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'He has changed since that one-on-one with Sushi-chan...

Those heterochromatic eyes are the most obvious change...

The same face, yet totally different expression...

That caring look is long gone...

He is not the same person I dated for 2 years anymore...'

~In the gym~

"Ne Juro-chan... I need to tell you somethi-"

"Can't you see I'm busy?" He cut off what his girlfriend gonna say and didn't even give a glance to her.


"What? If it's one of those meaningless complaints again then leave, I don't have the free time to waste on you."

The black haired girl felt hurt that her boyfriend just called her a nuisance. She stood there silently for a moment and said

"Very well, I'm sorry for being a bother here. I'm leaving, Akashi-kun." And she leave the gym without looking back.

Hearing how the female called the captain by his last name, the other GoM knew that things are getting really serious. The short haired girl who they consider as their best friend or sister always called their captain in his nickname she created just for him and never calls him by his first name unless it's a serious matter.

For her to call him by his last name, it could possibly mean 'Let's break up'.

~After the practice~

The team members decided to drag Akashi to his girlfriend's(possibly ex-girlfriend now) house even though he resisted at first.

"Ne Akashicchi, aren't you a little harsh on Yunacchi just now? She even called you by your last name before she left..." The copycat basketball player asked his captain.

"Shut up Ryouta, that's why I'm going to her house with you guys to apologize."

By the time they reached the home that belongs to Shirokawa Yuna, the only thing that welcomed them is an empty building.

The members stood there staring at the vacant house for awhile without knowing what to say.

"So that's what she meant by leaving..." Aomine murmured while scratching the back of his head.


Oh my god I really started my own fanfiction after reading so much of them from superduperawesomeamazing authors!!!

Please leave a comment or something and tell me my mistakes or how to improve my writing since I'm still a newbie (>//w//<)


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