Chapter 4 : Lost

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"YUUUNAAAAA-CHAAAAN!!!!!" Momoi hugs Yuna as soon as she opens the door and buried the latter's head into her huge bewbs.

"C-can't......b-breathe....." Yuna tries to slap The girl that's suffocating her but she won't budge at all, and her hand is slowly losing strength.

"Oi Satsuki stop that! Are you trying to kill her????" Aomine drags his childhood friend away and released the trapped girl.

"Yuna what took you so lo- WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO YUNA!!!!!" Midorima with an apron while holding a spatula arrived to the entrance and saw a unconscious Yuna on the floor with soul coming out from her mouth.

~Skip to the living room~

Yuna glares at all of her visitors, all of them trembled with fear as if a lioness is standing in front.

She sighed "Now 4 out of 6 of you(excluding Midorima) knew that I'm back when I'm supposed to be HIDING! And why is this guy even here?" She points at Kagami.

"E-e-eh I'm Kagami-"

"I know you're Kagami Taiga, Seirin's ace, Tsuya-chan's new light after some baka abandoned him-"

"Oi Yuna-"

"SHUT UP AHOMINE!!! And let me continue!!!! *facing Kagami* I know who you are but I don't remember being acquaintance with you."

"Kagami-kun just happened to be with us while Aomine saw you passing by the basketball court we're playing." Kuroko said calmly while drinking the tea the owner of the house served.

The black haired girl smacks her own forehead 'I let my guard down.....'

"Wait, just now you said 4 of us knew... There's 3 of us here... Who is the 1st one Yuna-chan?!?"

"Ask the guy with the apron..." She replied grumpily.

"It's just an accident." Midorima pushed his glasses.


The four visitors sweat drop at the sight of a raging Shirokawa Yuna. They probably figured out the person that bribed the horoscope maniac.


"I got one question..." Kagami raised his hand slowly.

"Spit it out."

"Why is Midorima here? What's your relationship with him? Since you didn't include him in your 'hiding list'"

"Oh Tarou-nii? He is like a brother to me."

"HAAAAA?!?!" The Seirin ace is the only one getting shocked.

~The days when they just start attending Teiko~(Please assume that Midorima has no siblings o_o)

"Ne ne Tarou-chan~Why don't you be my brother?" Yuna hugs her childhood friend since both their parents are close friends during college.

"I refuse." He replied blankly.

"Eh? Why?" The short haired girl pouts and looks at him with her puppy eyes.

"I don't see the reasons to do it." Being attacked by her puppy eyes, he tried to move his gaze away to prevent eye contact.

"There are!!! You see, both of our parents are close friends, we're both the only child in the family, and both of us are cancer!!! Which means you can prepare my lucky item too~ Hehehe~~~"

"So it's for your own benefit?"

"Nope, being my brother means you got the reason to look after me without doing it secretly ~~" She smiles while showing her bright white teeth.

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