Chapter 23 : Flower

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I might have to focus on my other book which I'm working on a sequel of a one-shot which was longer than I have originally planned(to the point if it gets too long I might just post it as a separate book...) Unless I end up being fed up while working on that and start working the next chapter for this book.

So enjoy the chapter for now, who knows when will the next chapter be released, which I still have no idea how should I "connect" it to the end of the plot.


After ending the call, Yuna went to the lobby to look for the Rakuzan Captain but couldn't find him. The phone in her hand starts vibrating signifying an incoming message. She unlocked her phone to check the content of the message.

'I'm sorry to leave you alone but some urgent stuffs came up, I have to leave now. 

Be careful on your way home.


"Weird, he's the one that insist to accompany me to the hospital and now he's gone without a trace" The raven-haired girl just shrugged and put her phone back into her pocket while walking towards the exit of the hospital.

As she stepped out of the hospital, she has officially acquired a new burden on her shoulders, hiding the fact that she's gonna have her surgery within 2 weeks. Now she will have to plan how will she spend her time...

In case that the surgery fails....


"You sure you don't want me to stay?" Emi asked one last time as she step out of the door, carrying a bag that contained changes of clothing for a few days. For plot reason that *cough* Author-san *cough* is too lazy to think about, the transfer student of Shutoku is required to attend this school trip.

Kohana attacked Yuna from her back and gave her a hug while giving a smile to the foreigner "Don't worry~ I'll look after her while you're gone~~"

"If you say so..." Emi replied with eyes full of worries towards the girl who literally just got out from the hospital not long ago. "Give me a call if anything goes wrong, I'll fly back even if I need to!!!" The other girls just giggled as she said that and closed the door.

The two of them end up laying on the couch after that, to be more exact, Yuna is the one laying on the couch occupying 80% of the space, while Kohana just sat properly as she eat her cake one small bite at a time just like how a lady should. As she took the last bite into her mouth, she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket.

Kohana took out her phone to take a glance at the message she just got "Hey Yuna-chan" She broke the comfortable silence in the living room. "Wanna go a walk? Like the park or shopping?" Yuna raises her head from her phone as she heard that. "Sure~The park would be nice."


What she thought was just a walk was definitely not just a walk. She realised that when she saw a certain red head in the middle of the park. She glared at the friend beside her and the latter just gave her an apologetic smile with a shrug.

Yuna knew that running away is not a choice, so she just approaches the person standing in the middle of the park that without a doubt, waiting for her. "What a COINCIDENCE, Akashi-kun." She emphasised on the word to be sarcastic. It is definitely not a coincidence when he literally stood in the most revealing spot of the park and stared at her with a smile as soon as she arrived.

Akashi ignores her sarcastic remarks and gave her a stalk of flower, which caused Yuna to raise one of her eyebrows since she isn't a big fan of flowers. But giving it a closer look, it's not a normal flower, it's a chocolate being surrounded by coloured papers as it's petals.

"Why does girls like getting flowers as gifts that much? Isn't it a waste of money? The flower is gonna wilt in the end anyway..." Yuna said as she lay on the desk with one of the hands holding her head, staring through the window at the boy confessing his love to a kouhai with some flowers.

"If flowers are not your kind of thing, then what do you hope to get instead?" Akashi who was sitting in front of her responded as he flipped a page of the book he is reading. What she didn't realised is that he's planning to buy her a gift anyway, and this saved him the trouble to think about what to choose.

The girl thought about it carefully, being a realistic person she is, Akashi thought about items that she would probably use in real life, such as perfumes or cosmetics products, but her answer surprised him, but still kind suit her realistic personality.

"A flower that's made of chocolate I guess, with papers around to act as the petals, that way you can just eat the chocolate, and the "flower" doesn't wilt at all, isn't it a win-win situation?" At that moment Akashi thought he just witness the most beautiful smile from an angel, and that image is locked into his mind as one of his best memories.

If Yuna didn't remember a anything about him, all he has to do is just start over again, from the beginning. Holding the stalk of "flower" that has a Ferrero Rocher in the middle, one of her favourite chocolates. "A beautiful 'flower' like this should be given to a beautiful person like you." He said it while handing it over to her like a gentleman.

She did not respond but still raise up her hand to receive the chocolate from his hand with a soft "Thank you." She started to feel a little embarrassed when she starts to feel the stares from the passer-by around the park. She thought she could reject it easily but somehow she couldn't and end up receiving it as she feels her heartbeat getting slight faster. I mean, is there any girls that wouldn't like getting a romantic gift like this as a surprise?


Kohana who was being treated as air for that short moment clapped her hands together once as loud as possible to get the attention of the two. "Now now now, we're getting too much attention over here, can we move over to somewhere else instead?"


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