Chapter 17 : Kidnapped

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Attempting to update at least once a week with my busy schedule which is full of projects, assignment, presentation.... This plan of updating weekly is probably not gonna last long....


Yuna woke up with a slight headache, after clearing her vision she noticed her movement are restricted, both her hands and legs are tied up, locked in a dark room that she's not familiar with. She tried to recall what happened before she fainted.

'Walked back to the waiting room, saw the mess in the room, turn back and saw a man that's holding a cloth that seems to be soak with chloroform, and now I'm here, being kidnapped like a wealthy princess. Great......' A deadpanned expression on her face as she analyse the situation she got into right now.

While waiting for the time to past since she can't do anything at all, and she doubt that shouting would help her in anyway other than getting a sore throat, she just sways on the floor while thinking about the reason she became a kidnapping target. Her family rarely have any enemies that want to bring them down, might be just some gangsters trying to get rich looking girls and get some cash.

"KA-CHANG!!" Yuna's whole body jerks as she heard a loud noise when the metal lock was unlocked, the door released a screech sound while it was pushed open. A man in suit walked into the room with a few men following behind him, he took a chair and sits in front of Yuna. "Such a nice girl, you didn't make any unnecessary noise even though you had woken up. I guess that you're clever enough to realised that anything you try to do here is futile." The man smiled at her but she only gets disgusted by that smile and gave the silent treatment.

Being treated as air by a young girl, the man slapped her in the face and scolded. "Don't you dare to ignore me like that!!! Youngsters like you should at least reply when an adult is talking to you!!!"

She endures the stinging sensation on her cheek and chuckled. "Why do I have to show respect to my kidnapper? Mr. Chiharu- Oh wait, you're not in the family anymore, sorry sir, I couldn't quite remember your original surname-" And that just earned another slap on the other side of the face.

"Quite a sassy girl aren't you? I'm kinda surprised that you know who I am, then do you know why are you tied up like this?" He said while moving his gaze to the ropes that started to leave red marks on her wrist.

"Well I hope it's not from some raping hentai or anything like that." She replied in a monotonous voice as if she's trying to mock him. "As for your 'plans', I'm sorry that my family isn't that powerful and couldn't possibly help you in anyway at all." And Yuna ends her sentence with a yawn.

"Oh don't worry~ I'm not asking for your parent's help, I'm just using you to...."


Meanwhile, the whole GoM went all around the stadium to look for the missing empress. After an hour of looking they gathered at the entrance of the stadium with dejected looks on their face. After a few seconds the emperor broke the silence. "So there's no trace of her anywhere?"

Everybody look at each other and shook their heads. Akashi looked around, noticing a missing sky blue among the group. "Where's Kuroko?"

They looked around their surroundings, prepared to get frightened by the phantom with his low presence. But nothing happened.

"Please don't tell me Tetsu also accidentally got kidnapped too?!?!" Aomine started to panic when his crush and (ex)shadow went missing at the same time.

"KUROKOCCHI PLEASE DON'T DIE!!!! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU!!!!!" The blond model started crying crocodile tears for the missing phantom. (Please just admit that you're gay for Kuroko...)

"I didn't get kidnapped and I'm not gonna die, Aomine-kun, Kise-kun..."

"GYAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" The whole crowd got scared and jumped away from the bluenette. Kuroko didn't even flinch a little at their reaction, after all he got used to this for a long time.

Everybody slowly went back to their original position with a sorry look on their face (except Akashi of course~). Kuroko remained his poker face and handed Akashi a CD and the latter raised his eyebrow with confusion.

"I went to security room, apparently the CCTV shows a suspicious van and their men show up with almost nothing and left with quite a large baggage." And with that explanation from him, Akashi snatched the CD almost immediately. Akashi look at the CD in his hand and tighten his grip.

The emperor clicked his tongue when his phone rang and took out his phone from the pocket, but picks it up without any complain as soon as he saw the name of the incoming caller.

"Young master, you have to get back to the mansion right now." "I'm currently busy at the moment-" "It's your father's order, young master."

If there's anyone's order that the mighty emperor can't disobey, it has to be his father, Akashi Masaomi. "I will be there as soon as possible." He replied and ends the call.


The red head entered the mansion and strolled through the hallways, nodding his head to the maids that greeted him as he passed by. Akashi pushed the door open and entered the living room where his father is located, he was seated on a couch with a laptop in front of him. The elder Akashi looks up from the screen and met the eyes of his son. "Come here, Seijurou."

He walks to his father's side without objection, but what surprised him is the voice that came from the laptop which happens to be in a video call. "Hey there Akashi-kun, I believe the last time we met each other is when you represent your father to attend that party, am I wrong?"

"Mrs. Shirokawa......"


Seriously I need comments of suggestion and constructive criticism from you guys. I just don't know if I'm doing the right thing, writing the right way, and I have no confidence in myself... 

I always get depressed while thinking if my story is even worth reading, and lost motivation a lot of times. While thinking that my writing is worthless, I always get this guilty feeling whenever there's a new vote or somebody add the book into reading list. 

Luckily I have a friend that always cheer me up by saying " At least you have the courage to write and post your work." 

Well I guess that's the end of my...I don't know, rant? complaint? confession?


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