignored the glare from the sister and pushed his glasses with his taped fingers. "It's shogi, can't you tell?" And with that it successfully triggered the blacked haired female. "Are you trying to make me lose?!?!?! It's shogi!!!! Jurou-chan never lose in shogi before!!!!"

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