Chapter 16 : Match

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Yay I didn't went missing for another few months this time~~~*slapped*


Whispers can be heard all around the audience area. Kise is biting his nails, Momoi shaking Aomine's arm just to get his focus at the match, Kuroko as usual has his emotionless face but sweating, Murasakibara eating chips with Himuro beside him, and Midorima just shaking his head while complaining. "Those two just wouldn't give up......"

The playing style from both players is nothing they had seen before. Yuna purposely move her pieces and leaving an obvious opening, while Akashi just totally ignore it and not attacking at all.

'This match will just take forever to end with him avoiding to attack like this.' She thinks while looking at the board and frowning unconsciously.

"You will get wrinkles if you keep doing that." The emperor chuckled while moving his piece.

Yuna takes a deep breath and look at the chess board again carefully. "Well then..." She picks up her piece and takes away one of Akashi's pieces, causing an uproar in the audience area. The red head looked slightly surprised at her move.

In between the noises caused by the audience, the black-haired girl looked at her opponent at the other end of the table. "Look, I promised to face you at the finals because of the 3 wishes we promised each other, now that I'm here right now, I plan to end it as soon as possible." She said while observing Akashi making his next move.

"And if you're not gonna do anything, I will be the one that end this game instead." As soon as Akashi finished his move, she took another of his chess piece, earning another wave of cheers in the background.

Akashi smirked at Yuna's action. "Okay, try to end it then." He begins to counter attack. Yuna clicks her tougue and glares furiously at him. 'This is gonna be a long match...'


Kohana stares blankly at her phone, hesitating to call her friend and warn her about her safety. Guessing that Yuna is probably still in the competition, she decided to send a message instead, but to another person.

The beep sound on her phone signalling that the message is sent, she leaves the dark room and head towards another room. She knocks gently on the door and wait patiently for response from the person inside the room. "Come in." After getting approval she opens the door and walks to the woman inside the room, having a hair colour that is identical to her own and wearing a pair of spectacles, typing furiously on the laptop.

"Mother, I have a request." The girl asked timidly and looks on the floor. The woman stops her work and peeks at her daughter, she removes her spectacles and adjust her chair to face her child. "It's quite rare for you to address me that way Hana, is everything alright?"

"D-do you have any connection with some families?" She asked carefully while observing the expression on her mother's face. As she expected her mom's face goes down as soon as that question drops. "Which family?"

Kohana steps back a few steps away in fear of her mother, she can be a very caring mother but strict when it is needed. "The Shirokawa and The Akashi." She drops her head down not daring to meet the eyes of the woman in front of her.

The woman looks at her timid looking daughter, she closes her eyes and pinch between her eyebrows. "What do you even need from them, it's not very polite to be a busybody Hana."

"I-it's about that man." Her mother raise her head immediately with her eye widened. "A-and their child might get dragged into it because of him."

The elder one in the room sighs and reach for her phone beside the laptop. "I'm not even sure if I could get in touch with them, but before I even attempt to contact them, I want to know the whole story."

Kohana's eyes lights up with hope at her mother's reply. "Yes I will!"


"Wow that was a tough battle!!! And the winner goes to Akashi Seijurou!!!!!!" The host of the competition reported and the whole crowd cheered happily at his victory.

Yuna looks at the few remaining chess piece on the board with a deadpanned look. "Really? You could have just end this game right away if you wanted but you just have to extend the game like this......"

The emperor ignores her ranting and smiles softly. "It's the only way that I could spend more time with you." And that earned a suspicious glare from Yuna. "Who are you? Are you really Akashi Seijurou? Or is this the third personality that's cheesy?"

He leans his arm onto the table and hold his chin. "What do you think?" Yuna just groans and leaves her seat, going back to her waiting room. Staring at her back until she could not be seen anymore, he gets up from his seat and went for his interview.

~After the interview~

Most of the audience has left and Akashi can finally relax a little. Until he saw the sight of Momoi running toward him with a lazy Aomine trying to catch up behind her. She pants heavily when she reaches in front of her former captain. "Where...Where is...Yuna-chan...?"

"Yuna? She's probably in the waiting room right now." Akashi gave a confused look at Momoi's question.

"You can't leave her alone!!! She might......" "What do you mean Yuna can't be alone???" Aomine that just caught up to her holds both of her shoulders and questions her.

Momoi takes a deep breath. "Remember the message I just read? It's from Hana-chan, Yuna-chan's friend in her school, she warned me that never leave her alone or she might be in danger... So Akashi-kun...." When she turns her head trying to find the emperor, he's gone...


'Please be safe... Please be safe... Please be safe...'

Akashi prayed in his heart as he runs to Yuna's waiting room. As he opens the door, the room is in a complete mess, and the empress is not found.


I still have tons of work to do and yet I'm here writing this, hope my that my group mates wouldn't kill me T^T


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